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WTS: Some Gd Stuff

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Selling the following items:

Deltec MCE600 Hang-On Protein Skimmer (with NEW Dampening Kit) $350

Red Sea Prizm Hang-On Protein Skimmer (need to replace air-valve) $50

American Marine Pinpoint PH Controller with NEW Probe $180

American Marine Pinpoint PH Monitor with Probe $120

American Marine Pinpoint ORP Monitor with NEW Probe (free Enaly Ozoniser) $150

2 x NEW Reef Sorb 500ml Filter Media (absorbs NO4, PO4, NO2 & NO3) $20 each

Test kit Set A Reef Master (more than 90% full) $45

Test kit Set B Saltwater Master (more than 90% full) $45

Tunze Nano Stream 6045 $80

Quick Start System $130

Skimz FR w/o pump (old model) $50

FCFS, interested pls pm.

Thanks all.

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Selling the following items:

Deltec MCE600 Hang-On Protein Skimmer (with NEW Dampening Kit) $350

Red Sea Prizm Hang-On Protein Skimmer (need to replace air-valve) $50

American Marine Pinpoint PH Controller with NEW Probe $180

American Marine Pinpoint PH Monitor with Probe $120

American Marine Pinpoint ORP Monitor with NEW Probe (free Enaly Ozoniser) $150

2 x NEW Reef Sorb 500ml Filter Media (absorbs NO4, PO4, NO2 & NO3) $20 each

Test kit Set A Reef Master (more than 90% full) $45

Test kit Set B Saltwater Master (more than 90% full) $45


Quick Start System $130

Skimz FR w/o pump (old model) $50

FCFS, interested pls pm.

Thanks all.

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Selling the following items:

Deltec MCE600 Hang-On Protein Skimmer (with NEW Dampening Kit) $350

Red Sea Prizm Hang-On Protein Skimmer (need to replace air-valve) $50 PENDING COLLECTION

American Marine Pinpoint PH Controller with NEW Probe $180

American Marine Pinpoint PH Monitor with Probe $120

American Marine Pinpoint ORP Monitor with NEW Probe (free Enaly Ozoniser) $150

2 x NEW Reef Sorb 500ml Filter Media (absorbs NO4, PO4, NO2 & NO3) $20 each

Test kit Set A Reef Master (more than 90% full) $45

Test kit Set B Saltwater Master (more than 90% full) $45

Tunze Nano Stream 6045 $80

Quick Start System $130

Skimz FR w/o pump (old model) $50

FCFS, interested pls pm.

Thanks all.

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Selling the following items:

Deltec MCE600 Hang-On Protein Skimmer (with NEW Dampening Kit) $350

Red Sea Prizm Hang-On Protein Skimmer (need to replace air-valve) $50

American Marine Pinpoint PH Controller with NEW Probe $180 $150

American Marine Pinpoint PH Monitor with Probe $120 $100

American Marine Pinpoint ORP Monitor with NEW Probe (free Enaly Ozoniser) $150 $120

2 x NEW Reef Sorb 500ml Filter Media (absorbs NO4, PO4, NO2 & NO3) $20 each

Test kit Set A Reef Master (more than 90% full) $45

Test kit Set B Saltwater Master (more than 90% full) $45

Tunze Nano Stream 6045 $80

Quick Start System $130

Skimz FR w/o pump (old model) $50

FCFS, interested pls pm.

Thanks all.

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Selling the following items:

Deltec MCE600 Hang-On Protein Skimmer (with NEW Dampening Kit) $350

Red Sea Prizm Hang-On Protein Skimmer (need to replace air-valve) $50

American Marine Pinpoint PH Controller with NEW Probe $180 $150

American Marine Pinpoint PH Monitor with Probe $120 $100

American Marine Pinpoint ORP Monitor with NEW Probe (free Enaly Ozoniser) $150 $120

2 x NEW Reef Sorb 500ml Filter Media (absorbs NO4, PO4, NO2 & NO3) $20 each

Test kit Set A Reef Master (more than 90% full) $45

Test kit Set B Saltwater Master (more than 90% full) $45

Tunze Nano Stream 6045 $80

Quick Start System $130 PENDING COLLECTION

Skimz FR w/o pump (old model) $50 PENDING COLLECTION

FCFS, interested pls pm.

Thanks all.

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Selling the following items:

Deltec MCE600 Hang-On Protein Skimmer (with NEW Dampening Kit) $350

Red Sea Prizm Hang-On Protein Skimmer (need to replace air-valve) $50

American Marine Pinpoint PH Controller with NEW Probe $180 $150

American Marine Pinpoint PH Monitor with Probe $120 $100

American Marine Pinpoint ORP Monitor with NEW Probe (free Enaly Ozoniser) $150 $120

2 x NEW Reef Sorb 500ml Filter Media (absorbs NO4, PO4, NO2 & NO3) $20 each

Test kit Set A Reef Master (more than 90% full) $45

Test kit Set B Saltwater Master (more than 90% full) $45

Tunze Nano Stream 6045 $80

Quick Start System $130 PENDING COLLECTION

Skimz FR w/o pump (old model) $50 PENDING COLLECTION

FCFS, interested pls pm.

Thanks all.

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Items left:

Deltec MCE600 Hang-On Protein Skimmer (with NEW Dampening Kit) $350

2 x NEW Reef Sorb 500ml Filter Media (absorbs NO4, PO4, NO2 & NO3) $20 each

Test kit Set A: API Reef Master (more than 90% full) $45

Test kit Set B: API Saltwater Master (more than 90% full) $45

Pls pm if interested. Thanks :thumbsup:

Bro, if your goodself could go down further for ur deltec skimmer. Pls pm me. Thks

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