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weileong's 4ft tank


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The pH controller works this way. They work in conjunction with a solenoid vavle in your CO2 regulator. Of course there are other ways to implement it but we shall not going into details here.

You program a set point where you want the CO2 injection to stop, let say we set it to 7.80, which means when the pH is more than 7.80 the controller will ON the solenoid valve and CO2 will get injected (in the case here into my CR).

If the pH valve reaches 7.80 or lower then the solenoid valve will be closed and CO2 injection will stop.

It is more of a safety feature I would say. I had this left over from my freshwater planted tank so just use it. It's also a convenient way to monitor the pH of my tank.

The brand is denerrle and can be bought at many freshwater planted tank LFS. As for ORP, can buy from SLS too :P But not the brand I am using.

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wow..........deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep sand bed indeed....

love the colony you got...the blue light is doing a lot of good stuff..to your sps :lol:

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Sold off the brown bubble tip anemone. Now both tomato clown hosting the same anemone. Before that each one host it's own anemone. Kinda like divorced and stay separately.

At last man. Hopefully they live happily ever after lol.

Thanks and for e Tips also...my little maroon clown seems to enjoy himself in it. :D


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Dark green staghorn.

Accidentally broke off one piece *heart pain* so now I've one more small frag growing.

The part that broke off on this frag can see growth already.

Dark green staghorn buy from pasir ris L33 is it? Very nice!

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Yes from Iwana on the day of shipment.

grow grow grow. The part that broke off grow new polyps and extended already :P Wave here wave there.

Your tank looks great..........& all the sps are looking good.......got rumour say ur tank only 2-3 mths old ar? Looks like new tank also can keep sps..........

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Wow got rumour abt my tank ? lol...

You go read from 1st message in this thread know how old my tank is already.

3 months plus I think. Was dosing addictive like crazy while I tune my CR properly, finally managed to get the parameters stable yesterday :P

Your tank also not that long right, SPS doing well right?

I dunno my tank cos success or not need at least 6 months or more to tell if the SPS really do well or not.

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