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WTS Calcium Reactor & Kalkwasser reactor

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Package Sale 1a

1. Dual Chamber X Trime Calcium Reactor model with Ehiem 1260 feeder pump selling @ $380

2. Calcium Reactor 70%Media Rowa lith W One Packet & 85% Rowa lith C+ One Packet pump selling @ $80

3. 1 x USA Aluminum CO2G Gas Tank with70%co2 gas selling @ $200

4. JBJ Needle Wheel Valve & Solenoid Valve selling @ $100

Total $550

Package Sale 2

6. Kalkwasser reactor with Hanna magnetic stirrer selling @ $150

9. Auto Top Up Controller With Dual Low & High Level Float Switches With Pico 400 Pump. selling @$120

23. Top Up Tank L35 x W 20x H40 With Float Valve Control selling @$35

Total $220

36. One full bucket of activated carbon for sale selling @ $100

37. One full packet of Bio Ring for sale selling @ $15

Take package 1 & 2 @ $650 FOC One full bucket of Activated Carbon & one full packet of Bio Ring

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Package 1

1. Dual Chamber X Trime Calcium Reactor model with Ehiem 1260 feeder pump bought at $610 selling @ $380

2. Calcium Reactor 70%Media Rowa lith W One Packet & 85% Rowa lith C+ One Packet pump bought at $175 selling @ $80

3. 1 x USA Aluminum CO2G Gas Tank with70%co2 gas bought at $295 selling @ $200

4. JBJ Needle Wheel Valve & Solenoid Valve selling bought at $180 selling @@$80

Total Purchase Price $1260 My Total Loss For Tha Above Package $760

Total Indivdula Items Selling Price $740

Package 1 Selling Price $500 :yahoo:

Package 2

6. Kalkwasser reactor with Hanna magnetic stirrer Bought @ $230 selling @ $150

9. Auto Top Up Controller With Dual Low & High Level Float Switches With Pico 400 Pump.Bought @$190 selling @$120

23. Top Up Tank L35 x W 20x H40 With Float Valve Control Bought @$55 selling @$35

Total Purchase Price $475 My Total Loss For Tha Above Package $275

Total Indivdula Items Selling Price $305

Package 2 Selling Price $200 :yahoo:

:bow:Take package 1 & 2 @ $580 FOC One full bucket of Activated Carbon & one full packet of Bio Ring

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Package 1

Sold and collected :ThanxSmiley:

Package 2

1. Kalkwasser reactor with Hanna magnetic stirrer Bought @ $230 selling @ $150

2. Auto Top Up Controller With Dual Low & High Level Float Switches With Pico 400 Pump.Bought @$190 selling @$120

3. Top Up Tank L35 x W 20x H40 With Float Valve Control Bought @$55 selling @$35

Package 2 Selling Price $200 :yeah:

FOC One full bucket of Activated Carbon worth $100 & One full packet of Bio Ring


Total Indivdula Items Selling Price $305

Total Purchase Price $475 My Total Loss For Tha Above Package $275 :cry:

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Not an honest seller.

Bought the Calcium Reactor from him.

All please beware of this cheater.

hi iVirus,

it's better to comment on the whole story instead of the summary for this kind of issue, it will be better for everyone, for the seller and you the buyer.

Hope this issue can be clear soon~

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hi iVirus,

it's better to comment on the whole story instead of the summary for this kind of issue, it will be better for everyone, for the seller and you the buyer.

Hope this issue can be clear soon~

Hi Onizuka,

I have already sent a detail email to the moderator on this issue.

As a newbie, I might be in the wrong of some rules that's unknown to me so I wont be posting the details till the moderator verify it.

In the event, if I am in the wrong, I will offer the seller an Open Apology.

However if its the other way round, I hope justice will be serve.



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Hi Onizuka,

I have already sent a detail email to the moderator on this issue.

As a newbie, I might be in the wrong of some rules that's unknown to me so I wont be posting the details till the moderator verify it.

In the event, if I am in the wrong, I will offer the seller an Open Apology.

However if its the other way round, I hope justice will be serve.



Why not copy and paste the email u sent to moderators? You seemed rather convinced that Thread starter has conducted a dishonest sale. It will be good to have the story instead of just knowing who is right and who is wrong.

