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Zoas and SPS


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Who Picks the draw ? :whistle:yeah:;)

If its Ced, then anticlimax :sick::cry2:

cheers :)

Haa...i certainly wont be the one who picks the draw lah...but here's a very interesting topic to discuss about, may be can invite either reefer's wife or children who is present on that day to pick a draw as well, if they are selected as the "picker", not only will they get a prize but they will also pick the lucky draw winner, this will ensure there is fairness in the draw ! How's that bro ?

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Nice to meet you today thank for nice frag and also new think that I learn from you today.

Hope I can have my coral just half as nice as your coral.


Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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Nice to meet you today thank for nice frag and also new think that I learn from you today.

Hope I can have my coral just half as nice as your coral.


Hey thanks bro, very nice meeting you and your lovely family.

You are one of the lucky reefer who has a wife that loves marine, may be more than yourself :upsidedown:

Wishing you very best in the up coming Lucky Draw :eyebrow:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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Hey thanks bro, very nice meeting you and your lovely family.

You are one of the lucky reefer who has a wife that loves marine, may be more than yourself :upsidedown:

Wishing you very best in the up coming Lucky Draw :eyebrow:

Thanks That what I hope for.

And after she saw your tank, Now she asking where can we put partition tank like your :lol:

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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Thanks That what I hope for.

And after she saw your tank, Now she asking where can we put partition tank like your :lol:

May be you can bring her over this Sat draw, she will get a prize and will get to draw the lucky winner...may be YOU :groupwavereversed:

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Nice meeting you today Cedric, learned a lot of things from u today. Your corals are amazing! Really inspiring for newbies like me. Thanks for the nice frags!

You are very welcome bro :friends: Tank upgrading soon huh :yahoo:

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thanks for ur visit yesterday. forgot to give u sample of the water so that u can figure out what is wrong with my tanks. Hopefully i can put in some of ur nice sps in my tank soon.

No problem bro, happy to be there.

Haa...ya lor, it was a bit of a rush rush at the end so forgot about the water sample, anyway, i think the water parameter should be ok, just that the phosphate leaching staff that i told you about.

Will probably take a while for the coating to go slowly goes off, but mean time think should be ok for new addition ;)

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bro cedric

house so many sps tanks~~

look like some kind of mini

Lab or Sps farming facility


Haa...I think i kanna SPS posion too deep liao :upsidedown:

Fortunately gf very understanding and allows me to play with this hobby, anyway I always wanted to see for myself the effect of different methods of lightings / systems etc on the colouration and health of corals. The only way is to have different individual setup and experiment it :rolleyes:

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thanks for the advice on superglue gel that night bro..

it worked well for me...

now i dont have to worry about missing frags.. lol...

i know u mentioned once before when u commented on my status,

but i didnt get how i could do it the first time..

now i can.. :idea:

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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Haa...I think i kanna SPS posion too deep liao :upsidedown:

Fortunately gf very understanding and allows me to play with this hobby, anyway I always wanted to see for myself the effect of different methods of lightings / systems etc on the colouration and health of corals. The only way is to have different individual setup and experiment it :rolleyes:

Think more reefers will kena tis poison

very hard to find an antidote for it

Agree~~ more trials~ more perfection to it

and therefore can make it more easily for

reefers to keep sps in the near future :)

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thanks for the advice on superglue gel that night bro..

it worked well for me...

now i dont have to worry about missing frags.. lol...

i know u mentioned once before when u commented on my status,

but i didnt get how i could do it the first time..

now i can.. :idea:

Wow...that's great !

Always good to share and demonstrate on the spot, action speaks a thousand words :lol:

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Think more reefers will kena tis poison

very hard to find an antidote for it

Agree~~ more trials~ more perfection to it

and therefore can make it more easily for

reefers to keep sps in the near future :)

:agreed: sometime due to commercial reasons, the hard truth about certain reefing products are never forth telling :unsure: Sometime i ask myself do I really need certain products to keep SPS ? Well, only way is to try it yourself...of course not trying to re-invent the wheel for certain known facts. But finding out the truth can be quite interesting...and astonishing B)

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Kawan...slowly lah...you are number twelve heehee.... :upsidedown:

paiseh..Iphone's screen too small never see clearly. BTW, I had transferred that "thing"

2ft cube with 2.5 sump

400w MH with 6 x 24w blue T5

Hydor wavemaker controller

Aquatronica controller

Daikin compressor with double coil


H&S out sump skimmer

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Tks for the zoa frags bro.

Nice chatting with you :thumbsup:

You are very welcome bro :) and thanks for the support !

Your little frag box really impressed me, a real cool gaget for zoas marketing :welldone:

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Special THANKS to bro Allanchin for sponsoring a door gifts for bros / sis who will be coming this Saturday :groupwavereversed:

Latest update : Fifteen bros has now been eligible for the Lucky Draw :thumbsup:

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