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WTS: Good Equipments

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Hi all, hace the following items for sale:

1. American Pinpoint ORP Controller with NEW ORP probe - $160

2. American Pinpoint Calcium Monitor no probe - $80

3. DE Lighting 250W MH housing with reflector, ballast and attached hanging cables, but no bulb holder and power plug - $60 (need abit DIY)

4. DE Lighting 250W MH light set with everything plus 2 months old 250W MH bulb but no power plug - $100 (need abit DIY)

5. ATMAN 150W MH lighting set comes with new hanging cables - $80

6. NEW 150W Arcadia MH bulb - $60

7. Used abt 1 month old 250W BLV MH bulb - $80

8. Salifert Test Kit - Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphate, Nitrite(NO2), Nitrate(NO3), Ammonia(NO4), Carbonate Hardness/Alkalinity(KH/Alk) - S$60 (all with box left 3/4 full)

Interested pls pm.

Thank you all for viewing.

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Dear all fellows reefers,

Had abit of a problem with my PC few days ago. Cant access & log in/out. :cry2: Thats why some of you may find me still log in since and over the wkend.

Just manage to solve the problem.

Also just noticed theres overwhelming response from my mail box.

Kindly allow me to read them and I will try my best to reply all queries/questions sent.

Thank you all for your kind understanding. :ThanxSmiley:

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Updated items left:

1. American Pinpoint ORP Controller with NEW ORP probe - $160

2. American Pinpoint Calcium Monitor no probe - $80

3. DE Lighting 250W MH housing with reflector, ballast and attached hanging cables, but no bulb holder and power plug - $60 (need abit DIY)

4. DE Lighting 250W MH light set with everything plus 2 months old 250W MH bulb but no power plug - $100 (need abit DIY)

5. ATMAN 150W MH lighting set comes with new hanging cables - $80

6. NEW 150W Arcadia MH bulb - $60

7. Used abt 1 month old 250W BLV MH bulb - $80

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