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blue blue harlequin shrimp pic


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  • SRC Member

hi bros, r the hawaii ones readily available at lfs? havent seen them around.

i have a couple spare star fish somewhere, arms r growing back liao (after feeding the shrimps). the starfish arms takes a long time to grow though.

Is there anywhere in the world that sells HS pellets???

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there is nothing rare with a blue harlequin shrimp.

that is their natural colour..

the rare one is the deep purple with yellow outlined one that comes only from hawaii.

i second that. nothing rare if it is not a Hawaiian. the one in the pic is very common. A Hawaiian pair costs in excess of $180. But once you have seen a Hawaiian specimen, you will be able to tell the difference.

It is very possible to get a dark blue Harlequin shrimp. The one you have in the pic is not the better quality one. call up coral farm and ask for their shipment dates. They bring in at least 30-40 pieces each time. This way you can choose the best specimen.

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hi bros, r the hawaii ones readily available at lfs? havent seen them around.

i have a couple spare star fish somewhere, arms r growing back liao (after feeding the shrimps). the starfish arms takes a long time to grow though.

Is there anywhere in the world that sells HS pellets???

you will have better chances of getting it through LCK (Steven). Can pre order too.

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  • Senior Reefer

CF is the only LFS that regularly offer the hawaiin harlequin shrimp. hawaiin ones are a different species.

i've seen it a few times.

feed them linkia starfish. they are their fav food and offer the best nutrition.

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  • SRC Member

Hmmm... what are the possibilities of captive breeding harlequin shrimps? If they can train mandarins to eat pellets, imagine harlequins too! The main deterrence of keeping them is their unique feeding habits. I'm sure demand will soar for pellet feeding harlequins.

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  • Senior Reefer

it's not possible to have pellet feeding harlequins because they obtain their nutrition from starfishes. and unless you make a starfish pellet, i'm very sure they will die.

harlequin shrimps also "smell" the starfish. that's why sometimes using dead or frozen starfish might not initiate a feeding response. IME.

so i don't think harlequins will eat pellets even from potential captive breeding.

there's always hope though.

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Hi skinbone did u mean HS linckia pellets?

nope, i meant the shrimps. You can preorder from LCK. I have done that twice. The quality of the Hawaiian harlequin shrimps is good.

But as someone rightly pointed out, CF is another good source for these.

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  • SRC Member

nope, i meant the shrimps. You can preorder from LCK. I have done that twice. The quality of the Hawaiian harlequin shrimps is good.

But as someone rightly pointed out, CF is another good source for these.

hi skinbone, so whats the price range like? and color range?

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