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My seahorse tank


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I am thinking of getting a pair seahorses and putting them into a 10 gallon (tall) tank. i keep many aquariums but never seahorse and was wondering if this is possible? the tank is rather small but i was hoping there were smaller species that could be kept in this tank(not dwarves though). it is 18 inches tall tank and was hopeing for a pair, and possible a fish to eat any uneaten food that drops to the bottom.

what species would be best suited to the aquarium? What single fish could i put into the tank for clean-up? Any help is much appreciated.

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IMO, 10 gallon is small for SH. as they need space not only for surface n dive.. but also lateral movement. further, if additional LS is added in, example fishes. it will only contribute to more stress. SH colors depends on 2 main factors, namely, environment colors and its mood.

as far as i understand, SH is being harvest for chinese medical herds and hence contribute to the drastic drop in numbers to the extend of being listed as one of the endangered species. they do not swim like fishes and most of the time they would hook onto a surface.

I would suggest that you do not get SH from the wild as they are hard to wean off live food. they have to be fed 3 times a day if not 2.

If you have plan to travel, do ensure that ur tank have enough pods to tie them through ur holiday. ^__^. As for what fishes to add, the guide is in point 2 below. Do note is only a guide.

here are some links you can read before you start.

1. http://www.seahorse.com/

2. http://www.fusedjaw.com/aquariumcare/seahorse-tankmates-whats-safe-whats-not/

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Hi Mr Tang,

Very nice seahorse. May i ask, what tank set up are you using? I am going to set up one for my bedroom soon. Need help from gurus like you.

Thanks for your comment. ^___^ Hope you enjoyed viewing those posted pictures. Do post your doubt, I'm sure all of us here will give their opinion and help.

Currently, my tank is a 15" cube with sump. Equipment: return pump - 1200l/hr, wave maker - 900l/hr, skimmer and chiller.

Are you planning for a SH tank also? the first thing that came to my mind when u set up in ur bedroom is Noise, both from the drain to the sump and equipment. You may wan to pay more attention to that.

If i can be of any help, please feel free to ask. I try my best to answer.

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Extract: ---

This is to be used as a guideline. Keeping temperature constant is extremely important and although it is typically better to keep them at the lower ranges below, stability is key. One degree more or less is not a problem as long as temperature swings do not exceed 2 degrees maximum in a 24-hour range. Surface turbulence using power heads (water pumps), air pumps, and fans can help to lower and stabilize temperatures if necessary.


Photographer: Eliezer Zuñiga Villarreal

Here is a list of commonly avaliable seahorse species grouped by their temperature range. You can not mix species from differing temperature ranges. Also listed is the recommended minimum tank size for two pairs of adult seahorses of each species, as well as the 'additional' space required by each additional pair. These are guidelines. Several people keep seahorses successfully in much smaller tanks, but we do not recommend this.

1) Tropical species - kept at 74-78 degrees F (24-26 degrees C)

zosterae, 1 pair/1.5 gallons (6 liters) - recommended 5 gallons (20 liters)

kuda, 1 pair/8 gallons (30 liters)- minimum size 15 gallons (60 liters)

barbouri, 1 pair/8 gallons (30 liters)- minimum size 15 gallons (60 liters)

erectus, 1 pair/8 gallons (30 liters)- minimum size 15 gallons (60 liters)

reidi 1 pair/8 gallons (30 liters)- minimum size 15 gallons (60 liters)

fuscus 1 pair per 5 gallons (20 liters)- minimum size 10 gallons (40 liters)

comes 1 pair/8 gallons (30 liters)- minimum size 15 gallons (60 liters)

procerus 1 pair/8 gallons (30 liters) - minimum size 15 gallons (60 liters)

2) Subtropical species - kept at 70-74 degrees F (22-25 degrees C)

whitei, 1 pair/8 gallons (30 liters)- minimum size 15 gallons (60 liters)

ingens1 pair/13 gallons (50 liters)- minimum size 45 gallons (180 liters)

tuberculatus, 1 pair/5 gallons (20 liters)- minimum size 15 gallons (60 liters)

3) Temperate species - kept at 66-72 degrees F (19-22 degrees C)

abdominalis, 1pair/13 gallons (50 liters)- minimum size 60 gallons (240 liters)

capensis 1 pair/5 gallons (20 liters)- minimum size 10 gallons (40 liters)

breviceps, 1 pair/5 gallons (20 liters)- minimum size 10 gallons (40 liters)

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anyone can show me the diff between Tiger tail / Kuda / Reidi ?

Thank you for asking this question. after studying it, I realised what I thought i have.. i have not and what I thought I have not.... i actually had it.. :lol:

below are the pictures of each species.. Starting with 2 Tiger tail, follow by 2 kuda and 1 reidi. Pictures are taken from the net.






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Would like to know at what age/size do they start breeding? Thanks!

SeaHorses matures between 8 - 10 months. after which, it will find its own partner. most of the time, they will stay together throughout their lifetime..

below is a link that may be of interest to u.. :)


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