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:ThanxSmiley:My sincere apologies but I have a no return policy on all goods sold.

Ivrius bought the entire CR package form me at $480 at my loss of $780

Before I release any of my goods I always ensure that all goods are tested in front of the buyers to ensure that the goods being sold are in good working condition.

I’m in no way responsible if you are unable to place the CR in your cabinet if placing the CR was your top priority you should have double check all the CR dimensions before you made the purchases.

Package 1 :ThanxSmiley:

Sold and collected

Package 2 :ThanxSmiley:

Sold and collected

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:ThanxSmiley:My sincere apologies but I have a no return policy on all goods sold.

Ivrius bought the entire CR package form me at $480 at my loss of $780

Before I release any of my goods I always ensure that all goods are tested in front of the buyers to ensure that the goods being sold are in good working condition.

I’m in no way responsible if you are unable to place the CR in your cabinet if placing the CR was your top priority you should have double check all the CR dimensions before you made the purchases.

Huh? He bought the CR without checking with you the dimensions and then now complain of the CR not being able to fit? Tsk Tsk tsk..liddat also can. No wonder he never put full story and then disappear after one posting. lol

But then hor..did he ask you the dimensions before committing to it or not? I know a lot of times i buy things base on trust one. I ask a lot of questions over the phone. Once the seller answer to my queries, i commit on the phone base on trust.

And to be fair, how much you lost in this sale plays no part at all. Also cannot say no return policy one la. I mean if his problem is genuine, then base on fair practice, you should consider a refund. After all, it should not be difficult to sell off. It does seem like a very good CR.

Then again, i am just bystander. heeheee...Ivirus..pls post your side of the story.

If not, this is a walk over. *ring bell.

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Huh? He bought the CR without checking with you the dimensions and then now complain of the CR not being able to fit? Tsk Tsk tsk..liddat also can. No wonder he never put full story and then disappear after one posting. lol

But then hor..did he ask you the dimensions before committing to it or not? I know a lot of times i buy things base on trust one. I ask a lot of questions over the phone. Once the seller answer to my queries, i commit on the phone base on trust.

And to be fair, how much you lost in this sale plays no part at all. Also cannot say no return policy one la. I mean if his problem is genuine, then base on fair practice, you should consider a refund. After all, it should not be difficult to sell off. It does seem like a very good CR.

Then again, i am just bystander. heeheee...Ivirus..pls post your side of the story.

If not, this is a walk over. *ring bell.

^ +1

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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Huh? He bought the CR without checking with you the dimensions and then now complain of the CR not being able to fit? Tsk Tsk tsk..liddat also can. No wonder he never put full story and then disappear after one posting. lol

But then hor..did he ask you the dimensions before committing to it or not? I know a lot of times i buy things base on trust one. I ask a lot of questions over the phone. Once the seller answer to my queries, i commit on the phone base on trust.

And to be fair, how much you lost in this sale plays no part at all. Also cannot say no return policy one la. I mean if his problem is genuine, then base on fair practice, you should consider a refund. After all, it should not be difficult to sell off. It does seem like a very good CR.

Then again, i am just bystander. heeheee...Ivirus..pls post your side of the story.

If not, this is a walk over. *ring bell.

Before this gets any further... Let me clear the air... Buyer did state to seller that his cabinet can only fit in 29cm width and height 50cm... Seller assure and replied that it can fit in... But in actual fact the width is 33cm so it did not fit and he have a prove against the measuring tape that it is 33cm in all orientation but the Seller just refuse to do a refund and ask the buyer to resell...

Again this is the story from the buyer but we are looking into it... :peace:

If not as a mod, I would say that this sale is not very fair, if the point is stated clearly his cabinet can only fit in 29cm and knowing that the CR is 33cm and the seller still sell it and not refusing the refund even when the problem is with the wrong dimension that he gave..

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Before this gets any further... Let me clear the air... Buyer did state to seller that his cabinet can only fit in 29cm width and height 50cm... Seller assure and replied that it can fit in... But in actual fact the width is 33cm so it did not fit and he have a prove against the measuring tape that it is 33cm in all orientation but the Seller just refuse to do a refund and ask the buyer to resell...

