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Weekly Update - 26th July to 1st Aug 10

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Bro... Blue Eye is the below?


Yes it's the one as shown. Forgot the actual sci name. Bought 3 of them juz now... dun know where they're hiding now??? Got myself an AT too and it's already feeding and chasing my Queen Angel.

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At LCK > Alot of AT size from 3" to 5" (tail to head). Price range from $170/- and above. All are healthy till now and some are already feeding on the pellets. Nice body shape and fins. YT from small to med size, looks healthy too. Quite a nos. of Royal Gramma, healthy. Sun corals, alot price range from $50 and up. Alot of fat and healthy Yellow head Blue body Neon Goby, priced at $25/pcs.

At CF > 2 or 3 big adult AT, very healthy. Size est at 7-10". Alot of Panda Goby and Blue Eyes Goby, price below $10/pcs.

Oh forgot to add... Alot of tiny (1" and less) Blue Tangs in CF too. The AT is a good buy at LCK 210 with alot of potential with proper care and feeding. Got myself 1 pcs... solid :thumbsup:

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Yes it's the one as shown. Forgot the actual sci name. Bought 3 of them juz now... dun know where they're hiding now??? Got myself an AT too and it's already feeding and chasing my Queen Angel.

OMG, OMG... How many more?

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Think shd have at least 5 to 10 pcs after I bought 3. Some are really small. Is this a rare fish? It's from Indo and it's only $6/pcs.

YES!! It is from our region but the fish normally end up in other countries... And I am not going to comment on the price.. :whistle :whistle :whistle :whistle

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Think shd have at least 5 to 10 pcs after I bought 3. Some are really small. Is this a rare fish? It's from Indo and it's only $6/pcs.

it's EXTREMELY RARE. these fishes always go to US and japan. you should be VERY proud that you have 3.

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YES!! It is from our region but the fish normally end up in other countries... And I am not going to comment on the price.. :whistle :whistle :whistle :whistle

Hmmm the price sounds like it's good for local reefers... :groupwavereversed:

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less than $10

Hi Lemon,

Thanks for indication.

Unfortunately, when I went down earlier this morning to Iwarna. None left...Disappointed man..

Fushi Fish Tank: FS003 (3 ft)

Overflow Glass Tank: 36”x 22” x 24”

Sump Tank: 24” x 16” x 18”

Return Pump - Eheim Universal Pump 1264

Maxpect Mazarra P Series

2 x 60W Module

Hydor Koralia 2 - Wavemaker Pump 2300L/h

Coralife Turbo Twist 3X - 9W

Eheim Compact 1000

Enductor Fluidized Reactor- FR30 w/TLF NPX Biopellets

Eheim Compact 600

TLF PhosBan Reactor 150 w/Rowa Carbon

TLF PhosBan Reactor 150 w/Rowa Phos

Teco Chiller TR 10 1/8 hp

Aquabee 2000/I

Meshwheel protein skimmer - BM-NAC6A

Atman ph2500


Yellow Tang x 1/Pacific Blue Tang x 1/Yellow-Eye Kole Tang/Flame Angel x 1/Cherub Dwarf Angel x 1/Blue Mini Angel x 1/Maroon Clown x 1/Black Lepoard Wrasse x 1/False Percula Clown x 1/Neon Goby x 1/Cleaner Shrimp x 1/Blood Shrimp x 1/Peppermint Shrimp x 1/Hermit Crabs/Zoas & Mushrooms/Snails - Turban, Nassarius, Bumble Bee, Red Sea Cumumber...

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  • Senior Reefer

Hi Lemon,

Thanks for indication.

Unfortunately, when I went down earlier this morning to Iwarna. None left...Disappointed man..

i see..

i was there from morning till evening today. and there were 3 more in the morning. what time were you there?

anyway panda gobies seem to be very regular nowadays. perhaps it's in season.

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  • SRC Member

went down to CF earlier..

didnt see any blue eyed goby or panda goby.. maybe my eye not open wide enough..

only saw 2 posum wrasse..

the common percula clowns and blue tangs..


variants of eagle eye and dragoneye zoas..

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- Possum wrasse

- Many tiny 1 inch Liopropoma swalesi. Perfect for nano tanks

- Female watanabei angels

- Panda gobies. some are big!

- Alpheus randalli pistol shrimps. Biggest i've ever seen. Some as big as camel shrimp.

- Declivis butterflyfish

- Pseudanthias kashiwae. Kashiwa anthias. beautiful, and many of them.

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  • Senior Reefer

please disregard the post about the nahackyi wrasse. it was a mis-id by me and my friend based on a photo taken of it via handphone. it is not a nahackyi wrasse.

:( but still hope to see it one day with marjorie as they come from the same place.

post-15755-018469800 1281246151_thumb.jp

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  • SRC Member

I think CF have, front row, left side. You want 50 pcs?


One of my favourite fish only.

Give me one more chance....

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  • SRC Member

went down to CF earlier..

didnt see any blue eyed goby or panda goby.. maybe my eye not open wide enough..

only saw 2 posum wrasse..

the common percula clowns and blue tangs..


variants of eagle eye and dragoneye zoas..

The Blue Eyes goby, tryssogobius colini can't be that hot item rite??? The Panda and the Blue Eyes shd be kept in the small round white meshed net, think they shd be located on the left side's front few rows of tanks. Chk with aunty if there, she called them Blue Eyes goby.

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  • Senior Reefer

The Blue Eyes goby, tryssogobius colini can't be that hot item rite??? The Panda and the Blue Eyes shd be kept in the small round white meshed net, think they shd be located on the left side's front few rows of tanks. Chk with aunty if there, she called them Blue Eyes goby.

no more blue eye. only left 6 when i was there. i took 3 and my other fren took 3.

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  • SRC Member

no more blue eye. only left 6 when i was there. i took 3 and my other fren took 3.

ah... so Lemon is the one who took all :eyebrow:

How are they doing in ur tank? Mine still can't be located after putting into tank :erm: Maybe already MIA or KIA liao :excl:

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