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Reefkeeping/Forum Acronyms & Abbreviations


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A: Amp

AAOLM: Advanced Aquarist Online Magazine, electronic magazine

AB: Aqualine Buschke, lighting manufacturer

acro: Acropora, a type of SPS coral

AC: Activated carbon, chemical filtration media / alternating current

AC: Alternating current

Acan : Acanthastrea

AC II: AquaController II, all-in-one monitor & controller

Ack: Acknowledge

ADA: Aquatic Design Amano

AEFW : Acro Eating Flatworms

AF: Aquarium Frontiers, online magazine

AFAIK: As far as I know

AFM: Aquarium Fish Monthly, magazine

AGA: All-Glass Aquarium, aquarium manufacturer

AhBeng: Pacific Marine (Singapore LFS Map)

AL: Aqualink, aquarium bulletin board

ALK: Alkalinity, measure of buffering capacity of water

AM: Aquamarin (http://www.sgreefclu...n-aquatic-pets/)(LFS)

AM3K: Ampmaster 3000, a model of water pump made by Dolphin Aquarium & Pet Products, Inc.

ARS: Aquatic Reef Systems, RO/DI mail order place

AT: Achilles tang

ATC: Auto Tempreature Correction

ATM: At the moment

AISI: As I see it

ALK: Alkalinity, measure of buffering capacity of water

AOL: America Online, internet service provider

ASAP: As soon as possible

ATC: Automatic temperature compensating, a feature on some refractometers

ATS: Algae turf scrubber, reef setup technique (ATS系统原理及实践)

AVA : Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore

B4: Before

BA: Bartlett's Anthias.

BB: Bare Bottom

BBS: Baby Brine Shrimp

Blasto : Blastomussa

BLH : Blue Leg Hermit Crab

BO: Bulk Order

BOD: Biological oxygen demand

BR: Base rock

BS: Brine Shrimp / Brittle Starfish

BT: Blue Tang

BTA: Bubble tip anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) / bubble-tipped, bulb tentacle, bulb tip

BTU: British thermal unit (1 BTU / hour = 0.29307107 watts)

BTW: By the way

Bfly: Butterflyfish

C328 : Clementi 328 LFS

Ca: Calcium

CA: Custom Aquatic, mail order place

CaCl2: Calcium chloride

CaCO3: Calcium carbonate

Ca(OH)2: Calcium hydroxide, limewater (kalkwasser)

CAPQ : Changi Animal and Plant Quarantine

CB : Coral Beauty Angelfish (Centropyge bispinosus)

CBB : Copper Banded Butterflyfish (Chelmon rostratus)

CBS : Coral Banded Shrimp

CC: Counter current, type of protein skimmer

CC: Crushed coral

CF: Coral Farm LFS Map

CFL: Standard Compact Fluorescent

CITIES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

Cl: Chlorine

CL : Closed loop

CO2: Carbon dioxide

CO3: Carbonate

CPR: Creative Plastics Research, manufacturer of fresh and saltwater products

CRS: Crystal red shrimp (scientific name: Caridina sp.)

CTA: Cellulose triacetate, type of RO membrane

CR: Calcium reactor

CRI: Color Rendering Index

CSD: Carlson surge device

CSL: Custom Sea Life, lighting manufacturer

CTA: Cellulose triacetate, type of RO membrane

Cu: Copper

CUC: Aquarium Clean Up Crew Algae

CUL: See you later / catch you later

CUL8R: See you later / catch you later

CYANO: Cyanobacteria

DC: Direct current

DE: Double ended metal halide metal bulb

DFS: Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc., mail order place

DD: Downdraft, type of protein skimmer / diver's den in liveaquaria


DI: Deionisation, type of water purification

DIY: Do it yourself

DT's: Brand of refrigerated living phytoplankton

dKH: Degrees of carbonate hardness, measure of alkalinity

DO: Dissolve oxygen

DOC: Dissolved organic carbon

DSB: Deep sand bed

EC : End Cap

ER: Euro-Reef, skimmer manufacturer

FA: Flame Angel / Failure Analysis

FAMA: Freshwater and Marine Aquaria, magazine

FAQ: Frequently ask question

FB: Face Book

FBZ: fenbendazole or Panacur

FCFS: First Come First Serve

Fe: Iron

FeCl2: Ferrous chloride
FeCl2 + PO4 ==> Fe3(PO4)2
Fe+2 ==> Fe+3
Fe+3 + HCO3 ==> FeOH2

Iron salts. Iron is commercially available in three forms: ferric chloride (FeCl3), ferrous chloride (FeCl2), and ferrous sulfate (FeSO4). All are corrosive and therefore must be carefully handled.
Theoretically, 1.8 pounds of iron is required to remove one pound of phosphorus (as P). However, to achieve low phosphorus concentrations, much more is required. Approximately 1 mg/L of alkalinity is consumed for each mg/L of iron added; as a result, the wastewater pH drops approximately 0.1 per 10 mg/L of iron added. Iron works over a wide pH range. Iron salt solutions contain some trace metals: up to 75-100 mg/L depending on the product.

