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Full-SPS Shallow


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It doesnt really matter if the frags are small, actually those who has grown their sps colony from frags have shared with me that they find the growth form will adapt naturally with the lightings and flow of the tank, in the long run, much better and nicer looking than big colony from the wild.

What's most important is the application of right husbandary and patient :thumbsup:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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Finally, see your new tank... Been waiting for it... LOL... I am sure when the sps grow out it will be gorgeous!!!

long time no see bro, yes finally got time to take pics and post.. thanks thanks.. :)


finally photos out!

love your scape,

will be following this thread closely...

bro kiko, hows the frags doing? dun follow too closely, as of now no new photos, coz can't seem to capture the colours using my digi cam.. :thumbdown:

i will be waiting for the frags .... thanks for the purple tip frag

:ThanxSmiley: hope the frag is doing well for u..

Very neat and thoughtful setup, are both tanks sharing 1 skimmer? I especially like the scaping of the smaller tank.

hi bro, long time no see too, yes using a shared skimmer thats 4ft tall.. old school beckette.. :) thanks thanks..

It doesnt really matter if the frags are small, actually those who has grown their sps colony from frags have shared with me that they find the growth form will adapt naturally with the lightings and flow of the tank, in the long run, much better and nicer looking than big colony from the wild.

What's most important is the application of right husbandary and patient

i cannot agree more! :thumbsup: so many things to learn from u, must visit u more often liao!

Nice nice! Looking good dude! Will be following the progress of ur tank!

thanks bro, hope ur nano doing well eh! nano so much harder as compared to large volume.. thumbs up for u!

Awesome as usual, bro! Erm... special request, but do post more photos of your CRS tank as well? Heh... :heh:

hehe, u still rmb the CRS ah.. i dun have pics of it because its gone liao! decommed that long ago to convert it into holding tank for my SPSes when i decom my previous marine.. :) if u interested, i can dig up some old pics for u.. i still have pics of my CRS setup.. :)

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hey bro, thanks for sharing the nori with me, and learnt a great deal from ur dad n u, u guys rock! seriously!

If SPS has another place to call home other than the natural sea, it's here with Vincent and dad, their sps clearly enjoys their husbandry and concept; the polyps looks like a sexy woman's long hair swimming and flowing freely in the waters. :bow:

" The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people! "

Randy Pausch, (The Last Lecture)

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hey bro, thanks for sharing the nori with me, and learnt a great deal from ur dad n u, u guys rock! seriously!

If SPS has another place to call home other than the natural sea, it's here with Vincent and dad, their sps clearly enjoys their husbandry and concept; the polyps looks like a sexy woman's long hair swimming and flowing freely in the waters.

my tanks still a long way from maturing.. great to chat with u too! sorry for the rush that night! catch up again soon! :friends:

TOTM!!! Wooo Hooo

Vincent what are the light tubes that you are using and the placement?

please bro Eniram, my tank is far cry from that.. dun give me too big a hat. :bow:

regarding mine and my dad's light tube placement i would need to go home to check because i can't remember offhand, now staying in school.. :)

but i do remember the number of tubes:

mine: 4 blueplus 3 aquabluespecial 1 true actinic

dad's: 6 blueplus 2 aquabluespecial

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Eating humble pie :welldone:

No problems on the light combo, take your time. Read on RC alot of reefers use a 50-50 tube distribution, meaning 8 tube fixtures, 4 blueplus 4 aquabluespecial. Don't get me wrong i'm just looking at the popularity on the combo and the effects it has on coral growth and colorations

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Eating humble pie :welldone:

No problems on the light combo, take your time. Read on RC alot of reefers use a 50-50 tube distribution, meaning 8 tube fixtures, 4 blueplus 4 aquabluespecial. Don't get me wrong i'm just looking at the popularity on the combo and the effects it has on coral growth and colorations

no worries bro.. actually personally i think a 50-50 is too whitish, and it gets slightly yellowish when ur tubes are old.. i tend to use more blues, to enhance colourations in SPS.. whites have greater PAR values, and promotes more growth.. but i'm more of a 'colours' guy.. :) some of those in RC who uses more blue tubes actually have nicer SPS colourations, from what i FEEL.. just a personal thought.. :welldone:

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  • 1 month later...
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Eating humble pie :welldone:

No problems on the light combo, take your time. Read on RC alot of reefers use a 50-50 tube distribution, meaning 8 tube fixtures, 4 blueplus 4 aquabluespecial. Don't get me wrong i'm just looking at the popularity on the combo and the effects it has on coral growth and colorations

hey bro, sorry forgot to update u.. here's my current configuration, front to back:


Aquablue Special

True Actinic


Aquablue Special


Aquablue Special


in total: 4 Blue+, 3 Aquablue, 1 Actinic

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the moonlight effect on the tank.. not too bad i would say.. will be doing a review on the forum for those interested.. bought it at eBay.. :thumbsup:

post-9599-038563200 1291230329_thumb.jpg

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my Achilles Tang, currently the only resident in my tank.. still has ich even after so many months.. :ph34r:

post-9599-090509100 1291230597_thumb.jpg

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post-9599-045947200 1291230606_thumb.jpg

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Hi Vincent, both tanks have very well designed rock scape. All your sps frags are growing very well with good polyp extensions. Fantastic father and son team. Your AT's ich will eventually disappear with good water condition. My Powder Blue Tang, after more than a year still have a couple of ich spots every now and then. I am sure you are aware your AT will not allow you to add anymore new Tangs (haha, I will gladly trade-in all my Tangs for one surviving AT). In terms of agression, AT and Powder Blue Tang rank right at the top.

Once again, well done :welldone:

Looking forward to more updates from you.

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Hi Vincent, both tanks have very well designed rock scape. All your sps frags are growing very well with good polyp extensions. Fantastic father and son team. Your AT's ich will eventually disappear with good water condition. My Powder Blue Tang, after more than a year still have a couple of ich spots every now and then. I am sure you are aware your AT will not allow you to add anymore new Tangs (haha, I will gladly trade-in all my Tangs for one surviving AT). In terms of agression, AT and Powder Blue Tang rank right at the top.

Once again, well done :welldone:

Looking forward to more updates from you.

u are right, water condition ain't too good.. keep having particles floating around.. can never get clear water, not sure if its the grade0 sand.. hm..

Hey your AT looks beautiful... and from the pics I can hardly see any ich!!! :) It's so pretttyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey desi! thanks, the ich goes on and off, following the ich cycle.. still headache whenever i see ich!

Thanks for the light combo vincent.

no prob bro, hope it helped.. :)

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ur chilli pepper is bilayered. :ooh:

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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Eventhough the sps are just frags, by looking at the picture is already an enjoyment... because they all look so healthy and colourful, cant imagine if they grow up to colony size :thumbsup:

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