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Chiller's Temperature Setting


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What is the temperature setting for your chiller?

For me I set at 26. :thumbsup:

<3x2x2 - FOWLR>

Naso Tang; PTB Tang; Sailfin Tang; Blue Tang; Brown Tang; Emperor Angel, Koran Angel.


People here are not as friendly as I think.

They only speak/reply to people who they know.

Everytime I posted a topic, there is always no reply.

Give up. :chair::chair::chair::chair::(:(

Lasy week, I posted something regarding UV operation Hrs.

Same thing. Many people view but just refuse to reply.

Is this the way it works here? If yes, then, I am out.

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  • SRC Member


People here are not as friendly as I think.

They only speak/reply to people who they know.

Everytime I posted a topic, there is always no reply.

Give up. :chair::chair::chair::chair::(:(

Lasy week, I posted something regarding UV operation Hrs.

Same thing. Many people view but just refuse to reply.

Is this the way it works here? If yes, then, I am out.

Don't get too work up.. is not that bad. as regards to this topic.. there is no fix answers.. some set higher .. some set lower. is up to u. i guess, maybe this topic is too general. would suggest u bring out what u don't understand or need to find out. i'm very sure ppl here r willingly to comment or help.


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Don't get too work up.. is not that bad. as regards to this topic.. there is no fix answers.. some set higher .. some set lower. is up to u. i guess, maybe this topic is too general. would suggest u bring out what u don't understand or need to find out. i'm very sure ppl here r willingly to comment or help.


Agreed with Allan..

Actually depends on your needs.. Anything from 26deg to 28deg are fine..

A old chiller temperature thread here for you. Cheers.

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I did a search on "Fowlr temp" and guess what it returned?

Somtimes there may be higher traffic in the forum so your thread gets missed out. Some ppl may view your thread but don't want to answer for fear of giving wrong answers, or other personal reasons. Like you have prob viewed several threads, but do you always hit the reply button?

I have always maintained that generic questions can be found easily from google and this forum. My real advice is to do the search yourself and if you have further questions from there, post on the forum. This way, u may get more constructive responses.

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hi bro, I agree with Comycus (and we don't know each other in case u wonder). It ain't that no 1 wants to reply the topics you posted, its for fear of giving wrong advise, etc, or jus simply wanting to see and learn from the topic u've posted. And agree with the rest like limsc, allantang, that there are different variables that affect the requirement for chiller temperature.

Also a topic with substance (ie. sharing of knowledge/experiences etc) or with a meaningful goal/objective (ie. Finding out range of temperature for wht type of tank etc, or coral temperature issues etc), also making sure that there are no similar threads previously; would perhaps help to elicit more response than just posting a topic that ask open-ended questions for answers to no real questions.

There are threads regarding temperature and UV light within SRC at various threads, u can do a search with the Search Box located on the top right hand corner of the screen, and like Comycus said, googling up for a question you have in mind will also give u better variety of answers and then you might wanna collate your findings with questions, and I'm sure in this way all can benefit.

Pls don't get disheartened bro, i'm sure if you look up old threads you'll also see how some of the most active thread can also be dead suddenly. We don't get answers all the time from our questions here either. It's all a learning journey for us, this hobby is suppose to make us happy not miserable. :cheers:

" The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people! "

Randy Pausch, (The Last Lecture)

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Is not the matter of wrong or right answer. What I want is just a general answer to have a feel of what

normally you guy set for you chiller. That's all I want. I am not asking a very difficult

question where only expert can answer right?. This is a place where people share their knowledge so please don't

just reply to those question which only benefit you. Thanks.

Example: when you see a chiller selling at $50. Everyone rush to reply.....

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no need chiller also can.

Just put fan and the tank temp not exceeding more than 31degC

Tried without chiller for few days last week. Temp shoot up to as high as 33 degree.

All fishes look very stress. Fishes tend to fight. My Blue Tang got wacked until very bad state now. After I lower down the temp to 26, all fishes seem better. No more fighting and chasing.

Ever read an article saying fish are more aggresive in high temp. :groupwavereversed:

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Is not the matter of wrong or right answer. What I want is just a general answer to have a feel of what

normally you guy set for you chiller. That's all I want. I am not asking a very difficult

question where only expert can answer right?. This is a place where people share their knowledge so please don't

just reply to those question which only benefit you. Thanks.

Example: when you see a chiller selling at $50. Everyone rush to reply.....

haha.. cheap ma... it means alot to those who hv tight budget.

suggest u make this topic a vote lor.. like tat.. u will get better feed back.

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