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MOVING HOUSE SALE!! Aquamedic CPU, denitrator, calcium reactor


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what is the $400 wave maker ??wave box ?

i think it is a wave box as it is shown in one of the pic

Humble tank :

Size: 4x2.5x2 ft - Display 

Equipment :

Return 1 : Ecotech marine L1

Return 2 : Ecotech marine M1

CR : Skimz CM122 - Caribsea extra course media with Grotech magnesium

Light : ATI 8x54W



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zeovit with 10 bottles of stuff! $500

calcium reactor $200

denitrator.. $200

aquamedic Haile Chiller with 1HP. $300

aquamedic dosing pump $180 x 2

Tunze Controller $100 (SOLD)

Tunze 6055 pump $$250 x 2 (SOLD)

Tunze wave maker $400,

400w x 2, (20k and 14k), 150w x 2 blue MH light fitting $700

Aquamedic Computer with controller and PH Probe, temp probe, redox probe. $700

4 ft tank and sump tank and cupboard!!! $200!!!!!!

looks like I missed the boat again.... Ya, great prices for 6055 + Controller!! Upz to u....


LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • 2 weeks later...

zeovit with 10 bottles of stuff! $500

calcium reactor $200

denitrator.. $200

aquamedic dosing pump $180 x 2

Tunze wave maker $400,

400w x 2, (20k and 14k), 150w x 2 blue MH light fitting $500

Aquamedic Computer with controller and PH Probe, temp probe, redox probe. $350

4 ft tank and sump tank and cupboard!!! $200!!!!!!

Tunze Controller $100 (SOLD)

Tunze 6055 pump $$250 x 2 (SOLD)

aquamedic Haile Chiller with 1HP. $300 (SOLD)

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zeovit with 10 bottles of stuff! $500

calcium reactor $200

denitrator.. $200

aquamedic dosing pump $180 x 2

Tunze wave maker $400,

400w x 2, (20k and 14k), 150w x 2 blue MH light fitting $500

4 ft tank and sump tank and cupboard!!! $200!!!!!!

Tunze Controller $100 (SOLD)

Tunze 6055 pump $$250 x 2 (SOLD)

aquamedic Haile Chiller with 1HP. $300 (SOLD)

Aquamedic Computer with controller and PH Probe, temp probe, redox probe. $350 (SOLD)

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