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fowlr tank in need of help

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hey guys!

i have a 2 x 2 x 2 ft nano tank. i do not have a skimmer and chiller. i have a few live rocks, 2 clown fish, 1 baby blue tang, 1 singapore angle, 1 goby, and a starfish. my current water temperature is around 29-30 Degrees. do u all think i need a skimmer and a chiller?

appreciate much if some one can help me. thanks in advance

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  • SRC Member

hmm bro maybe can share with us your test kit reading? how long this tank has been running? any sump? filtration methods, equipment list.

maybe would be good if can share a picture too. :) I'm sure the more knowledgeable seniors will be helping you out too.

" The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people! "

Randy Pausch, (The Last Lecture)

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hmm bro maybe can share with us your test kit reading? how long this tank has been running? any sump? filtration methods, equipment list.

maybe would be good if can share a picture too. :) I'm sure the more knowledgeable seniors will be helping you out too.

i dun have a sump. i dont have a test kit. its a overflow filtration method. mine is a boyu nano tank. the tank has been running for about a year or so. it was doin fine with 2 demsels and a goby. but i gave the 2 demsels away and bought new fishes. how cold should my water be? 29-30 degrees is good enough?

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bro from your fish list, 29-30 is ok for your fishes.

my fowrl temp always reach up to 31+degree on hot weather and all is ok.

would suggest a skimmer (aquaC skimmer at least or Deltec mce 300 / mce 600) to skim out poopies.

if you change water 3-4 days or weekly, should be fine.

feed lesser (feed small feedings multiple times a day if permit) as fishes dont really needs to eat alot.

i fed my fishes once in the morning and once in the night.

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bro from your fish list, 29-30 is ok for your fishes.

my fowrl temp always reach up to 31+degree on hot weather and all is ok.

would suggest a skimmer (aquaC skimmer at least or Deltec mce 300 / mce 600) to skim out poopies.

if you change water 3-4 days or weekly, should be fine.

feed lesser (feed small feedings multiple times a day if permit) as fishes dont really needs to eat alot.

i fed my fishes once in the morning and once in the night.

hey okok thanks alot!! i will go and look for de skimmers. For those small skimmers wat is de price rage?

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The skimmer is one of the most important and basic equipment you will need for a marine tank setup, and the prices can range from $100 ~ $1000 .. It alll depends on the brand/ model ect, which you might want to do some research on.. If you have a budget constrain, prehapes you can also check out Bubble magus which our sponsor is offering .

Hope that helps.:thumbsup:

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The skimmer is one of the most important and basic equipment you will need for a marine tank setup, and the prices can range from $100 ~ $1000 .. It alll depends on the brand/ model ect, which you might want to do some research on.. If you have a budget constrain, prehapes you can also check out Bubble magus which our sponsor is offering .

Hope that helps.:thumbsup:

okok thanks . i will go and take a look.

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  • SRC Member

The skimmer is one of the most important and basic equipment you will need for a marine tank setup, and the prices can range from $100 ~ $1000 .. It alll depends on the brand/ model ect, which you might want to do some research on.. If you have a budget constrain, prehapes you can also check out Bubble magus which our sponsor is offering .

Hope that helps.:thumbsup:

Hi bro....

You may want to consider getting from the sponsor....

Drop them a PM.

Tank : 3 x 2 x 1.8 ( setup end Feb 2014 ) --> 4 x 2 x 1.8 ( setup early Nov 2016 )
Skimmer : Bubble Magus NAC6 --> Bubble Magus Curve 7
Return pump : Jebao 10000l/h ( down in 17th December 2014 ) --> Jebao DC-12000 ( 19th December 2014 )
Compressor drop-in coil
Wavemaker : Tunze 6105 x 1
Lights : Modular based DIY LED light x 4

Chaeto in the sump

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Since you do not have a sump, you are limited to those hang-on skimmers. Try to look for those hang-on type. Some of these hang-on skimmers requires you to have the feeder pump inside the display tank which is quite ugly. I am currently using the Red-sea Prism skimmer for my 2ft x 2ft x 1ft reef tank. The feeder pump is bundled nicely within the skimmer. So everything hangs nicely outside the tank. May not be the best skimmer around but it suits my purpose. If you have the budget, one of the best is the Deltec MCE 600. A point to note, if you have euro bracing all round your tank then hang-on skimmer is not for you.

