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Any One Tried----AquaPharm Pro Series Cure Ich™

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I found very little about it online and the ingredient as well. I know they sell it in SG. It just says no copper. For those who used it, does it work? Please let me know because my fishes got whitespot because they seemed to stress when i was adding new fish and moved the live rock around as well. Thing is I don't have a qt tank. I have a 20 gallon tank. thx.

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I found very little about it online and the ingredient as well. I know they sell it in SG. It just says no copper. For those who used it, does it work? Please let me know because my fishes got whitespot because they seemed to stress when i was adding new fish and moved the live rock around as well. Thing is I don't have a qt tank. I have a 20 gallon tank. thx.

That's is sub discussion in WWM below...


looks like not recommend or ineffective nor reef safe.

Cheers and Happy Reefing..


LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • SRC Member

Tried it and not recommended for sure!

will affect corals health and in the end fish died

still have it if you wanna try but would be good if you opt for other treating methods such as

hypo or copper.

The QT tank can be in a plastic toyogo box

all the best!

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Tried... and fail...Tried this meds and others as well.. all no used.... now i just leave them in the tank with cleaner shrimps.... and all the fishes doing well.. so conclusion is NO USE lor.. just my opinion base on experience on this medicine.

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wow are you guys serious lol???? I seriously used it because i didn't want to make the same mistake twice and leaving the whitespot til later and the fish will get worst and die. But I followed directions of the medication and so far(it's been 4 days) the white spot has disappeared from the clownfish. I have 2 clownfishes and 1 mandarinfish and cleanershrimp which are doing well. The liverock seems fine...and so do the mushrooms i have. I have a goby that died in a day..maybe i didn't assimilate correctly, but that's a different story. Seriously hypo takes forever and is very difficult, and unfortunately just don't have a qt tank to use copper or hypo. For me the medication seems to work so far...so I'm shocked at every1's assessment of this medication. Maybe it's because I medicated right away when I saw there were 1-2 whitespots on the fish so it will actually work in early detection?

Ok another question, i know introduction of new fish will cause whitespot or stress when I was moving out the liverock and adding sand, do the conditioners work for new fishes? Oh yeah..final question..how often should I change the water for a FOWLR in a 20 gallon tank?? thanks all.

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  • SRC Member

My fish had white spot after I introed a new fish in and I just left it.. I let them fight it out, if they are healthy they will be able to get over it... I just make sure I fed them better quality food dosed with garlic guard and selcon. My Blue Tang, Yellow Tang and some wrasses were covered in white spot but after 2 weeks or so, it cleared up.

EVery reef system will have white spot, it's whether or not it rears it's ugly head when fish get stressed. You can never eliminate it.

Previously when I tried to catch and do hypo, you either end up stressing the fish even more which cause even more white spot or they do not survive the hypo.

good luck to your tank.

Cheers, ;)


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^well yea i heard garlic helps the fish with whitespots..but I guess i wasn't consistent enough the first time and the fish's whitespot got worst and one day all the fishes in the tank which were 3 of them died. Basically the powder brown tang's condition got worst and i think he caused the other clownfishes and 1 firefish to die. SO this time I don't want it to get worst and I just used this medication while it only had 1-2 whitespots since I think catching it early will make this medication work. IF in later stages this medication might not work.

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  • Senior Reefer

3 misconception of ich.

1) reef safe medication rarely works. if it appears to work, it's not caused by the medication itself, but some other factors. ich cycle is continuous and come and goes.

2) cleaner wrasses, cleaner shrimps DO NOT eat white spots. i repeat, they DO NOT. neither do neon gobies and all other cleaning fishes. white spots are caused by a parasite that bores UNDER the skin of fishes, where the shrimps and fish cannot reach. The fish however, can get relief from the shrimps and fish as the fish and shrimp will remove dead skin, dying tissues etc.

3) a tank free of white spot is possible. however, everything have to go through quarantine with no fish for at least 5 weeks. however, even a drop of water from LFS can cause white spots to return. and even if they return, if your fish are healthy, they may not show symptoms. so no one knows for sure if in a supposed "white spot-free tank", there is 100% no white spot, or there is, but too minor to show symptoms.

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Sorry lemon, my first try the fishes died due to disease and it basically gets worst. This try I use this medication and whitespot disappears in 2 days without garlic or anything else. So I doubt whitespot can jst disappear jst like that without medication. But this is first week so I'll keep update if the fishes will be ok.

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