Again this is the story from the buyer but we are looking into it... :peace:

If not as a mod, I would say that this sale is not very fair, if the point is stated clearly his cabinet can only fit in 29cm and knowing that the CR is 33cm and the seller still sell it and not refusing the refund even when the problem is with the wrong dimension that he gave..

then like that it's misrepresentation on the seller's part lo. Seller please be kind and refund this dude his money man.

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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Hi Onizuka,

I have already sent a detail email to the moderator on this issue.

As a newbie, I might be in the wrong of some rules that's unknown to me so I wont be posting the details till the moderator verify it.

In the event, if I am in the wrong, I will offer the seller an Open Apology.

However if its the other way round, I hope justice will be serve.



Hi iVirus,

I would encourage you to share here with members the details of the transaction between you and the seller as this would enable everyone here to judge .

Buyer is encourage to test all the equipment and ensure all the equipments is working fine and according to specification prior to purschase, and for seller it is fair to provide as much information as possible to your sales i.e ; specification, dimension and personal warrenty given or not ? for buyer to know.

It is also important to know the person whom you are dealing with, and this is also where our reputation system come handy. Buyer and seller is encourage to rate each other for both a "Good deal" or a "Bad deal" in order to enable one another to judge as well the person whom he is dealing with.

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He had SMS me his dimensions and after checking yes I did replied that it looks ok to me; but there is no possible way that my measurement could be 100% accurate I’m human after all.

Like I’ve said before if the measurements were his top priority the first thing he should have done was to reconfirm the dimensions. I could have always provided him with a measuring tape for him to double check.(After all he was at my place for almost half an hour)

My apologies mate but I strictly have a no return policy which is made know to all buyers when purchasing the goods.

Ivrius has many options ahead of him

1. To place the CR outside his cabinet

2. To get the manufacturer Joe to do slight modification at the top cover to reduce the width.

3. To resell the CR in the forum (I had sold the CR in good working condition and he has also got to do likewise)

The seller’s responsibility is to ensure that all goods sold are in good working condition and the buyers responsibilities is check and double check all the items before making any purchase.

If he had call me immediately upon reaching home yesterday to informed me that the CR could not be place in his cabinet, I might have reconsider and provided him a refund however, there is a times lapses of 12 hours from the point of sales, hence my no return policy remains for now and even for all future sales.

I personally feel Ivirus was very rude and had even use vulgarities when I spoke to him this morning. I will never entertain such an unreasonable person. If the moderator once to supports such a person I’ll just stop using my sgreefclub account.

Lastly there is no need for reefers to be watching a free show here and at the end of the day come out with a verdict to judge, this is not a court house, anyway I do not wish to be hogging on to this matter anymore so this will be my last response to this issue.

PS: I have sold so many items in this forum and all the other buyers are satisfied and I have not receive any complains hence, clearly the problem lies with this immature buyer here.

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He had SMS me his dimensions and after checking yes I did replied that it looks ok to me; but there is no possible way that my measurement could be 100% accurate I’m human after all.

Yes, I would have done the same mistake as well. However if I were you, I would allow the buyer to return.

Like I’ve said before if the measurements were his top priority the first thing he should have done was to reconfirm the dimensions. I could have always provided him with a measuring tape for him to double check.(After all he was at my place for almost half an hour)

Yes, I should have measure the CR at the point of transaction. I gave you the benefit of the doubt as a grown adult, you will not misrepresent the dimension to me. I was there half hour mainly to ask how does this thing works and not forgetting you were also introducing me the Kal reactor plus test on to make sure the CR is working. With so many things done within half an hour I dont think its long. And most importantly just because I dint measure it on the spot, that doesn't warrant you to give me false information at the point of sales.

My apologies mate but I strictly have a no return policy which is made know to all buyers when purchasing the goods.

Agree but not on incorrect information. Havent you heard of the Lehman Case?

Ivrius has many options ahead of him

1. To place the CR outside his cabinet

2. To get the manufacturer Joe to do slight modification at the top cover to reduce the width.

3. To resell the CR in the forum (I had sold the CR in good working condition and he has also got to do likewise)

Firstly I know there is many options available. But the point is that I was mispresent with False information at the point of sales.