FeCl3: ferric chloride
FeCl3 + PO4 3 = FePO4 (precipitate) + 3Cl –

FFE: Flying Fish Express, mail order company, United States

fH: French Degree of Hardness

FIFO: First In First Out

FO: Fish only, type of marine aquarium

FOC: free of charge

FOT: Fish Only Tank

FOWLR: Fish only with live rock, type of marine aquarium

FS: For Sales

FW: Freshwater / Flatworms

FWD: Freshwater Dip

FWIW: For what its worth

FYI: For your information

FYM: For your misinformation

GAC: Granular activated carbon

GAL: Gallon

GBP : Green Button Polyps

GBR: Great Barrier Reef

GBTA : Green Bulb Tip Anemone (E. quadricolor)

GH: General Hardness

GFO : Granular Ferric Oxide

GFH : Granular Ferric Hydroxide Oxide

GO: Golden Octopus (http://www.sgreefclu...golden-octopus/) (LFS)LFS Map

GPH: Gallons per hour

GSM: Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus)

GSP : Green Star Polyps

HA : Hair Algae

HAS: High speed aeration, type of proteins skimmer

HCO3: Hydrogen carbonate

HID: High Intensity Discharge Lamp

HO: High output fluorescent light

HOB : Hang on Back

HOT : Hang on Tank

HP : Horse Power (1 hp = 745.699872 watts)

HITH: Hole in the Head

HLLE: head and lateral line erosion

HMA : Heavy Metal Axe (water purifier methods)

HRSS : House Rabbit Society of Singapore

HTH: Hope this/that helps

HUFAs: highly unsaturated fatty acids

I: Iodide

I2: Iodine

Ich: infestation of Cryptocaryon irritans or other common marine parasite

ID: Indentify/indetification

IE: Internet Explorer, WWW browser

IM: In my

IMCO: In my considered opinion

IME: In my experience

IMEO: In my expert opinion

IMHO: In my humble/honest opinion

IMNSHO: In my not so humble/honest opinion

IMO: In my opinion

amox: Amoxicillin (Amoxicillin is one of the most common antibiotics prescribed for children. And Reefing used it for removing Red Slime Algae)

IO: Instant Ocean

IO3: Iodate

IOS: Internal Overflow Sump

IOW: In other words

IR: Infrared, type of light of longer wavelength than visible light

IRC: Internet relay chat

ISP: Internet service provider

K2S04: Potassium sulfate

KALK: Kalkwasser, German for calcium hydroxide solution or limewater

KCl: Potassium chloride

KH: carbonate hardness

KI: Potassium iodide

KISS: Keep it simple stupid

KNO3: Potassium Nitrate

kW: Kilowatt

LA: liveaquaria

LaCl3: Lanthanum chloride
Lanthanum chloride can be used to remove phosphates in swimming pools, which helps prevent algae growth. It is also used in biochemical research to block the activity of divalent cation channels, mainly calcium channels. Doped with cerium, it is used as a scintillator material.

The Lanthanum chloride dissolves in the water, giving free Lanthanum and Chloride ions. The Lanthanum ion attaches to a Phosphate ion and produces a an insoluble salt like Aragonite CaCO3, which settles to the bottom or where some may get picked up by the skimmer. One needs to be careful with this stuff, as it is easy to form LaCO3, which can deplete the Alk.
How it works

LaCl2 + H20 ---> La ++ + 2Cl- + H2O

La++ + PO4-- ---> LaPO4

L8R: Later

LCK: LCK 201 (LFS in neo tiew)LFS Map

LED: Light Emitting Diode

LFS: Local fish store/shop

LHS: Local hardware store

LMB : Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)

