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weileong's 4ft tank


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abit reddish.. u just fed cycloz-"pee"..??

do you off your skimmer whenever u dose stuffs n feed?

I tik ii will b veri efficient in skimming watever u "dump" in..

I had not feed cyclop's "pee" for a long time as I was a little worried that the EV-240 might not keep up with the feeding. I guess it's a little red because I used flash. I am letting the skimmer settle in for a few more days before I attemp to tune it.

Even with this skimmer I still control on the feeding. You can never have sufficient skimming for a SPS tank, let alone with so many tangs in it.

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I letting the skimmer settle for a day or two. Will try to tune is this evening cos now I open the air valve at 75% and the foaming is crazy. After I get it tuned then I will post some photos.

EV-240 runs on 80W pump while my beckett runs on 250W pump, no comparison, it's also more than 2x the height :P

For comparison, check with Bro Alfa, I think his beckett already kicked in liao :P

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After advise from a senior reefer, I had retune my skimmer. Now it looks more like a beckett instead of a EV-240 :P

Here's just after retune and washing the cup.

much finer bubbles :blink:

tok gong..!! ;)

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  • SRC Member
After advise from a senior reefer, I had retune my skimmer. Now it looks more like a beckett instead of a EV-240 :P

Here's just after retune and washing the cup.

much finer bubbles :blink:


Can you share with us what is the advise? What did you do to retune your skimmer?

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Actually very easy. Step by step.

1. The formal way is close the air valve and turn on the pump.

2. Using the gatevalve, adjust until you see the water level at the mid-height of

the reactor chamber(excluding the reaction sump).

3. Then slowly turn on the air-valve until you get fine bubbles. Too much air, the bubble will be bigger while too little air, bubbles will be fine but density is low. Adjust until you feel comfortable with the bubble size and density...

4. Let the skimmer run for 5-10mins to stablise, then start adjusting the gatevalve water the water level in the skimmer reactor raise to almost the "neck" portion. Higher water level will get wetter foam while lower water level will get dryer foam.

voila! But seems like my bubble density a bit weak so may need to open the air valve a bit more :P

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Hi weileong,

I'm using EV-180 for 1 1/2 month now... intially when i bought it, i run it for about close to 2 weeks b4 it starts skimming... den I turn it off (cos during cycling stage and make sure its working well)..

When i start switching it on after cycling stage which is about 2 weeks back, the collection cup is still empty <_< , it only rises to the height of 1/2 the chamber :huh: ... I tried tuning here n there but still nothing in the collection cup <_< , could it be there is nothing to skim :shock: , mine is a 4ft tank with only 1 YT n 1 cup coral.

FYI the water level in the black box is the same level as indicated, i'm using RIO 3100 pump which is recommend by the manufacturer.... please help :thanks:

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use a stronger pump hamann..

i feel that their recommended pumps are a tad too weak..

if u use a pump significantly more powerful than rio3100, there will be a significant increase in foam...

i am using ev240...i know their list of recommended pumps. weileong also used their recommended pumps with not satisfactory results...end up use md55 and tee off the power...coz if you use md55...the foam just floods the cup

so for us ev240 users...we gotta use a pump between their recommended list and md55's power to get just the right amount of foam that the skimmer was designed for..

too weak a pump and the foam finds it hard to climb up

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thanks roidan,

but during testing period, it foams and i do have some skimmate in the cup... but now dunno why there's nothing <_<

I may have to change a stronger pump as what u had mentioned, is eheim 1262 rates 3400L/H good enough ? anyway the rio pump is rated 3100L/H :huh:

300 L differents does it really helps :huh::thanks:

maybe terryansimon would like to comment, i know u r using EV-180 ;)

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i think i mentioned somewhere...u need a pump to simulate the pressure lost by the injector head.....

for my ev240...it simualtes a pressure loss of about 6ft...it's in the manual...

