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What wavemaker?

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Dun like vortech cause very hot =(

Vortech should be the best heat dissipate wavemaker :) but 3x2x2 MP10/20 should be sufficient :) the only limitation were it is not able to adjust the wave direction as like Tunze did....



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  • SRC Member

Vortech should be the best heat dissipate wavemaker :) but 3x2x2 MP10/20 should be sufficient :) the only limitation were it is not able to adjust the wave direction as like Tunze did....


serious ar mp10/20 enough for 3x2x2 thats cool haha now is add on from my 2 set of 6025 ba

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I was running MP20 in my 3x2x2 before, there was enough flow alright. But it is definitely underpowered if you want to use it in surge mode to get the wave effect.

Since you already have 2x6025, another alternative to the MP40 is the tunze nano wavebox. Gives me v. good wave effect. Yes, it might take up abit more space, but I find it compact enough.

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  • SRC Member

I was running MP20 in my 3x2x2 before, there was enough flow alright. But it is definitely underpowered if you want to use it in surge mode to get the wave effect.

Since you already have 2x6025, another alternative to the MP40 is the tunze nano wavebox. Gives me v. good wave effect. Yes, it might take up abit more space, but I find it compact enough.

haha was reading your tank thread also thought of wavebox.... hmmm maybe i go ask around since someone is selling one in the market haha

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