And if its so easy why dont you take it back and try to resell it to another buyer?

The seller’s responsibility is to ensure that all goods sold are in good working condition and the buyers responsibilities is check and double check all the items before making any purchase.

I understand on the working condition part. But now is that the dimension wasn't as you claimed.

If he had call me immediately upon reaching home yesterday to informed me that the CR could not be place in his cabinet, I might have reconsider and provided him a refund however, there is a times lapses of 12 hours from the point of sales, hence my no return policy remains for now and even for all future sales.

I met you at 1015pm. Left your house at 1050/11pm. By the time I reach home is 12 midnight. I call you at 9am the next morning. Now all be the judge, was there a too long lapse of time? And moreover, does the dimension of the CR changes during the time in my procession?

I personally feel Ivirus was very rude and had even use vulgarities when I spoke to him this morning.

I was never rude. I told you abt the situation but you offer me the above solution like selling off without even wants to find out the dimension with measuring tape. I offer to take a picture with measuring tape beside but you told me no point since the thing is sold. That alone gave me the feeling that you have known before hand that the dimension is out when selling me. I only raise my voice when you told me that you got no money to refund because you gave it to the tank maker for your new project! Tell me who wouldn't ?? Yes I was rude by saying as a grown up like you, you are telling me you don't even have 500? And most importantly I felt you are lying! Close the sales at 11pm and then next money 9am, the money is gone.,,Hur hur?!?!

PS: As for the vulgarities, when was that may I ask?

I will never entertain such an unreasonable person.

You never had any intention to entertain even if the reason is valid. As I propose to you, lets take it to the forum. If the majority take your side. I rest my case. But if otherwise, please refund my money.

However, your reply was post as many as I want, you don't care.

If the moderator once to supports such a person I’ll just stop using my sgreefclub account.

Lets stop with all the threat and take it as a grown up. My mistake i rest my case and offer you an open apology. Your mistake, please be a gentleman and refund my money.

Lastly there is no need for reefers to be watching a free show here and at the end of the day come out with a verdict to judge, this is not a court house, anyway I do not wish to be hogging on to this matter anymore so this will be my last response to this issue.

PS: I have sold so many items in this forum and all the other buyers are satisfied and I have not receive any complains hence, clearly the problem lies with this immature buyer here.

Same thing, I have sold many items and buy many items from Forum, never have i receive any complains so does that means you are in the wrong? LOL!!

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Why not copy and paste the email u sent to moderators? You seemed rather convinced that Thread starter has conducted a dishonest sale. It will be good to have the story instead of just knowing who is right and who is wrong.

Hi Terryz,

Thank you for the offered help. Below is what happen in details.

I am a new reefer.

My contact with Seller on 29th Aug 10 afternoon ard 1pm on regards to his calcium reactor.

My initial question to seller exact SMS "Bro my space available is 29cm width and height 50cm"

Exact reply from seller "ok, can use i measure already".

I couldnt find information on the net as seller claim it is done with Joe_P so information is not readily available.

With that I arrange a viewing without a timing as I am running afew places.

At his house, i ask him how much is the reactor, he quoted me $680.

I did a internet search with my iphone on the spot and verified that he only want to sell $500.

So he reply that he did alot of "revision" to the price that he forgot.

At his house, he taught me how to use the reactor.test the equipment and all working fine.

As it was already 12 midnight when i reached home, I didnt check.

This morning around 9am, I tried to put the reactor in the cabinet and it wont fit.

I took measuring tape and it reads 33cm width. So I called seller.

He claim that it measure 29cm when he did it. So I offer to take a picture with measuring tape and send to him in case i got it the wrong way. He say no need, since its already sold, he wont take it back.

He suggested customize the CR to make it smaller or buy additional Cabinet which I felt that's beside the point.

I challenge him by bringing the CR to his place, if it reads 29cm width in any orientation, I will take the CR, however if it reads more than that, I should have the right to refund. He rebuked by asking me to sell to others and its my fault for not measuring when purchase.

I told him that its like a cheat to me and requested to bring this into the forum, if others felt the fault is with me and not his then I will rest my case. He suggested that I can post all I want and he doesn't care.