Lobo : Lobophyllia

LOL: Laughing out loud

Lord : Acanthastrea Lordhowensis

LPH: Litres per hour

LPS: Large polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral

LR: Live rock

LRB : Little Red Bugs

LS: Live sand / Life Stock

LT: Liter

LTA : Long Tentacle Anemone

mA: Milliamp

MACNA: Marine Aquaria Conference of North America, held annually

MACO: Marine Aquaria Courses Online

MASA: Marine Aquarium Societies of Australia

MASNA: Marine Aquarium Society of North America

MASS: Marine Aquarist Society Singapore (http://www.sgreefclu...iety-singapore/)

MEQ/L: Milli-equivalents per litre, measure of alkalinity

Mg: Magnesium

MgCl2: Magnesium chloride

MG/L: Milligrams per litre

MH: Metal halide light

MIA: Missing In Action

Micro : Micromussa

Milli : Acropora millipora (not genera Millipora)

ML: Marine Life Hobbielist (http://www.sgreefclu...ife-hobbielist/)(LFS)

MN : Montipora Nudibranch

MO: Mail order

MP: Market Prawn

MPA: Marine Protected Area

MRT: Mass Rapid Transit

mV: Millivolt

MV: Mercury vapour light

mW: Milliwatt

MWTG: Might Want To Give

MWTS: Might Want To Sell

MWTT: Might Want To Trade

Na: Sodium

NaCO3 / NaHCO3: Sodium carbonate

NaOH: Sodium hydroxide

NCM: North Coast Marine, mail order company, United States

NG: Usenet newsgroup

NO : Normal Output

NH3: Ammonia

NH4: Ammonium

NNR: Natural nitrate reduction, reef setup technique

NO: Normal output fluorescent light

NO2: Nitrite

NO3: Nitrate

NP: No problem

NPS: Non-Photosynthetic

NR: Nitrate Reactor

NRN: No reply necessary

NS: Netscape, WWW browser

NSW: Natural seawater

NTS: New Tank Syndrome

O2: Oxygen

O3: Ozone / trioxygen

OBTW: Oh by the way

ORA: Oceans Reefs & Aquariums

ORP: Oxidative redox potential

OST: Osmotic Shock Therapy

OT: Off Topic

OTOH: On the other hand

OTS: Old Tank Syndrome

PAR: Photosynthetically Active Radiation

PAR LED: Parabolic Aluminized Reflector type LED

Pasar Malam : Bazaar / Night Market (Malay language)

Pathogen: an organism that causes a disease within another organism.

PBITAWA : Pour Bleach in Tank and Walk Away

PC: Power Compact light

PLS: Please

PBT : Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus leucosternon) or Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus)

PC: Power compact fluorescent light

pH: Measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions, equal to -log[H+], <7 acidic, =7 neutral, >7 basic

PH: Powerhead, water pump

Photosynthesis: process by which plants manufacture their own energy from the chemical reaction of carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. Oxygen is a photochemical byproduct of photosynthesis.
PO4: Phosphate


PM: Private Message

PPF: Photosynthetic Photon Flux

PPM: Parts per million, equivalent to mg/l (milligrams per litre)

PPP: Parasite Prevention Plan

PPT: Parts Per Thousand (Specific Gravity)

PSB: Photosynthesis bacteria

PSI: Pounds per square inch

PUR: Photosynthetically Usable Radiation

PVC: Poly vinyl chloride, used for piping / plumbing

QT : Quarantine Tank

RAG: Reef Aquarium Guide, website

RAMR: Usenet newsgroup rec.aquaria.marine.reefs

RBTA : Rose Bulb Tip Anemone (E. quadricolor)

RC: Reef Central, website / Reef Club / Reef Crystals (salt)

RD: Reefdepot (http://www.reefdepot....sg/Default.asp)(LFS)

RDO: reefs.org, website

RG: Royal Gamma

Rics : Ricordea

RIP: † Rest in Peace

RLH : Red Leg Hermit Crab

RO: Reverse osmosis, type of water purification

RO/DI or rodi: Reverse osmosis, followed by deionisation, type of water purification

ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing

ROFLOL: Rolling on the floor laughing out loud

ROTFL: Rolling on the floor laughing

ROTFLMAO: Rolling on the floor laughing my ###### off

ROTFLOL: Rolling on the floor laughing out loud

RSS: Red Sea Salt (salt)

RTAW: Reefing the Australian Way, Australian discussion board

RTN: Rapid tissue necrosis

RUGF: Reverse flow undergravel filter

SAL: Salinity

SELCO: Self-Emulsifying Lipid Concentrate

SB: Sandbed

SCWD: Switching Current Water Director

SSB: Shallow Sand Bed

SD: Surge device

SG: Specific gravity

SHO: Super high output fluorescent light, equivalent to power compact fluorescent