I have a Rio Nano skimmer which I keep as a spare. If you are interested, PM me.

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  • SRC Member

For me I feel that skimmer is a must la. Powerful filteration system as well. As for temp not that important if u got no corals...

Happy reefing

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear ALL Seniors,

Since we are on this topic, I also need some advise on how to better my setup.

Been struggling and spending lots of time, trial and error after setting up wall mounted slim tank since April 2010.

Wall tank - dim below; bought from Aquatic Style...(http://www.notjustfish.com/r05.html)

Length: 66"

Height: 15.5"

Width: 5.5"

Gallon: 12

I have change the mechanical filter with wave maker and undergravel filter to make it more powerful than the original one they setup for me.

I also added 2 12inch fan to keep temp at between 28-29 degree celcius.

Tried several times with corals but failed.

Now only FOLWR:

1inch sandbed

2 Coral Fan,

2 Sea Grass

Live Rocks

1 Tomato Nimo

1 Six Stripe Wrasse

1 Damsel

1 crab

3 snails

1 Purple fire fish just died. Thinking of replacing...

Have explore all means to try to add chiller,..which is impossible. Even the ICE Probe couldn't fit. Can't find a way to install a skimmer..

I try to change 50% water once in 2 weeks.

Tank have gone thru 2 times overhaul becos corals died and melted, also once live stock wiped out by White Spot/Inch disease...

Actually kinda of regret getting the wall mounted slim tank, look good but not really practical.

BIG THANKS in advance

5x1x0.5ft wall tank;Tunze9002;Tunze pump mini;Hydor Koralia Nano;dymax vortex w8;Gex aqua turbo fan (M); 4ft T5-28W; IKEA LED Dioder Strip; 45inch single DIY White LED strip(SMD5050 300led/5m reel waterproof type)

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Dear ALL Seniors,

Since we are on this topic, I also need some advise on how to better my setup.

Been struggling and spending lots of time, trial and error after setting up wall mounted slim tank since April 2010.

Wall tank - dim below; bought from Aquatic Style...(http://www.notjustfish.com/r05.html)

Length: 66"

Height: 15.5"

Width: 5.5"

Gallon: 12

I have change the mechanical filter with wave maker and undergravel filter to make it more powerful than the original one they setup for me.

I also added 2 12inch fan to keep temp at between 28-29 degree celcius.

Tried several times with corals but failed.

Now only FOLWR:

1inch sandbed

2 Coral Fan,

2 Sea Grass

Live Rocks

1 Tomato Nimo

1 Six Stripe Wrasse

1 Damsel

1 crab

3 snails

1 Purple fire fish just died. Thinking of replacing...

Have explore all means to try to add chiller,..which is impossible. Even the ICE Probe couldn't fit. Can't find a way to install a skimmer..

I try to change 50% water once in 2 weeks.

Tank have gone thru 2 times overhaul becos corals died and melted, also once live stock wiped out by White Spot/Inch disease...

Actually kinda of regret getting the wall mounted slim tank, look good but not really practical.

BIG THANKS in advance

I think a pic of your actual setup will help a lot.

Without a proper system most corals might not make it. You might want to consider keeping small fishes only.

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I think a pic of your actual setup will help a lot.

Without a proper system most corals might not make it. You might want to consider keeping small fishes only.

Here's pics of my wall mounted slim tank that's give me grief....Wonder what improvements can I make to setup.

Thanks in advance...

post-18451-027650500 1283947414_thumb.jp

post-18451-058468300 1283947424_thumb.jp

post-18451-099771800 1283947432_thumb.jp

5x1x0.5ft wall tank;Tunze9002;Tunze pump mini;Hydor Koralia Nano;dymax vortex w8;Gex aqua turbo fan (M); 4ft T5-28W; IKEA LED Dioder Strip; 45inch single DIY White LED strip(SMD5050 300led/5m reel waterproof type)

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Very nice wall mounted tank bro! :score:

Thanks Bro, but tank constraint, impossible to install skimmer or chiller ( although so far manage to maintain temp at 28-29 degree, on rainy days like today - 27 degree), but becos of previous experience where corals die on me, i dun dare to try anymore...

