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Lcf's tank


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Livestock list

6bartlett anthais

4flavo anthais

2purple queen anthais

1purple tang (removing)sold to faclan

1yellow tang (removing)sold to faclan

1blue tang (removing)sold to faclan

1full moon goby (selling to lem if i can find =.=)

1court jester goby (removing)

1mandrain (removing)

1royal gramma

1hooded wrasse

1lepord wrasse

2flame wrasse

1radiant wrasse

1rhomboid wrasse

2flame angel

7flameback angel (selling 5)

1scribbled angel

5fire shrimp

2cleaner shrimp

2harlequin shrimp

3pom pom crab

2randal pistrol shrimp

selling soon to lower bio load

1scribbled angel (reserved by bornfish)

1radiant wrasse

1lepord wrasse

1purple tang (removing)sold to faclan

1yellow tang (removing)sold to faclan

1blue tang (removing)sold to faclan

1full moon goby (selling to lem if i can find =.=)

1court jester goby (removing)

1mandrain (removing)

5flameback (1reserve by kiko 1 reserve by someone left 3 ^^)

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zzzzz your multibar is a monster in your tank therefore it will perish tonight!

My multibar where got big? It is also max 2.5 inch... The baby angels are growing very fast in my tank... Multibar grew from 2 inch size to 2.5 inch, Venustus grew from 1 inch to now 1.5 inch, Coral beauty and flameback came around 1 inch but now is around 1.25 inch.. I must be feeding too much...

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My multibar where got big? It is also max 2.5 inch... The baby angels are growing very fast in my tank... Multibar grew from 2 inch size to 2.5 inch, Venustus grew from 1 inch to now 1.5 inch, Coral beauty and flameback came around 1 inch but now is around 1.25 inch.. I must be feeding too much...

they need to eat more before they go up ma ^^

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So the scribbled caught using trapbox or trap bottle or u tear down the tank to catch the fishes?

bettax box... however have yet to catch the tangs yet just so happy the main target is out as it consume 3 of my brains ... and the sure know how to eat them clean =.=

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