Shroom : Mushroom

Si: Silicon

SiO2: Silicon dioxide

SITD: Still in the dark

SL: SeaLife (LFS)

SMS: Short Message

SO: Significant other

SO2: Sulphur dioxide

Softies : Soft Corals

SOx: Sulphur Oxides

SPAW: Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (Protocol of Cartagena Convention)

SPCA : Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

SPS: Small polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral

Sr: Strontium

SRC: Singapore Reef Club

SST: Sea Surface Temperature

STN: Slow Tissue Necrosis

SW: Saltwater / seawater

T(#) : measurement of fluorescent bulb thickness in 1/8", i.e. T12 = 1.5", T5 = 5/8".

T95: LFS farm at Seletar Farm plot 95

TAT: Thiel Aqua Tech, mail order company, United States

TBS: Tampa Bay Saltwater, mail order company, United States

TCSS: Talk ###### Sing Song

TDS: Total dissolved solids

TFC: Thin film composite, type of RO membrane

TFN: Thanks for nothing

TIA: Thanks in advance

TIC: Tongue in cheek

TM: Tropic Marin (salt)

TMCRA: The modern coral reef aquarium, book by Alf Nilsen and Svien Fossa

TOTM: Tank Of The Month

TRA: The reef aquarium, book by Charles Delbeek and Julian Sprung

TS - thread starter/topic starter

TTYL: Talk to you later

TWP: Tap Water Purifier from Aquatic Pharmaceuticals

UGF: Undergravel filter

ULNS: Ultra Low Nutrient System

UV: Ultra violet, type of light of shorter wavelength than visible light

V: Volts

VHO: Very high output fluorescent light

W: Watt

WC: Water Change

WGMAFC: Working Group on Marine Fish Culture

WH : Wiring Harness

WI: wrought iron (butterflyfish)

WMC: Western Marine Conference, United States

WSM: White Stripe Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus)

WSP : White Star Polyps

WTB: want to buy

WTG: want to give (or get)

WTS: want to sell

WTT: want to trade

WWF: World Wide Fund for Nature

WWM: WebWebMedia.com

WWW: World wide web

WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get

YMMV: Your mileage may vary

YCG: Yellow Clown Goby

YT: Yellow Tang

Zoa: Zoanthids (soft corals)

Zoos : Zoanthids (soft corals)

Zooxanthellae: symbiotic single-celled plants living within reef-building corals. They provide food through photosynthesis, which are used as one source of energy for the coral polyps. They also provide coloration for the corals (see coral bleaching).

<g>: Grin

<G>: Big grin

<s>: Smile

<S> : Big smile

:-) : Smile

;-) : Smirk

:-( : Sad

:-O : Surprise

:-* : Whistle/ Kiss

Edited by CFOh
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LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • Senior Reefer

to add in..

LA - liveaquaria

DD - can also mean diver's den in liveaquaria

WI - wrought iron (butterflyfish)

CF - coral farm

LCK - LCK 201 (LFS in neo tiew)

LFS - local fish store

RC - reef central

YCG - yellow clown goby

RG - royal gramma

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to add in..

LA - liveaquaria

DD - can also mean diver's den in liveaquaria

WI - wrought iron (butterflyfish)

CF - coral farm

LCK - LCK 201 (LFS in neo tiew)

LFS - local fish store

RC - reef central

YCG - yellow clown goby

RG - royal gramma

Thanks Bro Lemon, consolidated... :ThanxSmiley:


LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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WTS: want to sell

WTB: want to buy

WTG: want to give (or get)

WTT: want to trade

FOC: free of charge

WC: water change

HLLE - head and lateral line erosion

TS - thread starter/topic starter

Some more to add..

ULNS - Ultra Low nutrient System

Updated... :ThanxSmiley:


LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, where is Ah Beng shop? I thought I might find it here, but I couldn't, thanx.


Pacific Marine

Tel: (65)6386 0060 Plot 32 Pasir Ris Dr 12 Singapore 510000

Pls find Singapore LFS MAP as below or click on LFS words in Abbreviations table:

Singapore LFS Map

Cheers and Happy Reefing...


LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • SRC Member

Power la bro!

U actually type it out ah?

So long lo. Took how long to do it? Lol...

MP = Market prawn!

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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