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  • Senior Reefer

the red and white angel on the cover?

that's a peppermint angelfish (Paracentropyge boylei)

it's found only in the cook islands and is collected by chip boyle.

it's extremely expensive, extremely rare and extremely difficult to keep.

the cost is $XXXXX 5 digit.

you will never be able to find it, buy it or see it in real life. unless you are willing to pay. even then, it's very unobtainable.

if you are talking about the book, it's a book written by kiyoshi endoh is is available at reef depot.

showcases every single angelfish in the world.

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  • Senior Reefer

Did a search on the name Lemon provided

Here's some very pretty and ex fishes =)

Rare Fish

yes these are the holy grail of angelfishes.

from the link you provided in order..

- Genicanthus personatus. VERY ex and VERY rare. found only in very deepwater hawaii

- Apolemichthys kingii. Very expensive and rare. found only in africa and is hard to keep

- Centropyge resplendent. extremely rare, illegal to catch. only endemic to ascension island. all aquarium specimens are either captive bred or illegally caught.

- Holacanthus clarionensis. very rare and expensive. we've seen a few of them in Singapore already. ranging from 3-4k

- Holacanthus africanus. not very rare and not very expensive. few hundred dollars. found in africa shipments. the bright blue juveniles are very rare and change to the brown adults very early in life.

- Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus. rare and expensive. this is also a difficult fish to keep.

- Apolemichthys arcuatus. bandit angelfish. relatively common and pricey. around $800 for larger ones. very difficult to keep.

- Paracentropyge boylei. as mentioned in the second post.

- Chaetodontoplus ballinae. unobtainable. protected species.

- Centropyge hotumatua. found in easter island. no more collection of this fish anymore.

- Centripyge joculator. beautiful, hardy and affordable. $300+. found in cocos island, coral farm occasionally brings them in.

- Holacanthus limbaughi. extremely rare and expensive. illegal to catch.

- Centropyge interruptus. very expensive and we almost never get to see juveniles. Reborn brought them in a few months ago. the largest member of the dwarf angels.

- Genicanthus takeuchii. Unobtainable unless caught illegally.

- Apolemichthys griffis. Uncommon, rather rare, affordable. hawaii shipments.

- Centropyge debelius. HOLY GRAIL of dwarf angels. mauritius and reunion island. very very extremely rare. can forget about seeing it here.

- Centropyge nahackyi. too rare, too deep, to expensive to even catch. no captive specimens to date as far as i know. 1 in waikiki aquarium (public aquarium).

- Centropyge multicolor. Cheap, available very commonly in hawaii shipments.

- Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus. very sporadic shipments from hawaii. relatively common, medium difficulty.

- Centropyge narcosis. super deep dweeling. unobtainable. only 1 or 2 captive specimens.

- Centropyge nigriocella. Very rare. not much info on this fish.

- Centropyge shepardi. Very very rare. looks alike to a flame x rusty angelfish hybrid.

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