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Cleaner Wrasse


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My take with regards to cleaner wrasse is only to buy them from shop that have been known to keep them alive successfully alive.

I personally believes there are many reasons why some shops have been known to sell them feeding and able to survive in captivity part of which could be the supply and part of it could be due to the shop's dedication and skills.

Although cleaner wrasse is cheap compared to most other fishes, the environmental impact is huge if they are over-harvested due to hobbyist unable to keep them alive for long.

As some of the seniors have mentioned, Marine Life (Henry) is one of the few LFS in Singapore able to provide feeding cleaner wrasse that last in our tank (the last one I got from Henry stayed with me 3 years before it was sold).

Thus, I hope all of us will exercise caution when buying them.


"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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  • 2 weeks later...

my dad recently got a cleaner wrasse as an IBS purchase, quite heartbroken when I saw it in the tank. :(

So far, its active and bright-looking and feeding on small bits of mysis or cyclopeeze. I don't know how long he'll last, but as one who believes that cleaner wrasses are one of the fishes that should be left in the wild and not be cooped up in a parasite-free tank.

cheers and peace-out.

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  • Senior Reefer

like i've said before, many times, so many that i cannot remember,

cleaner wrasses do not eat white spots. they eat larger ecto parasites (ecto means out) such as isopods, maybe flukes, etc. whit spots bury under the skin so they are out of reach.

so anyone buying cleaner wrasses for white spot control, it does not work. :groupwavereversed:

as for feeding, L. dimidiatus is the easiest to get feeding. but wether or not they can survive after feeding is highly debated topic and i wont discuss it again, as there are many reefers with opposing view points who cannot keep negative comments to themselves and cannot think with an open mind.

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