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weileong's 4ft tank


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Wow got rumour abt my tank ? lol...

You go read from 1st message in this thread know how old my tank is already.

3 months plus I think. Was dosing addictive like crazy while I tune my CR properly, finally managed to get the parameters stable yesterday :P

Your tank also not that long right, SPS doing well right?

I dunno my tank cos success or not need at least 6 months or more to tell if the SPS really do well or not.

My SPS is growing, but colours only recently then start to show after I give away my stupid lobster (keep toppling my frags), now no disturbance on the frags then they perform.

Wish you luck and success my friend........

looking forward to exchange frags with you 6mths later :-)


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Ribbon worm? Good or bad? If not dangerous one I don't mind leaving it in the tank.

Pretty long too. It gets thinner but all the way to the rear of the LR.

Got rid of two 2cm long mantis this evening. One I flush out with fresh water. The other one I use epoxy to seal it's den :P

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It shallowed it alive! I think that is a tube worm? Not so sure. I guess I will remove it if I see it again. The more I think the more I don't feel safe.

But my fishes are all big ones I meant the 3 tangs. The other 2 clowns and firegoby I don't really care too much.

Oh yes I ambushed some crabs last night. Been doing that quite a while. Just go via their blind spot so your pincers are hidden by the LR then grab them, not successful so far as they cling onto the LR quite well and they escaped everytime.

This morning I just chase one to a corner of the LR and squash it to death. Immediately my cleaner shrimps rushed over for a nice breakfast :P

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great to see it is colouring up....good growth :lol: .....I am also in the process of documenting every frag and colony in my tank tank now ;)

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aiyah....the birdnest frag I have is no big deal....you should see Joe_p's ......

wonder what it look like..check out danano's postings...the bright pink bidrnest frag in his tank - Joe_P has the original colony.. :wub::wub::wub:

I am going to pester him for a long time to get a frag of those :lol::lol::lol:

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I can't seems to find a healthy colony for sale so bo piang, those that can grow in other reefer's tank must be good.

Joe_P will only sell (if he going to sell the frag) if you can proof that your tank is SPS ready. Looks like I got no chance.

So far all my attempts to buy frag from other reefers has ended in failure. hiak...

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