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air bubble from sand bed


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  • SRC Member

i have air bubble form from cyno-bac, from some green algae but this air bubble is quite big...

this morning i notice that there are very fine bubble forming on the sand bed and once in a while it float up, does this mean that my dsb is functioning now? :o:unsure:

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  • SRC Member
The bubbles are from photosynthetic micro-algae or cyanobacteria. As you have said the bubbles are formed on the sand bed. So obviously it's not from your DSB.

no no the bubble from cyno is bigger and the cyno is not on my dsb....

the one on sand bed is very fine 1s....

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fine bubbles + fine bubbles = big bubbles?

Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic..they only liberate oxygen..not nitrogen. You do not find anaerobic bacteria with cyanobacteria as the oxygen liberated by cyano is enuff to kill the anaerobes. Also anaerobes tend to be inhibited by light. So where cyano is found there should be close to 0 anaerobes.

Always something more important than fish.


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