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Giving up hobby. Priced to sell. Self collect at Bukit Panjang.

1) Deltec Hang-on Skimmer MCE 600 - $150.00

2) AquaBee Pump 2000 - $50.00

3) Tunze 6045 - $50.00

4) Hydor Koralia 3 - $40.00

5) Dolphin water pump P-2500 - $10.00

6) Nova water pump (200-800L/h; Hmax 160cm) - $10.00

7) Project Step 1 water pump (150-400L/h Hmax 0.55m) - $10.00

8) Floatable water isolation box (L/D/H - 8"/5"/6") - $5.00

9) Floatable water isolation box (L/D/H - 10"/6"/6") - $5.00

10) Timer x3 pieces - $10.00

11) T5 Lighting Set (04 x 39W) - $30.00

12) SeaTest Specific Gravity Meter - $5.00

13) Marine Environment Salt (about 5kg) - $20.00

14) Grotech Calcium Pro 1000g + Carbonat Pro 1000g + Magnesium Pro 1000g (about 1/4 left) - $10.00

15) Live Rocks (not sure of weight) - $20.00

16) Tank IOS type (similar to Atlantis Aquatic Lifestyle type) 10mm thickness (L/H/D - 42'/24"/18") cmoes with cabinet stainless steel frame (rust-free) - $30.00

Take all for $250.00

Interested please sms @ 9018 8778.

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Thanks for all the enquiries. Sorry if I didn't get back to you.

Items reserved for collection tonight. Will update if there are any changes.

Giving up hobby. Priced to sell. Self collect at Bukit Panjang.

1) Deltec Hang-on Skimmer MCE 600 - $150.00 - reserved

2) AquaBee Pump 2000 - $50.00 - reserved

3) Tunze 6045 - $50.00 - reserved

4) Hydor Koralia 3 - $40.00 - reserved

5) Dolphin water pump P-2500 - $10.00

6) Nova water pump (200-800L/h; Hmax 160cm) - $10.00

7) Project Step 1 water pump (150-400L/h Hmax 0.55m) - $10.00

8) Floatable water isolation box (L/D/H - 8"/5"/6") - $5.00 - reserved

9) Floatable water isolation box (L/D/H - 10"/6"/6") - $5.00 - reserved

10) Timer x3 pieces - $10.00 - reserved

11) T5 Lighting Set (04 x 39W) - $30.00 - reserved

12) SeaTest Specific Gravity Meter - $5.00

13) Marine Environment Salt (about 5kg) - $20.00 - reserved

14) Grotech Calcium Pro 1000g + Carbonat Pro 1000g + Magnesium Pro 1000g (about 1/4 left) - $10.00

15) Live Rocks (not sure of weight) - $20.00 - reserved

16) Tank IOS type (similar to Atlantis Aquatic Lifestyle type) 10mm thickness (L/H/D - 42'/24"/18") cmoes with cabinet stainless steel frame (rust-free) - $30.00

Take all for $250.00

Interested please sms @ 9018 8778.

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Thanks for all the enquiries & I apologise if I didn't get back to you.

Items remaining:

1) Dolphin water pump P-2500

2) Nova water pump (200-800L/h; Hmax 160cm)

3) Project Step 1 water pump (150-400L/h Hmax 0.55m)

4) 2 air pumps

All for $10.00

5) Tank IOS type (similar to Atlantis Aquatic Lifestyle type) 10mm thickness (L/H/D - 42'/24"/18") comes with timber cabinet with stainless steel frame (rust-free) - $30.00

Interested please sms @ 9018 8778.

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First, thanks to all who supported my sale. :ThanxSmiley:

Tank still available - buyer no show after changing apppointment a few times, quite dissappointing - anyway, if you are interested, will throw in all the remaining items foc.

1) Dolphin water pump P-2500

2) Nova water pump (200-800L/h; Hmax 160cm)

3) Project Step 1 water pump (150-400L/h Hmax 0.55m)

4) 2 air pumps

Tanks dimensions - 42'/24"/18 - $30.00

Interested please sms @ 9018 8778.

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