Anyone have experience in such tight small wall mounted tank? 12 gallon...What can i do to improve quality of life for my few fished...?

Currently, my 2 Coral Fan seemed to be peeling, getting "Botak" - look like i have to replace again..."siong"

Thanks in advance

5x1x0.5ft wall tank;Tunze9002;Tunze pump mini;Hydor Koralia Nano;dymax vortex w8;Gex aqua turbo fan (M); 4ft T5-28W; IKEA LED Dioder Strip; 45inch single DIY White LED strip(SMD5050 300led/5m reel waterproof type)

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Thanks Bro, but tank constraint, impossible to install skimmer or chiller ( although so far manage to maintain temp at 28-29 degree, on rainy days like today - 27 degree), but becos of previous experience where corals die on me, i dun dare to try anymore...

Anyone have experience in such tight small wall mounted tank? 12 gallon...What can i do to improve quality of life for my few fished...?

Currently, my 2 Coral Fan seemed to be peeling, getting "Botak" - look like i have to replace again..."siong"

Thanks in advance

I think it will be easy to have fish only for this type of tank rather then going thru the problem to keep corals. As most corals require good water quality and light.

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I think it will be easy to have fish only for this type of tank rather then going thru the problem to keep corals. As most corals require good water quality and light.

Thanks Bro, guess no choice. By the way, have u been to Tampines Mall basement 1 , near the escalator, Atlantis Aquatic Lifestyle..., they also have similar wall mounted slim tank..claimed to be the "world 1st wall mounted tank" - no need water change, etc..., wonder if they ever take part in exhibition

5x1x0.5ft wall tank;Tunze9002;Tunze pump mini;Hydor Koralia Nano;dymax vortex w8;Gex aqua turbo fan (M); 4ft T5-28W; IKEA LED Dioder Strip; 45inch single DIY White LED strip(SMD5050 300led/5m reel waterproof type)

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  • SRC Member

I think it will be easy to have fish only for this type of tank rather then going thru the problem to keep corals. As most corals require good water quality and light.

:agreed: Do need a skimmer and at least a fan keep ur water temperature lower when it's a super hot day to keep ur coral alive. My 2ft tank can keep corals but fishes always failed. Last few months back was fowler and coral failed. :lol: Do need a better system and water quality+lighting to maintain both fish n corals.

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Those tank are seriously not suitable to use for marine,

1. Insufficient light for corals

2. Lack for space for chiller so temp is a problem

3. Insufficient space for fish to swim, unless maybe small gobies

4. No filtration????

5. With the small amount of water, water change is very essential to keep parameter in check...

For FW maybe...

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Thanks Bro, guess no choice. By the way, have u been to Tampines Mall basement 1 , near the escalator, Atlantis Aquatic Lifestyle..., they also have similar wall mounted slim tank..claimed to be the "world 1st wall mounted tank" - no need water change, etc..., wonder if they ever take part in exhibition

Individual preference and pattern for keeping marine. I had a friend who keeps a nano tank changes water 1 a year with only 3 small fishes. To me, you tank still can work for fishes only but with regular water change if have more fishes to allow the fishes to stay healthy.

I think you can improve the system by getting more small live rocks. This will help in your filtration system and decor your tank a bit. Perhaps you might want to consider a shoal of mix anthia and some goby in your tank.

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:agreed: Do need a skimmer and at least a fan keep ur water temperature lower when it's a super hot day to keep ur coral alive. My 2ft tank can keep corals but fishes always failed. Last few months back was fowler and coral failed. :lol: Do need a better system and water quality+lighting to maintain both fish n corals.

