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Long before bitten by Marine Bug...


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You should have seen my planted tank many years ago... Hahahah... the Navy Divers were thinking of asking me to use it for underwater ###### jungle training!!!

Sigh.... I miss the smell of stinky water...

Anyone realise that marine aquariums don't stink at all, unlike freshwater tanks? :lol:

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I am recycling my tiny old dupla Co2 tank for my kalkreactor... :)

I think I threw away the glass diffuser coils already! It's horrible to look at... all the dried grime inside.... :D

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I used to plant Riccia Fluitans and i like the carpet grass look. Esp at the end of the day, when all of them have the bubble at the tip (a sea of bubbles)! It is real nice.. And i used to admire this guy Takashi Amano from Japan (he setup lots of FW planted tanks for customers). U can go to the library and see some of his art pieces.

Why it stink? Can it be that we usually don't have as good filtering in FW? protein skimmer??

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Achilles, i also still holding on to a 2.5l CO2 tank. Can it be easily converted to a kalkreactor? What else do i need?

LOL!! :lol::lol:

Chanbi... you can't convert a C02 tank into a kalkreactor!!

You can however use it for the kalkreactor!!

You need a kalkreactor! I am using the Korallin Kalkreactor right now for my tank.

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My freshwater tank was 3 ft x 1.5 x 2.

I kept a school of cardinals and a betta inside... of course, lots of snails and yamato shrimps, yes.. i did like the carpet of bubbles... but got sick of everyday scooping floating bits and pieces of plant leaves etc. Also got tired of cleaning the glass of algae... so when one day, i couldn't see through the glass anymore... I decided that this jungle took too much of my time and I wasn't admiring it anymore... and then it became a chilid tank... kept mostly blue and clown loaches in the end... was very sad to give them away as they were very responsive and active... like mini dolphins.

I also had a rare catfish and freshwater eels.

But once I moved on to marine tank... whoosh...!

"A whole new world!!" - song by peabo bryson & regina belle... :lol:

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Sad...... My tank crashed 2 or 3 times when I just started and it was so depressing.... Futhermore I had no spare mixed water in another tank to save fish that were dying swiftly when the water conditions in the tank became untolerable during a crash due to ammonia spike I think.... :(

wah me no diy expert leh. robe is the king. he diy his skimmer n ca reactor! i kept goldfish be4 marine!! 1st kept marine when i was 10...then tank crash......didnt touch marine after tt till 3 yrs back
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