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starting sps any senior pro can give some advise

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hi Im going for sps any

does sps need a high salt level cause i use sea water

how about the calcium 450ppm? Do i need to buy a calcium reactor phophate RO?

Does SPS corals temp to be 26degree?

Do i need a metal halide or just forusent will do and sps corals like high water flow or ??

or any other things that be needed ???

sorry for the trouble thanks


3x2x2 RSM,2x1.5x1.5 cube


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  • SRC Member

hi Im going for sps any

does sps need a high salt level cause i use sea water

how about the calcium 450ppm? Do i need to buy a calcium reactor phophate RO?

Does SPS corals temp to be 26degree?

Do i need a metal halide or just forusent will do and sps corals like high water flow or ??

or any other things that be needed ???

sorry for the trouble thanks

Just To Share,

Some reefer keep sps at a level of 1026,

I keeping mine at 1024.

Natural Sea water of Cal is frm 400-425 ppm.

Calcium reactor is not a must but it is better to have

one esp if u are running a full pledge sps tank.

I keeping my sps at 27 degree~

You can use Led light to keep Sps and Good and random flow

is impt for the growth and health of sps.


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Just to add, not all sps have the same requirements. So before u buy the diff species pls do your homework. U can use this website for ur researches on sps as weel as other types of croals or fishes' info http://www.thesea.org/

Would be better you list your equipments and water parameters to us before u start keeping sps, we'll be able to gauge whether ur tank is ready to or able to sustain sps.

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thanks bro

Just to add on "Cal,KH and Mg.

This three elements are the top most to maintain

Sps growth and health.follow by dosing of


Even you have the best equipment for Sps keeping.

self discipline is still needed to care for them.

It will be best if you can start off with monti cap

or some brown out Sps. If you succeed.

Then You are ready!!


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  • 2 months later...

Also try to maintain PO4 and NO3 to undectable level. Use high quality test kits. one of the common problem is the use of inferior test kits resulting in wrong reading and thus wrong action taken....;)

Yo yo, welcome back! When can kopi again?

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Also try to maintain PO4 and NO3 to undectable level. Use high quality test kits. one of the common problem is the use of inferior test kits resulting in wrong reading and thus wrong action taken....;)

finally ! been quite awhile since ur last post:)

Too many hobby......too little money!

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