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weileong's 4ft tank


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heh heh you mean the tikam tikam sps?

I buy them too - so far no change. But at least they dont rtn'd easily - they have survived being fondled by tons of browsers and weeks in display. :) Cheap sps for cheap people

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:whistle .........veri nice!!!! :lol::lol: ...how I wish my sps colour up so nicely.... :yeah:

you got your pink bird nest yet??

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This is the kick I get from keeping SPS, seeing them grow and coloring up.

Especially more kick when you compare photos and see the grow and color changes as you see them everyday and really doesn't notice the changes.

Have a couple more small frags that has some growths but will post them sometime later when they show more growth. Some of the frags are pcs that broke off from the main colony.

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This is the kick I get from keeping SPS, seeing them grow and coloring up.

Especially more kick when you compare photos and see the grow and color changes as you see them everyday and really doesn't notice the changes.

Have a couple more small frags that has some growths but will post them sometime later when they show more growth. Some of the frags are pcs that broke off from the main colony.

Yea agreed. Maybe one day we should oraganise a frag exchange between sps keepers? Then we can see the color changes under different lighting and tank conditions. Won't that be cool? Imagine a green specimen turning yellow in another guy's tank. :yeah:

Always something more important than fish.


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Received my contraphos K this evening.

Had moved my skimmer out of sump so now had more space.

Put my very old fluizied bed filter back to action.

Fill up with 500g of contraphos K and now happily fluizing the contraphos K away. Running on a NOVO tune down to abt 500 l/h.

With this unit running, I've one less worry now.

Still sourcing for a larger unit so I can get higher turnover.


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wah...me gong to get one like that soon :lol::lol: ..must go check out petmart or anglee..saw one there that day :lol:

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Congrat on your AT starting to feed and also the white spot is gone.

My PBT and YT are still doing well. Eating garlic soaked mysis shrimp everyday... The PBT is especially hungry. Unfortunately, all my clown fishes are riped out. I believe is some clown fish disease or white spot but somehow not affecting the tang. Keeping my fingers crossed. And I won't buy any more LS from R*B*** anymore.

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Got my DV today so got this shot. More high res photo will be posted as soon as I get the hang out of all the software.

The pump to the UV was switched off yesterday as I rearrange my sump and I forgot to turn it on until this morning. Disaster as a few white spots appear on the AT & BT. Good news is all of them still eating very well.


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