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SPS tank want to be


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Hi All

After I am in this hobby for more than 2 years and always want to keep SPS. And now I decide to go for it.

I choose to re-setup my current tank to ULNS way with Ultralith product as price is very good compare to compatitor product. Here is what I got to day:

1. Ultralith - Yes it Zeo rock

post-13931-086644300 1281265211_thumb.jp

2. Basic dosing to culturing all of our friendly bacteria

- Ultra Bio

- Ultra Bak

- Ultra Mins

post-13931-024608000 1281265240_thumb.jp

And the last is

3. Zeo reactor.

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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For next few weeks, I will try to update progress of this tank conversion.

Ok let start with first step how to setup Ultralith.

1. Calculate Total water in the system.

Display tank size is 60" x 24" and 28" for actual water high. -> 175 Gallons = 662 liters

Sump tank is 35" x 18" and 11" actual water high -> 30 Gallons = 113 liters

Total volumn is 775 liters from manual advice to deduct average 20% for rock sand equipment

Total water use for dosing calculation for my case is 620 liters.

2. Amount of Ultralith (Zeo rock)

For recommend use is 1l for 400 liters of water. But for start they recommend to reduce to 50% and progressive increase to recommend amount for next 2 - 4 weeks. For my case is .75l to start.

3. Ultra Bio

1st 2 weeks recommends dose amount 1 drop/100 liters for new tank. But for running tank this amount can reduce. For my case, I start with 70 - 80% of recommends dosing workout to 4 Drops/ Day

4. Ultra Bak and Ultra Mins

1st 2 weeks recommends dose amount 3 ml / 1000 liters again it's for new tank. For my case I dose at 1.6ml /day for both

Ok in short. My dosing plan for next 2 weeks will be

Ultra Bio -> 4 Drops/Day

Ultra Bak -> 1.6 ml/Day

Ultra Mins -> 1.6ml/Day

I will monitor tank for next 2 weeks and may need to adjust dosing accordingly.

Ok before I forgot.

My tank parameter to day is

1. NO3 -> 30 -40 API test kit

2. PO4 -> 0 API test kit (with help of Rowaphor now and will slowly remove after it kick in)

Any comment are welcome as I have a lot of think to learn from all of you.


Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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To setup for Ultralith.

1. Ultralith Have to wash throughly to remove all fine particle. From manual must use RO/DI water to wash.

2. Next just simply put in reactor. But from manual you can have another choice to put in media bag and put in high flow area. This confuse me as in reactor need to be slow flow but in media bag recommend to be high flow. which I do not know why??? Anyone have and idea why?

3. Run water through reactor. It's should be 200 - 400 l/hrs for every 1l of Ultralith. I put 300 l/hr for now.

4. Schedule to wash to clean it once or twice per day.

And Now I just wait for next cleaning and dosing schedule for tomorrow.

I will retest water paramter for next few days for any change of parameter.

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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Your nitrates should drop.

Check out the link below. :friends:



Noted will check again in few days. and tuning dosing if need.

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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  • 4 months later...

After few months of running with Ultralith now I think it time to go for SPS.

For the pass few months both NO3 and PO4 was stable at very low so my tank parameter now as followed.

No3 -> 0.2

PO4 -> 0.015

For reef supplement:

Ca -> 420

Mg -> 1350

Kh -> 8 - 9

Recently I got quite number of frags from our SPS guru. And now wait for then to grow. Below is pic of them nothing fancy I want to track progress of them to compare for few months time.

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post-13931-005009900 1291868348_thumb.jp

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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Some of them is turn to kitkat in early stage at least now new growth is colour up.

post-13931-025124200 1291868567_thumb.jp

post-13931-019432700 1291868611_thumb.jp

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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Few more for SPS

post-13931-074614900 1291868775_thumb.jp

post-13931-039206600 1291868787_thumb.jp

post-13931-096504500 1291868816_thumb.jp

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post-13931-044225900 1291868886_thumb.jp

post-13931-063339200 1291868918_thumb.jp

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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Now few of my favorite fish

post-13931-033506500 1291869113_thumb.jp Hybrid percular and black

post-13931-088018700 1291869132_thumb.jp Yellow bally

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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Now few of LPS

post-13931-037990900 1291869400_thumb.jp

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post-13931-059615900 1291869473_thumb.jp

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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wow nice coloration! Good work keep us updated on progress pls thanks

Thanks still alot to learn to hold there colour :paiseh:

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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And here are overall

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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post-13931-061768000 1291872182_thumb.jp

post-13931-014201900 1291872200_thumb.jp

post-13931-053693800 1291872219_thumb.jp

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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Nice looking tank :welldone:

Thank Bro

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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And here is my current doesing schedule for Ultralith

Ultra Bak 10 drops(~0.5ml) / day 5 in moring and 5 in evening

Ultra Min S 10 drops(~0.5ml) / day 5 in moring and 5 in evening

So for 250 ml bottle will last me for more than a year. :blink:

That mean around 35 cents / day (This can take care both NO3 and PO4)

Ultra BIO 20 drops(1 ml) / 10 drops twice per Week

Ultar lith .3 l / every 2 weeks

But i believe when live stock increase will need to adjust this schedule accordingly

So 1 months cost for me now is ~ $31.5

Ultra Bak + Ultra Min S -> $10.5

Ultra Bio -> $5

Ultra lith -> $16

compare to use PO4 remover ~ $90 / 2-3 months ~$30 - $45/month

plus methode to lower NO3 (Not sure how to calculate this)

Now My sump quite simple and easy to maintain

- Skimmer

- Ultralith reactor

- Carbon reactor

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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Good job bro, when can I visit you? ;)

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Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Wow...didnt know your tank scape is so nice !

Haaha i know why you are happily into sps now, your sps PE is so healthy, can imagine when all the frags grow to a substantial size, awesome :thumbsup:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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Oh oh, I see a green wrasse in the tank.....

Yap there is 1 green and 1 yellow. Both with me for more than 1 year

Good job bro, when can I visit you? ;)

You are most welcome. Just only nothing fancy to show :friends:

Nice tank :P


Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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wowww really nice tank! :thumbsup:


Wow...didnt know your tank scape is so nice !

Haaha i know why you are happily into sps now, your sps PE is so healthy, can imagine when all the frags grow to a substantial size, awesome :thumbsup:

I did learn forom all of senior here.

Did you familier with those frag :D

Still have few more space to few with your exotic Monti and another SPS ;)

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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