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Got lots of sps and full tang of life rock from reefer just to cycle my tank all the sps and Lobo i put in my RSM bo pain no time to scape will be rescapeing my tank soon


My 3 ft thank full tanks of life rock to cycle lol



3x2x2 RSM,2x1.5x1.5 cube


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  • Senior Reefer

yes i know he has 2 tanks.

but there is no way those corals are going to survive in the holding tank while his main tank is cycling. absolutely no way. there's no liverock in there, it's just a bare tank. even if he puts liverock in, the tank still has to cycle.

the main point is having patience. why rush into it at all? slowly do one thing at a time.

anyway to bro toravisu, if you have a good plan and manage to keep all your corals alive after cycling, then i apologise for everything.

but if you don't i hope you take this as the 2nd lesson learnt and hopefully, not repeat it again.


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  • SRC Member

Your overall action Show us that u r too gan chiong liao bro!

Relac relac abit la... Lol.

So fast your tank seems everything in liao... Lol

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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If the live rocks are indeed live and the water is from the same source, you have 70% chance of keeping the corals alive.

Cos I don't see any fish.

But if not, don't be disheartened if you see the sps bleach or turn brown. In fact, the big colony of monti is showing signs of bleaching le. Just learn that sps is unlike LPS, they really require better and constant water quality and care.

Maybe these can help for now... ensure you have good flow and I mean at least 8000-10000 l/hr flow in ur rsm. Dunno what lighting u have, hopefully it's at least 6 tubes of HO T5.

Weekly water change of 10% and dump in phosguard to control algae growth.

You could still turn things around.

And if possible get a dosing pump to ensure sps get sufficient Ca, KH and Mg.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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From the tank pic...

Sps dun seems to be in a great shape

The water condition dun look gd either

(hope i am wrong on this)

Have you test all the water paremeter yet?

that include ur CA,Mag,Kh etc

All your corals seems to be stressful

Kindly read up more before you venture into


Think you need more patience :)

Good luck~~

Keep us posted

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Ya lo. How come water like cloudy ah? Or camera no good?

Anyway he's a confirm rich chap.

Ang kong for this display pic alone cost not less le... :)

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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haha not rich chap la,i got the sps from the guy alot already bleaching only 2 of it is alive and my lobo is opening big but my RSM is good enough to mantain all the water paremeter

and the tank is mature enough starting to open and the colour s comming up on sps anyway i got 3tank another is quarantine tank, my corals is with mi for more than

4 months already hp camera not clear use my Iphone its 1.3 megapix let mi borrow my sis cam to take some close up shots lol


3x2x2 RSM,2x1.5x1.5 cube


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Bro you talk like speedy gonzales :D all in one breath .....pls add some full stop. If not use point form easier for all reefers to understand and give advice.

Have headache reading your replies. hahaha

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  • SRC Member

One of the joy of this hobby is to slowly see your tank grow and mature. Taking time to contemplate what is the next must-have livestock, where to place it, and waiting for the right moment to get it when the shipment finally arrives or when another hobbyist finally releases his/her beloved LS.

What's the point of stocking your tank full so quickly? You'll only run out of space more quickly and soon will need to offload some just to be able to get the next must-have. Moreover, sudden introduction of a large amount of LS may induce new tank syndrome.

Be a responsible and conscientious hobbyist. If you enjoy this hobby so much, you'd want to make sure damage to nature is minimal so that your future generations can also share this same enthusiasm with you.

Chill out, relax, take it easy... Good Luck.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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Bro you talk like speedy gonzales :D all in one breath .....pls add some full stop. If not use point form easier for all reefers to understand and give advice.

Have headache reading your replies. hahaha

Lol. I was about to tell him to use punctuation marks coz read his post like machine gun. Non stop wan. Lol

Sure kana from 1 of the member (forgotten who) say he never full stop etc lol...

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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Yeah man! Bro iskay... :thumbsup:

I like this part ''Be a responsible and conscientious hobbyist. If you enjoy this hobby so much, you'd want to make sure damage to nature is minimal so that your future generations can also share this same enthusiasm with you.''

If killing is gonna be non stop,very fast our next generation will be mountain tortoise dunno how a coral reef n marine life looks like.

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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thanks for all the adivise, im waiting for my spects to come.

Relax buddy. " Patience is the key to success "

Let is stable first. Last time there is no Src, you need to learn all by yourself, no pain no gain. Luckily now with so many experience bro here to advice you, you can remove the pain remain the gain. Good luck! Happy Reefing.


One of my favourite fish only.

Give me one more chance....

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thanks for all the adivise, im waiting for my spects to come.

what spects? Care to share? :)

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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First of all I wanna sey sorry im not good at using full stop,comer etc even i pass my N-levels.

well im abit hock kien type, im currenly useing top up saw at other forum most of the ppl there useing doseing pum,and profix lux II.with these two ill be able to maintain my cal,kh,and Magnesium.

Im looking for a second hand.


3x2x2 RSM,2x1.5x1.5 cube


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First of all I wanna sey sorry im not good at using full stop,comer etc even i pass my N-levels.

well im abit hock kien type, im currenly useing top up saw at other forum most of the ppl there useing doseing pum,and profix lux II.with these two ill be able to maintain my cal,kh,and Magnesium.

Im looking for a second hand.

Sorry bro, I don't understand what you are looking for.

Anyway no hard feelings about the bros here. Everyone is friendly and willing to help you provided you help yourself first by listening to some of their advice :)

About being hokkien, no worries. I am half-hokkien and half hainanese myself. Brought up in a neighbourhood simple chinese family. I speak dialects etc but that's not the point. The point is you definitely help us understand you better when you put a full stop behind your sentences and a comma if you want to continue talking about a certain topic in a sentence. Without these two punctuation marks, you will kill us seriously trying to understand what you are trying to say.

Speaking bad english is fine with me. But speaking bad english with no full-stops or commas is a sure no-no for me.

Hope this helps :)

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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Me too hokkien type... Wahaha...

People here very friendly wan...

Can help de sure help.

Those cannot help de mostly dun understand thus never help.

Always remember... Make friends not foe! :)


Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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well let the time tells,im very confident in my corals,I do water changes in my RSM,sorry when i brought it its half dead and some of it its already bleach to white,like i said only 2 sps is surviveing.

just to not let my tank crash,i put it in LFS bo pian kia su is like that. spects is



3x2x2 RSM,2x1.5x1.5 cube


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well let the time tells,im very confident in my corals,I do water changes in my RSM,sorry when i brought it its half dead and some of it its already bleach to white,like i said only 2 sps is surviveing.

just to not let my tank crash,i put it in LFS bo pian kia su is like that. spects is


careful bro. using other people's picture without their permission can result pple sueing you for infringement of copyright.

this picture belongs to a RC reefer who is based in Hongkong. I know him personally. So please kindly remove the picture unless you have credible grounds especially his permission to use it.


Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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