The product I got from seller is good at this point(I cant test it as I cant get it inside the cabinet).

However I felt that its a cheat because I clearly indicated my standpoint that it MUST be able to fit into my cabinet which it doesn't.

The Xtreme CR might be still able to fit into my Cabinet in other orientation unknown to me but because of his refusal for me to take picture to verify it makes me think he is guilty with the intention to cheat.

My only fault lies on not measuring the CR at the point of transaction as I came from outside without a measuring tape and given him the benefit of the doubt of a grown Up since he already confirm on the dimension. But that doesn't warrant him to shriek off all responsibility.

As I am a newbie, I might measure the wrong orientation, so I will go home tonight and measure again before taking my next course of action after confirming that I am not in the wrong.

Despite before confirming the above, I jump the gun and call him a cheat which I still stand by my statement is base on the fact he is unwilling to verify with me via photo with measuring tape and refuse to refund me even if the CR wont fit into my Cabinet.

Kindly enlighten me if you felt I was in the wrong and I will remove my post and offer him an open apology.

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:ThanxSmiley:My sincere apologies but I have a no return policy on all goods sold.

Ivrius bought the entire CR package form me at $480 at my loss of $780

As Skinbone mention, your loss in amt is no the issue in this case. If you didnt sell at an attractive price, would I be interested in the first place?

Before I release any of my goods I always ensure that all goods are tested in front of the buyers to ensure that the goods being sold are in good working condition.

I’m in no way responsible if you are unable to place the CR in your cabinet if placing the CR was your top priority you should have double check all the CR dimensions before you made the purchases.

Yes you are not responsible if I didn't ask. However I did ask and you gave me with false information, that alone I felt you are responsible instead.Agree That I should have checked. My mistake was trust what you have said. If I cant trust base on what you text, then what makes whatever you have written here in this thread/forum trustworthy?

Package 1 :ThanxSmiley:

Sold and collected

Package 2 :ThanxSmiley:

Sold and collected

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then like that it's misrepresentation on the seller's part lo. Seller please be kind and refund this dude his money man.

Exactly this is what I meant. The seller sold me the CR which is in working condition so I wont call it a CON JOB.

But with misrepresentation for the Dimension, I felt my case is valid.

And I Clearly indicated that it MUST BE IN MY CABINET because my wife wont let me mess up my balcony.

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Before this thread gets any messier, I would like to state my standpoint.

The whole issue sparked off base on I trust his words on the dimension of the CR which is of great importance to me.

What I am unhappy is that when I claim the CR wasn't the Dimension he claimed which is the main terms of this sales, he wouldn't even bother to support his own claim.

Even though I offer to provide evidence to show the dimension of the CR with Measuring tape, thinking as a Newbie, I might have made a mistake, the offer was brush off by seller just because he felt that the money is already in his packet, why should he bothered. I even offer to go to his place, if he can show me in any orientation it is 29cm, I will take it with no question ask. However he also brush it off saying the money is spent. Thus the dimension of the CR is not of great importance now but the fact that I assume the seller on purpose, misrepresent the dimension with the intention to cheat.

If wasn't for the dimension of the CR, this sales would have been a happy sales. But unfortunately because of how he handle the situation, it really speak great depth about this seller's integrity and the principal he live by.

Luckily its a small sum of money involve.

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He had SMS me his dimensions and after checking yes I did replied that it looks ok to me; but there is no possible way that my measurement could be 100% accurate I’m human after all.

So you are admitting that you have indeed communicated to iVirus that the CR meets his 29cm requirement here. He measured 33cm. That is quite a bit off. On top of that, to fit in a 29cm space, the dimension of the CR cannot be 29cm exactly also. Must have at least 1 to 2 cm clearance. So that means your measurement is at least 2 inches off from his requirement. That is indeed a big human error.

Like I’ve said before if the measurements were his top priority the first thing he should have done was to reconfirm the dimensions. I could have always provided him with a measuring tape for him to double check.(After all he was at my place for almost half an hour)

This is iVirus's neglect too. No excuses.

My apologies mate but I strictly have a no return policy which is made know to all buyers when purchasing the goods.

