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Weekly Update - 25th to 31th Oct 2010

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Iwarna Auntie said will have coral shipment this week. still have about a handful of C. Naokoae @ 1pm.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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Only about 20 green banded gobies left at Iwarna. Very very good sizing and priced reasonably, even cheaper than the listed price of $100+ SGD in Hongkong. Grab them before they are gone!

Always something more important than fish.


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  • Senior Reefer

Those looking for both the Personifer & Scribbled angels for large & medium sizes plenty available at Sea life. Some already feeding on pellets & mysis.

please specify wether it's the true or false personifer angel.

very misleading when they are labelled "personifer" angel because there is the true, and the false.

True personifer is Chaetodontoplus personifer

False personifer is Chaetodontoplus meredithi

first pic is the false personifer

second pic is the true personifer.

differentiated by the black band on the tail. black band varies in thickness from fish to fish.

post-15755-042189200 1288009135_thumb.jp

post-15755-053861500 1288009144_thumb.jp

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please specify wether it's the true or false personifer angel.

very misleading when they are labelled "personifer" angel because there is the true, and the false.

True personifer is Chaetodontoplus personifer

False personifer is Chaetodontoplus meredithi

first pic is the false personifer

second pic is the true personifer.

differentiated by the black band on the tail. black band varies in thickness from fish to fish.

It is the Queensland angel (C.Meredithi) . So far only RB and Lck brought in the true Personifer.


One of my favourite fish only.

Give me one more chance....

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Only about 20 green banded gobies left at Iwarna. Very very good sizing and priced reasonably, even cheaper than the listed price of $100+ SGD in Hongkong. Grab them before they are gone!

below S$100 :fear: ?


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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Seen 1 or 2 large porcupine fishes about 4 inches each at Wong L K aquarium shop on 1st floor at sago lane today.

I thought 2nd floor? or they moved thanks

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I thought 2nd floor? or they moved thanks

Bro LFS still same address never changed which is located on 1st floor or can also known as 2nd storey. Your 2nd floor is considered as 3rd storey already. Begin counting from Ground floor then 1st floor & so on lah. Correct me if m wrong bro. Thks

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One yasha goby spotted at ah beng, good size. Grab before it's gone.

Tank : 4 X 2 X 2 with low iron front panel and external overflow

Skimmer : BK SM200 with waste collector

Return Pumps : Red Dragon 6m3 and Ehiem 1262

FR : 2 X Deltec 509 & powered by AB2000

Nitrate Filter : Deltec NF 509 and tee off from AB2000

Calcium R'tor : Deltec PF 501 with RM secondary chamber

Kalkwasser R'tor : Deltec KM500

Chiller : Pansonic 1 HP Compressor with 20m titanium Coil

Wave Makers : 4 X Tunze 6055 with 7096 & Vortec MP40w

Controller : GHL Profilux

Lighting : ATI Powermodule 10 or 8 tubes

Water Top-up : Water Top-Up tank powered by Tunze Osmolator

External Monitor : American Pinpoint pH and Temp. Monitor for main tank and GHL Profilux Controller to measure temp, pH, Redox

Ozonizer : Sander C50

UV : Corallife 6x

Algae Scrubbler

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:D If U wanna dress ya tanky to look elegant this Christmas, get some super-green Elegance Corals with Purple/Pink/Lavender Tip from PINNACLE or IWARNA.

:thumbsup: Also spotted some neon metallic green Frogspawns & Hammers too.

:whistle U won't be disappointed. :eyebrow:

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LCK just arrived US shipment

Rock Beauty


Rose Belly Wrasse

Girdle Wrasse

Flame Hawk (Special price)

Still have

Royal Gamma


Yellow tang



Black clown


Africa flameback


Neon goby

Red head goby



Wednesday will have blotchy anthias. Heard price is very tempting too. :yahoo:

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