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Less Reefer now?


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Don't be dis-hearten everyone knows it not easy to maintain a marine tank initially.....

but after mnths of stability it more or less like maintainace free.... somehow or rather depend on what u going to achieve and want

A lot of us who reef more than 1yr knows this well....... If you felt cost is a matter try to keep it simple first like me Now no time to maintain so for my six footer is an FOWLR..

With that it like low maintainace cost top up with Di water only wkly with water parameter PO4 zero NO3 Zero PH 8.23-8.31

I clean my algae scrubber every 4 wks


12 cromis

8 damsel

2 gorby

1 flame hark

1 clown

1 tang

5 cardinal

1 midas

unknown number of turbo snail keep on breeding

2 wrasse

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Keeping fish is just a hobby, do it simple, dont stress yourself out if not no point continue. My 4ft FOWLR is 1 years old, i didnt change water for 8 month liao only top up tap water, didnt test my water since after cycling my water, no skimmer too. Use only PL light and a China made Atman AT-107 return pump and 1 Sun Sun wavemaker. Below is my Fish list.

2 Blue Tang

1 Purple tang

1 Sailfin Tang

1 Yellow Tang

i Bristletooth Tang

2 Picasso Trigger

3 Different type of clown fish

1 Dottyback

1 Red Coris Warasse

1 Six Line Warasse

1 Snownflake EEl

Spend more time on enjoying your tank rather than keep chasing after equipment. Have fun

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  • 5 months later...

Why don't you come back to the reefing scene to spruce things up? Start a tank thread, update regularly, get involved with other reefers' setup... should be fun. ;)

talking about tank... hows yours now Peace?

saw you sold your 2 footer?

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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  • SRC Member

Why don't you come back to the reefing scene to spruce things up? Start a tank thread, update regularly, get involved with other reefers' setup... should be fun. ;)

i still have my marine tank. i guess everybody are too busy with other things to update their thread regularly(including me).

Current tank

Past tank

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  • SRC Member

talking about tank... hows yours now Peace?

saw you sold your 2 footer?

Yo... that was the office tank. I still have mine back at home. Not exactly a reef tank, more like a glass box keeping frags, so no updates. I have some plans in the works, so will update once they become concrete.

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  • SRC Member

i still have my marine tank. i guess everybody are too busy with other things to update their thread regularly(including me).

Yea, I know... sometimes the hectic lifestyle can get to us. However, I believe that a little contribution now and then is more beneficial to the forum than simply saying it is quiet, or not as buzzing with activity as before, etc. If everyone chime in once in awhile, it'll make the forum a better place. No offense intended, hope none is taken. Cheers! :peace:

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  • 2 months later...

i think src is really quiet now. i remember pasar malam and tank pics used to have lots of posts and updates in the past. now it's quite deserted :( and i just found out that reborn at lavender has closed when i drove past recently

With lesser posting in the Pasa Malam thread may not mean a bad thing after all ,since it might also mean that lesser reefer is Decomming nowsaday = Lesser sales thread LOL..

Not doubt marine aquarium is not a easily hobby to maintain by simply adding fish with water, and the industry is not doing that well as compare to the previous "Nemo Crazy" , but the reward of owning a Ocean in your home is priceless and i am glad to see more "Hidden dragon" with impressive setup with photo not posted here .

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I reckon the "golden age" of reefing in Singapore (i.e. most number of reefers and height of interest) was in the 2003-2007 period which started shortly after the Finding Nemo movie which sparked the craze.

I distinctly remembered the early morning crowd outside of Paradiz Reef at Balastier Road (now closed) waiting for the doors to open and cheong Fiji SPS corals - note: Paradiz Reef was the only source of Fiji SPS corals at that time.

Not to mention the sifus like Scarab, Reefplayer, Linkinpark, Achilles Tang (Conrad the former owner of sgreefclub), Danano, Vanquish (RAV-65), etc who were the SPS kings of that period.

Like all hobbies, there will always be an initial fad period and eventually only the truly interested and dedicated ones will hang on. In my case, I gave up the hobby years ago and very recently am back into it.

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