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My seahorse tank


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  • SRC Member

:thumbsup:thanks for the advise..

but but but i have 2 fishes already.. >.<

so far so good.. the 2 gobies did not fight for the food.. plenty to go round. but guess this is the max i can go.. 4 SH, 2 fish n 2 snail. a handful corals. i'm happy already. just the equipment part i would like to upgrade..

A pict of my most recent SH tank.

post-4231-070711400 1281943156_thumb.jpg

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  • SRC Member

Nano tank? Try not to put too much LS in there to prevent overcrowding.

Anyway nice tank n horses.

I never keep seahorse again after it give birth n choke my filter lol

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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  • SRC Member

thanks.. will do that. yap, is a small tank on my study table. kept SH to help me relax from my Very stress work. so far it helps alot. i like the way it curls round my finger when i put my hands in... :rolleyes: i got 3 females n 1 male.. wonder is it a good thing or bad for it?? :D

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  • SRC Member

thought i just share the below wat i read from the net..

I would like to know how to tell if a seahorse is healthy. What should I look for? How do I treat them if they are sick? How can I be sure he will survive in my tank?? I really want to make sure they thrive in my tank.

One of the best ways of telling the health of a Seahorse is too look for a good weight and overall bright appearance. Too judge the weight of a Seahorse you must look at the skin between the body ridges. A Seahorse with a good weight will have its skin in this area either flush with the ridges or slightly bulging out; if the skin sinks in they have low body weight. The only exception to this is in female Seahorses where once they have passed over the eggs to the male they will sink in the abdomen area until new eggs are formed and stored their again. This can be quite quick or a couple of days. The overall bright appearance is obvious when you have looked at quite a few Seahorses, there whole manner is bright and they hold themselves well, not shrunken up in the corner of a tank. Often healthy Seahorses have small bright dots (mucus deposits) on their heads, these shine like little diamonds and are a good indicator. Be aware of a Seahorse that is constantly swimming, it is unsettled, stressed and more than likely hungry. Treatment of sick Seahorses will depend on the illness they have but if the Seahorse has been kept in a good quality water, a well designed tank that has lots of areas to retire too and many good sized holdfasts and good quality food with as often as possible live food for stimulation then it will remain healthy and should settle in the tank well. I have always found that by planting my tanks with lots of algae then they will feel settled and often be out on show because they are relaxed. I suppose the answer is a happy Seahorse is a healthy Seahorse.

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Finally.. i got the pict attached.. thanks if someone is working behind the scene to help fix this bug..

How many sh can u see? haha... just a little game.

May try to share what i have learned about SH here..

meantime, pls do share wif me ur comments n knowledge. thanks.

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