assuming your injector is the same as mine, means your ev180 injector also simulates 6ft pressure loss...

go look at your rio3100...how much water really flows out at a height of 6ft...

and then you get another pump that can put out more water at 6ft than your current rio3100

eg....i am using a 6000litre/hr pump for my ev240...but this pump at 6ft high only pushes out 3000plus litres/hr.....so if i find that the foam is not enough..i need to get a pump that pushes out more than 3000plus litres/hr at 6ft to get more foam

so assuming that your rio3100 pushing out X litres/hr at 6ft height, then u gotta get a pump that pushes out X+Y litres/hr at 6ft height...

but u go see your manual and see what height is your injector simulating

a pressure rated pump may be just rated at 5000litres/hr at zero head..but let's say if it can still push out 4000litres/hr at 6ft height, this means this pump will be better than my 6000 litres/hr non pressure rated pump that can only push 3000plus litres/hr at the same 6ft height..

so dun be looking at the face value of the pump flow at zero height...go look for the flow at 6ft if your injector is the same as mine...

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i did't have the calculation on head lost for RIO 3100 (3100L/H).. but after looking at eheim 1262 (3400L/H) based on 6feet head lost its left with approx 1900L/H. meaning i need to get a 3000L/H pump after the 6ft head lost :huh: , den why r they recomending pumps that is about 3000-3400L/H b4 head lost :huh:

Any pumps to recommend :P:thanks:

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there is a moving variable going on....

because even if they are using the same injector, the size of ev240 and ev180 differs....in terms of mixing box as well as foam tower diameter and height....

for ev240....the injector they say simulate 6ft of pressure loss....so if they recommend their list of pumps....we have to look at the water flow from their recommended list of pumps at their 6ft height ratings...which turns out to be around high 2000s to 3000s litre/hr of flow for ev240

for 180....even if the injector is the same...and simulate 6ft of pressure loss....you go check the recommended pump list flow rate at 6ft...probably only 1000plus to 2000plus litres/hr at 6ft to run ev180...any higher and u will flood the whole skimmer...

just like if i use a pump that at 6ft height can pump out 5000litres/hr..i am going to flood my ev240 which seems to be recommended to flow out at 2000plus-3000odd litres/hr at 6ft based on their recommended pump list....

so even for the same injector...the same flow restriction of the injector that simulates a 6ft height loss of flow...the skimmer sizes are different and thus the flow at 6ft to run ev180 and ev240 will be different...

i think the best flow rate to run my ev240 is in the 3000litres/hr region (at 6ft)

any lower, the foam will not climb up easily..any higher the foam will overflow the cup..which is why when weileong runs a md55...the effective flow rate at 6ft is probably well over 3000litres/hr and he needs to tee off to reduce the flow rate...

so for your ev180, i think it should be 1000plus to 2000plus litres/hr region (at 6ft)....u go check all their recommended pump list for your skimmer and get their equivalent outputs at 6ft..then u will know the range where they actually want you to run the skimmer and then u get a pump that can put out the highest water flow at this range after considering the height loss

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i am rushing off now...

u need to do some homework to get the flow rates for your recommmend pump list at 6ft height...reefcentral has this calculator for u to choose the list of pumps and find out the flow rate after some variables...

if u still dunno...at night when i am home then i calculate for u...but it's best you go figure it out yourself...it's part of the fun of reefing... :P

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You should go for a proper pressure-rated pump like the Resun or the Iwaki MD55.

Michael Young (Seaquest) has his new stock of Resun MD-55 in already. You can check with him!

And if you do want to go for a proven and better grade pump (but more expensive), there are two Iwaki MD-55 available at Bio-Ocean. ;)

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After advise from a senior reefer, I had retune my skimmer. Now it looks more like a beckett instead of a EV-240 :P

Here's just after retune and washing the cup.

much finer bubbles :blink:

Actually, there is the "SHIOK" factor looking at the clear downtubes! :eyebrow:

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