Ivrius has many options ahead of him

1. To place the CR outside his cabinet

2. To get the manufacturer Joe to do slight modification at the top cover to reduce the width.

3. To resell the CR in the forum (I had sold the CR in good working condition and he has also got to do likewise)

Good advice.

The seller’s responsibility is to ensure that all goods sold are in good working condition and the buyers responsibilities is check and double check all the items before making any purchase.


If he had call me immediately upon reaching home yesterday to informed me that the CR could not be place in his cabinet, I might have reconsider and provided him a refund however, there is a times lapses of 12 hours from the point of sales, hence my no return policy remains for now and even for all future sales.

He mentioned reaching home really late. And calling you first thing in the morning when he discovered that the CR did not fit is not considered too late. And you told him you have spent the money he paid you for the purchase. That would have sent the buyer through the roof.

I personally feel Ivirus was very rude and had even use vulgarities when I spoke to him this morning. I will never entertain such an unreasonable person. If the moderator once to supports such a person I’ll just stop using my sgreefclub account.

Depends on the conversation between you guys. We will never know who is right or wrong.

Lastly there is no need for reefers to be watching a free show here and at the end of the day come out with a verdict to judge, this is not a court house, anyway I do not wish to be hogging on to this matter anymore so this will be my last response to this issue.

Clearly, you have a strong sense of nonchalance.

PS: I have sold so many items in this forum and all the other buyers are satisfied and I have not receive any complains hence, clearly the problem lies with this immature buyer here.

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We are not taking any sides here...

But do you think it is fair for the Buyer since it already stated to you that he need a certain dimension it fits but in actual fact it doesnt... It is the same as if the dimension is stated on the product box but the dimension of the actual product is not, it is a case of false information being given.. And the Buyer trusted you on that being that he is new to reefing, and yes, he should have checked when he was at your house and that is his negligence.. He was considerate enough not to call you at 12am midnight and waited till 9am when he found out it cannot fit.. And what loss have you got when he offer to bring it back to your house and offer for a refund.. As for the vulgarity during conversation, we cant be the judge different ppl have different tolerate level for vulgarity..

And clearly from the way you reply, you seems unconcerned about how the product is working for the buyer and seems only concern about getting the product off your hand..


Both party have their negligence in this sale, if after so much discussion and explanation, if the Seller still take his stand of not refunding of the money. The seller will have to find other alternative for the CR..

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To Skinbone;

It seems your comments are all taking side on the seller. Are you related to him???

I would just like to pin-point one stupid comments of your;

1. To place the CR outside his cabinet

My reply: Most people dun want to this because it will take up the space and might make your house look a bit weird

2. To get the manufacturer Joe to do slight modification at the top cover to reduce the width.

My Reply: Waste time and money to mod.Time to travel and collect and money for mod.

3. To resell the CR in the forum (I had sold the CR in good working condition and he has also got to do likewise)

My Reply: Why dun you buy from him and resell it? So easy said.


Good advice.

To Ivirus;

I feel sad about your bad dealing. Hope this bad experience will not deter you from coming to this forum as there are still many good reefers around here. Most importantly, dun let some bad sheep stops you from this hobby. Also try to check they past postings before you deal with the guy.

Move on bro.

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I have no problem finding alternative for the CR.

The seller can firmly stand by his so called "no return policy" with small prints on the T&C even with false information.

Clearly all can see he will twist and turn things to his advantage despite even if its illogical especially the turn around time which makes me wanna laugh.

Seller kept harping on the point that its my responsibility to check the dimension on the spot.So due to my negligence, I paid the price of buying a CR which is out of dimension and might not be able to use inside my cabinet.

NOW with due respect to Seller may i ask you this: Its also your responsibility to provide information that's is correct, so whats the price you are paying for your mistake instead of just pushing all the blame to me?

As Terryz has mention, he only care to offload his things to a degree so low that he have to resort to cheating an inexperience reefer just for his selfish reason that he have difficulty off loading his CR at others expense and then claim as if its so easy to resell.

To end this all, i will find alternative for the CR but please GODS_ANGEL77 don't come try to appear that you are high and above which you are clearly not.

The way you are handling things, despite having all your address details, I am having the proper rational not to do anything stupid cause you aint worth it. I am sure one day some one will .Till then you take care.

Thanks all for the time lets move on.

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