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Hey guys. I'm really new to these marine/salt water tank scene. I used to keep fresh water fishes, but after studying and reading up on mantis shrimp i feel like this guy is a good part to start my marine tank hobby =) due to his hardiness and well his living all alone so it won't be so tough u know LOL

The problem i'm having is most of the guides on the forum shows items u need to get in keeping a lavish amount of fishes, whereby usually when a mantis shrimp is involved his usually alone. After reading this website Here, it says that their a pretty hardy breed of crustaceans.

So i was wondering do i really need so much of a lavish setup or should i go for the basics? Example tank lighting/heater?

What sort of budget am i looking at for a small sized tank nothing fancy just rocks to cover the base and probably a small prop for the shrimp to hide in.

Most important question where can i buy mantis shrimps in singapore? After reading how some of the forumers had a hard time catching rogue mantis shrimp in their OWN tanks, i can't imagine how hard its going to be if i go out to changi and tried to catch some or one even BY MYSELF haha.

Oh also, i wanna keep this tank in my room iunno if u guys would approve but i use my aircon everynight. So this means i might need to get a heater? Any other solution for this?

Thanks for taking the time to read my newbie post hehe =)

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Hmm okie few things you have to take note a mantis shrimp is also know to reefers as the thumb splitter and the glass breaker

the mantis can easily break ur aquarium glass although its not common

As for why no to catching it yourself is because the mantis can also break ur thumb easily thus the nick name.

mantis no need lavish tanks nor a heater since sg is already so hot

As for tank size a 1ft cube should be enough for those small size fellows I have seen pacific reef aka Ah beng bringing in those peacock mantis shrimp small in size which is what I suppose u're looking for?

If you believe in fengshui then place ur tank in the living room as both the bedroom and kitchen are bad spots

my 2cents ;)

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Hmm okie few things you have to take note a mantis shrimp is also know to reefers as the thumb splitter and the glass breaker

the mantis can easily break ur aquarium glass although its not common

As for why no to catching it yourself is because the mantis can also break ur thumb easily thus the nick name.

mantis no need lavish tanks nor a heater since sg is already so hot

As for tank size a 1ft cube should be enough for those small size fellows I have seen pacific reef aka Ah beng bringing in those peacock mantis shrimp small in size which is what I suppose u're looking for?

If you believe in fengshui then place ur tank in the living room as both the bedroom and kitchen are bad spots

my 2cents ;)

Thanks for the reply bro. Ok regarding the heater is coz of placing it in my room (I use aircon at night). I can't imagine the amount of noise my parents is gonna make if i put it in the hall or the dining room hahaha. So since it isn't so big then i might as well place it in my room.

BTW who is this Ah beng ure speaking off? And how much is all this gonna cost me rough estimate?

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Thanks for the reply bro. Ok regarding the heater is coz of placing it in my room (I use aircon at night). I can't imagine the amount of noise my parents is gonna make if i put it in the hall or the dining room hahaha. So since it isn't so big then i might as well place it in my room.

BTW who is this Ah beng ure speaking off? And how much is all this gonna cost me rough estimate?

pacific reef in pasir ris

hmm I not sure how much it cost since I didnt buy it before

but pricing should be around 10bucks or more just estimating...

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pacific reef in pasir ris

hmm I not sure how much it cost since I didnt buy it before

but pricing should be around 10bucks or more just estimating...

Ok so just to recap the things i'm goin to need for this shrimp is,

- Fairly small sized tank (According to how big the shrimp is or how big i want it to grow)

- Lighting

- Pump

Feel free to addon from here coz after seeing this site http://www.fishlore.com/SaltwaterAquariumSetup.htm i really don't know what to not get and what to get LOL

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okie logic remains the smaller the tank size the harder to sustain it cause lots of problems such as evaporation,temp and livestocks health

for a species only tank such as a mantis a light is not required since it will affect the temp of the water

some people swear by a skimmer but for a small tank like yours regular water changes would be good maybe 10percent weekly?

most importantly is to read more if after being able to commit then decide if you want to go for it then.


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It's possible to keep fish in your mantis tank but it'll always be a gamble. Fast swimming fish that stays in the water column are safer bets (i.e. damsels, chromis). Bottom-dwelling fishes are not recommended. If you feed your mantis well, it will not bother spending the energy to catch the fish. Of course, assuming that the tank is big enough to provide sufficient swimming space.

There are 2 types of mantis: Smashers and stabbers. Smasher possesses club-like limbs and mainly prey on crustaceans, bivales and gastropods. Stabbers have spear-like limbs primarily used for stabbing and spearing soft-bodied prey (i.e. fishes). Smashers are the ones infamous for breaking tank glass. It's possible if the glass is thin and the shrimp is relatively large.

You need to provide sand and rocks for them to created their burrow. A skimmer is recommended because they feed on seafood that can quickly pollute the water.

Mother nature is unpredictable so take my advice with a pinch of salt.

Here're some good resources:




"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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