Anyone going down IMM...? Wonder how's the opening so far...Intend to make a trip there....and pick up some tips or new products on show/sale

5x1x0.5ft wall tank;Tunze9002;Tunze pump mini;Hydor Koralia Nano;dymax vortex w8;Gex aqua turbo fan (M); 4ft T5-28W; IKEA LED Dioder Strip; 45inch single DIY White LED strip(SMD5050 300led/5m reel waterproof type)

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Dear ALL Seniors,

Since we are on this topic, I also need some advise on how to better my setup.

Been struggling and spending lots of time, trial and error after setting up wall mounted slim tank since April 2010.

Wall tank - dim below; bought from Aquatic Style...(http://www.notjustfish.com/r05.html)

Length: 66"

Height: 15.5"

Width: 5.5"

Gallon: 12

I have change the mechanical filter with wave maker and undergravel filter to make it more powerful than the original one they setup for me.

I also added 2 12inch fan to keep temp at between 28-29 degree celcius.

Tried several times with corals but failed.

Now only FOLWR:

1inch sandbed

2 Coral Fan,

2 Sea Grass

Live Rocks

1 Tomato Nimo

1 Six Stripe Wrasse

1 Damsel

1 crab

3 snails

1 Purple fire fish just died. Thinking of replacing...

Have explore all means to try to add chiller,..which is impossible. Even the ICE Probe couldn't fit. Can't find a way to install a skimmer..

I try to change 50% water once in 2 weeks.

Tank have gone thru 2 times overhaul becos corals died and melted, also once live stock wiped out by White Spot/Inch disease...

Actually kinda of regret getting the wall mounted slim tank, look good but not really practical.

BIG THANKS in advance

Your setup does not permit you to keep any coral. You should focus your $ and energy on a fowlr tank. Do a search for nano fish and nano tank on the Internet. You will be spoilt for choices. Since you do not have the space for a skimmer, you will need to do more WC. In my opinion, at least twice a week if you want your fish to strive. You do not need to do 100% WC. Just 20% will do. That is only 2.4 gallon each time. You can get those 5 gallon jerry can and buy NSW from Iwarna for only $2. A wall mounted tank with lively fish is definitely do-able with some extra effort and patience.

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Your setup does not permit you to keep any coral. You should focus your $ and energy on a fowlr tank. Do a search for nano fish and nano tank on the Internet. You will be spoilt for choices. Since you do not have the space for a skimmer, you will need to do more WC. In my opinion, at least twice a week if you want your fish to strive. You do not need to do 100% WC. Just 20% will do. That is only 2.4 gallon each time. You can get those 5 gallon jerry can and buy NSW from Iwarna for only $2. A wall mounted tank with lively fish is definitely do-able with some extra effort and patience.

Thanks Bro for the advice. Yes, been searching for good advice on nano tanks. I guess you are right...will just have to focus on fishes...and do more regular water change...

The place i got my tank Aquatic Style, that does the initial setup for me kept telling me hardy corals is possible..., but they died on me..., kept encouraging me to sign up their monthly maintenance package which i refused...since if it is going to make it work, i need to learn the ropes 1st hand...and not depend on others...

5x1x0.5ft wall tank;Tunze9002;Tunze pump mini;Hydor Koralia Nano;dymax vortex w8;Gex aqua turbo fan (M); 4ft T5-28W; IKEA LED Dioder Strip; 45inch single DIY White LED strip(SMD5050 300led/5m reel waterproof type)

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  • SRC Member

Anyone going down IMM...? Wonder how's the opening so far...Intend to make a trip there....and pick up some tips or new products on show/sale

Bro check out the event details. There's some talk by some pros senior reefer here on fish, coral n marine stuffs. Can learn alot of things.:thumbsup:

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  • SRC Member

Anyone going down IMM...? Wonder how's the opening so far...Intend to make a trip there....and pick up some tips or new products on show/sale

Came back from IMM this morning.. :)

Unless you had time to spare else Sat or Sun should be better.. kill 2 birds with 1 stone :eyebrow:

Reef Depot, Aquarium Artist, RO/DI system by Gary (MASS), QianHu and 1 more sponsor with 7 feet tank (forgot the name) is there.

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