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My DIY LED conversion


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Here is my DIY on converting my existing Solite 3' from 2x150W MH to LED. Finally decided to go ahead and convert to LED after waiting for 1 year :rolleyes:

Here is the original MH on the Solite. The MH bulbs are also >1 year of use already.

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The MH occupies the centre portion of the casing. It can be removed by sliding out the glass plates and aluminum panels. I got a 4mm thick aluminum plate to cover the whole centre panel. The LEDs and heatsinks will be attached to this plate.

Here is the plate with the LED positions marked out. Got the plate from Soon Lian Hardware for $15 (900 x 140mm).

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My original plan was to stuff the Meanwells and heatsinks inside the Solite casing, but looks like reality is a different story. <_<

Seems that I have to house the Meanwell's in a separate project box together with a 9V transformer for the dimming controls.

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The first major problem for me...

No thermal epoxy can be found in whole SLT or SLS :thumbdown: To buy the Artica thermal epoxy from USA doesn't seem worth it. The shipping cost is more than the epoxy :eyeblur: In the end RS Components sells it but have to wait 4 weeks for delivery :shock:


I plan to use the thermal epoxy to glue the star PCB to the aluminum plate instead of using screws. So now waiting 4 weeks...

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Personally, I always use screws in all the LED projects I've done, whenever it is possible. Firstly, heat tranfer will be better than thermal epoxy. Secondly, it will be easier to replace or upgrade the LED when necessary. I've had LEDs damaged or deteriorated even when driven at spec with PROPER heatsinking.

But if you don't want to wait and is adventurous, I've read of people mixing thermal paste with epoxy to made their own "thermal epoxy"!

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U can use those thermal stick pad also. Can't rem the product name but RS also sell them.



It's Bond-Ply.


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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Got my company workshop guy to machine the aluminum plate and acrylic splash guard. Got some PP spacers made too. Saved me quite a bit of cost since the acrylic and spacers were FOC :whistle

This weekend can start to assemble together already... :upsidedown:

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Just to check, for the driver ELN-60-48, how many 3W LED can you connect in series?

Maximum 13x3W LEDs.


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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