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Types of marine algae in this hobby


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Below are some of the types of intersting species of Marine alage found in this hobby.


Caulerpa verticillata


C. sertularioides(wee bit)


Batophora oerstedii


Neomeris annulata


Ventricaria ventricaria


Valonia sp


Dictyospaeria cavernosa (Grren Bubble Weed)


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Codium sp


Cladocephalus luteofuscus


Udotea flabellum


Rhipocephalus phoenix


Penicillus capitatus


H. discoidea


Halimeda goreaui


The Hawaiian Halimeda plant (Halimeda spp. )usually comes as a spherical clump about the size of a baseball. This species is grown in the pristine waters of the Hawaiian Islands, and is much larger and fuller than specimens available from the Atlantic or Caribbean. It separates itself from other plants by using calcium to build a support structure within its blades. Because of this, few herbivores will feed upon this plant, giving the plant an extended lifespan within the aquarium. Halimeda is one of the hardier and slower growing of the macroalgae.

Sea Lettuce (Ulva spp. )


A relatively new food item to the industry, Lettuce algae is quickly consumed by most herbivorous animals. Lettuce Algae is wonderful for refugiums and prefers nutrient rich water. Fish and even algae starved clean up crews love this stuff much more than nori.

This plant may sometimes come attached to a small piece of rock which can be easily placed in a refugium. Otherwise, placing plant base into sand and weighting down with a rock usually encourages it to take root.DietThough you can use an iron supplement in the absence of nutrient rich water, moderation and care should be taken when using this supplement as iron can also encourage the growth of nuisance hair algae and less desirable macroalgae.

Spaghetti Algae (Chaetomorpha spp.)


Spaghetti Algae is excellent for refugiums in the fight against controlling phosphate and nitrate. Spaghetti Algae grows in long green filamentous clumps and is said to resemble a ball of old fishing line. It is a fast growing algae and is not favored for consumption by most herbivorous species.

For best results of nutrient export, Spaghetti Algae should be kept in a refugium where water can move around it making almost a tumbling motion. Be sure to have very good lighting and water flow through the refugium.DietThough you can use an iron supplement in the absence of nutrient rich water, moderation and care should be taken when using this supplement as iron can also encourage the growth of nuisance hair algae and less desirable macroalgae.

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  • 5 months later...
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Madien's Hair ( Chlorodesmis fastigiata )


Madien's Hair algae provides a very soft appearance combined with all of the other benefits of macroalgae. Maiden's Hair looks like a thick mat of bright green carpet, adding an intense green color and soft flowing motion to any marine aquarium. Most Maiden's Hair is collected off of the islands of Tonga or Fiji, and comes already attached to a small piece of live rock.

There are several different species of macroalgae available to the marine hobbyist. The benefits of macroalgae cannot be understated, so if you have a marine setup, be sure to include a few of these special plants and your fish will reap the rewards.

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Red Grape Algae ( Botryocledia spp. )


Red Grape Algae is similar in appearance to Green Grape Algae, but they are not at all related. Red Grape Algae will grow quickly under excessive flow and higher lighting than most green algae. It is a favorite food for tangs and other herbivores. Best kept in a refugium, this plant does not tolerate inferior water conditions and prefers water that is lower in nutrients.

This plant may sometimes comes attached to a small piece of rock which can be easily placed in a refugium. Otherwise, placing plant base into sand and weighting down with a rock usually encourages it to take root.Though you can use an iron supplement in the absence of nutrient rich water, moderation and care should be taken when using this supplement as iron can also encourage the growth of nuisance hair algae and less desirable macroalgae.

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  • 6 months later...
  • SRC Member

Hi, anyone knows where i can get H. Discoidea and maiden's hair? Thanks!:)

Fresh fishes and inverts! What's next? To the salty side of marine of course!:)

"Never to part, lest jealous heaven stole our hearts"

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  • 2 months later...
  • SRC Member

Hi, anyone knows where i can get H. Discoidea and maiden's hair? Thanks!:)

Ah beng at pasir ris I got see. Seasonal I suppose. But heard that maiden's hair hard to keep...

U want to make it like planted tank izzit?

Tank size:36"x36"x24"

Return pump" 2x Reef Octo 5000

Skimmer:BK Double Cone 200 on Reef Octopus DC 5500s.

Wavemaker:2xVortech MP40wES

Chemical filtration:1xeducator FR(biopellets)

Chiller:1hp Daikin compressor.

Lighting:2 x Kessil A360we

Auto topup system: JBJ ATO + new jet 1200

Dosing system: Kamoer 3 channel.

Additives: ESV 2 part.

Power consumption

2XReef Octo 5000: 120watts

BK skimmer:50watts

2xVortech wavemaker:70watts

Daikin compressor:775watts


Ato system:21watts

Exhaust fans:16watts

Refugium light:27watts

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