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  • SRC Member

Hi, is there anyone keeping a lionfish? is it possible to train them not to eat smaller fishes? is there any other fish i can keep it with?


No, it is not possible to train lionfish not to eat smaller fish. It is possible to train it to take frozen food though.

If you want to keep lions with other fish, you need to make sure that the lion is smaller than the rest of the fish.

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  • Senior Reefer

Haha same problem here.i got my lionfish, the first day he came in he eats 2 nemos.and guess wat, the seller caught the lionfish by his own hands.he asked me to try but i was freaking out.



the seller is stupid, ignorant and a fool for doing that. sure he may get away with it this time but the next time he gets stung and starts crying in the hospital, then he will know.

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Hi, is there anyone keeping a lionfish? is it possible to train them not to eat smaller fishes? is there any other fish i can keep it with?


U can keep lion fishes together with mandarin fishes as it won't eat it due to slime emitted on mandarin fishes. Once saw my volitan lion gulped up my mandarin when i first released my new purchased mandarin into the tank but immediately the lion spitted out the mandarin probably slime emitted by the mandarin tasted like a piece of lime to the lion & it never dared to eat mandarin again. Ha ha

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  • SRC Member

Talk about seller using his own hands.. I've seen it.. Uncle at Reborn done it.. must be careful and calm though.. scoop it out from the bottom.. thing about lionfish is no sudden movements or jerks which might make it think its a thread..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

U can keep lion fishes together with mandarin fishes as it won't eat it due to slime emitted on mandarin fishes. Once saw my volitan lion gulped up my mandarin when i first released my new purchased mandarin into the tank but immediately the lion spitted out the mandarin probably slime emitted by the mandarin tasted like a piece of lime to the lion & it never dared to eat mandarin again. Ha ha

same applies to scooter blennies.. they are even smaller than Mandarins and lions leave them alone..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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Haha ive seen divers picking up a lionfish before altho all divers know not to touch anything in the sea, theyre quite lazy so i guess thats why they didnt really move.

How about having anemone with nemos? Does that deter the lionfish feeding on it?

and is 4ft tank enough for a volitan?

I'm trying to get as much infomation as possible before i decide on the tank and lionfish's playmate.

hope i'm not asking too much.

Thanks for the advice guys..

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  • SRC Member

erm nope it doesn't help my 2 maldives clowns were being gobbled down by that volitan even with an anemone

unless like advised you get a pair which is much larger than the volitan's mouth then everything will be fine.

4ft is good enough for a small volitan or a medium size one is you want.

As for playmates hmm just fishes big enough to be eaten! :pirate:

maybe eels? hahaha :idea:

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  • SRC Member

Eels? not very interested.

i think i got a rough idea of what i'm getting myself into if i'm going lionfish, thanks!

Oh yes 1 more thing make sure you tank is pretty stable before throwing one in you don't really wanna keeping putting your hand in for maintenance? since this is quite a predator :excl: :excl:

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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  • SRC Member

anything that can fits into the lionfish mouth will eventually become it's food so take note of the fishes u gonna comm together with it.

Anyway i've seen a trained lionfish that takes market prawn.

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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Lionfish. Nothing is as beautiful to watch. Nothing embodies the danger and beauty of the seas like this majestic creature. They are calm and seemingly gentle, yet come with venomous spines that can deliver painful stings to any who approach too closely.

These members of the scorpionfish family are indigenous to the Indo-Pacific Oceans, The Red Sea, and The Arabian Gulf. But like many beautiful creatures, they often pop up where they don’t belong.

The lionfish has been introduced by man to the Atlantic Ocean. They have been dumped from aquarium owners’ tanks into the sea. Movies made them popular to own and then carelessly discard.

This fish does not belong in our waters, and has no natural predators. It is believed that the first lionfish were introduced into marine waters off Florida in the early 1990s from local aquariums or fish hobbyists. They have since spread across much of the Caribbean Sea and north along the United States coast as far as Rhode Island.

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  • SRC Member

long long time ago, we kept 1. pretty easy to keep. they eat MP so tats even easier. but the problem arise as my mum likes to move the scape her tank so decided to give it away again

What is mp?

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