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Raising PH


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  • SRC Member

I have an ionic imbalance in the water parameters of my tank. My KH is around 11. Ph is 7.8. Calcium is over 500 ppm & Magnesium is unmeasurable (way beyond the ideal range). I have stopped dosing calcium, magnesium & buffer to try to bring them down to acceptable levels. As my Ph is low, I try to raise it by adding seachem buffer. Each time, after adding buffer, my Ph would move up by a notch to 7.9 or 8.0. But my KH would shoot up to 14. Having a kalwasser is not an option as I do not have the storage space for such an equipment. Does anyone know of any other way to raise my Ph without raising my KH? Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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  • SRC Member

I have an ionic imbalance in the water parameters of my tank. My KH is around 11. Ph is 7.8. Calcium is over 500 ppm & Magnesium is unmeasurable (way beyond the ideal range). I have stopped dosing calcium, magnesium & buffer to try to bring them down to acceptable levels. As my Ph is low, I try to raise it by adding seachem buffer. Each time, after adding buffer, my Ph would move up by a notch to 7.9 or 8.0. But my KH would shoot up to 14. Having a kalwasser is not an option as I do not have the storage space for such an equipment. Does anyone know of any other way to raise my Ph without raising my KH? Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Yes, Seachem buffer will increase pH and kH at the same time.

pH at 7.8 during light off period is quite common.

I believe increasing water movement on the surface will encourage gas exchange, hence reducing the amount of CO2(acidic) in the water too.

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I have an ionic imbalance in the water parameters of my tank. My KH is around 11. Ph is 7.8. Calcium is over 500 ppm & Magnesium is unmeasurable (way beyond the ideal range). I have stopped dosing calcium, magnesium & buffer to try to bring them down to acceptable levels. As my Ph is low, I try to raise it by adding seachem buffer. Each time, after adding buffer, my Ph would move up by a notch to 7.9 or 8.0. But my KH would shoot up to 14. Having a kalwasser is not an option as I do not have the storage space for such an equipment. Does anyone know of any other way to raise my Ph without raising my KH? Any suggestion would be appreciated.

You may want to try this link:


Personally, if your corals are doing ok, I will do nothing. Just stop dosing to allow the system to consume your Ca and KH.

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  • SRC Member

a water change will do the trick... maybe more then what u does for ur regular water change... it should slowly balance the water

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  • SRC Member

a water change will do the trick... maybe more then what u does for ur regular water change... it should slowly balance the water

I have done a regular water change last weekend. As my SG is on the high side at 1.027, I have reduced the salt to bring it down. Maybe, during the next water change, I will increase the volume of the water change. Hopefully, that will solve the problem of high KH.

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  • SRC Member

Yes, Seachem buffer will increase pH and kH at the same time.

pH at 7.8 during light off period is quite common.

I believe increasing water movement on the surface will encourage gas exchange, hence reducing the amount of CO2(acidic) in the water too.

I'm afraid my pH was 7.8 when the light is on. As for water movement on the surface, I believe the flow is sufficiently strong. Anyway, your points are noted.

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  • SRC Member

You may want to try this link:


Personally, if your corals are doing ok, I will do nothing. Just stop dosing to allow the system to consume your Ca and KH.

Thanks for the link. I have read only the first few paragraphs & I find the article useful & interesting. I shall endeavour to read the rest when time permits. Thanks again.

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