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AVA ban on shipment from Tonga


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Understand that there is a recent new ban imposed from AVA on all shipment from Tonga, so a period of time we will not be able to see anymore tonga live rocks, and Walt smith SPS shipment here anymore.. So sad :(

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Understand that there is a recent new ban imposed from AVA on all shipment from Tonga, so a period of time we will not be able to see anymore tonga live rocks, and Walt smith SPS shipment here anymore.. So sad :(

Larry, i think what's more important for reefers here is to understand the rational of the ban from AVA. Any input on these ?

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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  • Senior Reefer

AVA's ban on tonga shipments will have no effect on walt smith's SPS. No need to freak out and panic...... Walt smith did not even reply and retort to this. What more, they just updated new stocks on their facebook. Walt smith' Fiji shipment is unaffected. The only thing anyone should be upset about is the ban on tonga, which means we cannot get some rare fishes, including the newly discovered and yet to be properly named, Nahackyi fairy wrasse

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AVA simi sai also ban wan la. Their eye sore become our pocket burn.


Bull frog we can purchase we can eat,albino bull frog is classified as exotic to them n they will fine us is found possessing 1 of them.

Red ear slider terrapin LFS can sell,but albino red ear slider cannot!!!


they got 2 mouth. We can never out talk them!

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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Larry, i think what's more important for reefers here is to understand the rational of the ban from AVA. Any input on these ?

The best part of it , they send an email to all LFS without stating the reason for the ban .. Who's know maybe they will ban the shipment from Fuji too in future lol ?

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  • Senior Reefer

this is not the first time tonga shipments have been banned.

It is not up to AVA. Even the US people are experiencing it. I'm not supporting AVA, but we should not jump to conclusions and blame them like without knowing what's going on. Best to get the facts right instead of complaining about AVA.

I've taken the initiative to actually search, here's walt smith's reply on the issue during 2008. (like i said, not the first time)

Hi All,

Since I was asked to weigh in on this issue and possibly shine some light on the facts I am happy to oblige.

It is true; the rock ban goes into effect on August 4th. Our only hope at this point is a proposal I have sent to Fisheries that outlines a more feasible phase out period.

In a letter sent to all the shippers (informing them of the ban) they were of the view that cultured rock could easily replace the harvest because the “technology already existâ€. What they did not take into account was the fact that cultured rock must first be made and then put into the ocean for about 18 months before it is any good. Buying all of the raw materials such as cement, pumice, sand, iron oxide and a cement mixer plus all the labor is very expensive over the course of 18 months with no income to support this activity.

I have suggested a two year phase out period with the operator showing proof of aquaculture involvement and investment by January 09. If any one operator does not show proof then no further export permits will be issued to that operator.

I feel very used in this scenario because at the end of last year I was asked by fisheries to come over and give a presentation to them on how I grow corals and make live rock in Fiji. They asked many questions after my presentation and I felt encouraged that the bill to allow aquaculture would finally be passed because at that point it was not yet legal.

Well, to make a long story short, they used that presentation against the industry stating that “the technology already exist†and went on to impose the ban as soon as aquaculture was made legal. What I mean by legal is that there was no format, rules or protocol in the fisheries guidelines that had been passed by cabinet at that point so it was not allowed.

The result is no more live rock and 50% reduction on the coral quota.

I was also called into the National Economic Development Council last April to give a presentation to cabinet members on the sustainability of our export. Once they were satisfied with my report they ordered fisheries to carry out a resource assessment and environmental impact study BEFORE any bans were put in place. Fisheries ignored this demand (which is highly unusual) and did what they wanted anyway. They said that they already had the proof they needed. …… this is where your stories originate from.

A long, long time ago in a far away land named Tonga there was a fish and coral exporter and life was good. Soon there came other exporters and life got a little more complicated. Some exporters were good and some only interested in cashing in on some mystical good life. Ok back to reality!

There soon were 5 exporters with three fairly stable operations and experienced personnel. One of the other operators had plenty of trouble staying alive and the business changed hands several times with each change more and more desperate and unsustainable acts took place. The fifth company arrived made a big splash with lots of divers, big boats and illegal immigrants (over the amount allowed) and broke all sorts of rules getting some negative attention from fisheries.

Fisheries then gave permission for one of these two operators to set up a coral farm right under their noses at the fisheries facility. This “farm†was established by bringing in some “expert†from a fish store in the states and really making a mess. Just a bunch of broken off pieces of coral scattered around in the tanks so that they could be exempt from the coral quota the rest of us had to adhere to. After about a year they realized that they had a mountain of dead coral right outside their back door and started to take pictures of the damage. To make matters worse, this inexperienced “expert†went on the web (I think here) and started showing off horrifying pictures of himself walking all over the reef and holding up massive pieces of coral. This really concerned me as he was bringing all the wrong sort attention to our industry and a very uninformed, unsustainable practice was carried out right under their nose.

This is when they brought me in to demonstrate what a real coral farm should look like. I remember them asking me questions about the “farm†at their facility as if they doubted the validity of those efforts as only a ploy to evade quota restrictions. Since I did set them straight with my presentation and movie it is a shame they used this as an excuse to shut a totally viable and sustainable industry down.

About the insensitive comments regarding the workers this will present a huge problem to the economy. Since they burned the town down in 19 months ago unemployment is out of control … there simply are no jobs to be had. The Tongan government will not realize about 8 million in export trade, the countries second largest export and Air New Zealand is threatening to pull the direct flight making it very difficult to travel to and from Tonga. Once the direct flight is gone it will also be very difficult to ship whatever coral and fish we are allowed. I suspect most (if not all) exporters will simply close up shop leaving a large hole in the already fragile economy.

To answer more direct questions; our company has never been thrown out of any meeting, we only practice the most sustainable and proven methods for harvest and we continue to set the best practice examples for our industry. It is a shame that the good guys will suffer for the acts of a careless few.

Sorry for the long post but you asked for it. We are praying for a reinstatement of the policy and at least order the study and impose a reasonable phase out before August 4th or it will be too late then to do much about it.


Article extracted from reefcentral, 2008.

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  • SRC Member

i know...

i saw how AVA killed so many dogs that i love at my grandma's house.


bastard!!! But I once complained to SPCA about AVA when they went my friend's house in pulau ubin to raid all his mice n rats.

Thousands of them but use 1 gunny sack to put them all.

When they reached jetty at changi village SPCA arrived haha...

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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