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Pls help me not to start a Marine Tank

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  • SRC Member

Dear all bros and sis,

I had stopped the tank for 4 yrs liao and now with my new home ready, my tots on the tank came back again.

Pls help to discourage me from starting.. i getting crazy when i think of my ex flame angel and AT swimming...

GIve up liao!!!!!!!!!!!

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I do have a good medicine for you...first come over and have a look at my reef tank...next i will show you my monthly PUB bill. Am pretty sure the figure will kill your idea of setting up a reef tank again -_-

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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  • SRC Member

I do have a good medicine for you...first come over and have a look at my reef tank...next i will show you my monthly PUB bill. Am pretty sure the figure will kill your idea of setting up a reef tank again -_-

bro NONO to your house, even if they look at your monthly PUB bill, looking at your tank will poison tank to call the tank maker immediately!:chair:

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Don't know why I was login as Guest earlier !! hmmmmmm

Anyhow, advance welcome back to reefing ......

Seriously, I went from reefing to keeping 8 Aro's in my house and now back to reefing..... no regret returning back to this hobby .

" we can only help you un-poison yourself , and join us on the bright-er side "

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  • SRC Member

Dear all bros and sis,

I had stopped the tank for 4 yrs liao and now with my new home ready, my tots on the tank came back again.

Pls help to discourage me from starting.. i getting crazy when i think of my ex flame angel and AT swimming...

Seems like I am the only one genuinely trying to help you break free from reefing.... I have specially concocted a very effective therapy for you. :friends:

I had just PMed you my POSB Saving Account number. Every time you feel like starting a tank, just log in to all your bank accounts and transfer every cents to me. This will prevent you from buying anything unnecessary :thumbsup:

If you fail to do that.....

Welcome back!


Billy Cheong

70gal, 250w MH (Reeflux 12000K), Tunze Nano Wavebox 6206, Tunze 6045, Tunze 6025, Teco TW4, Rio HF20, Aquabee 3000L, Rio HF17, SM100 Scrubber box (4x24w T5 2700K)

Fish: Amphiprion ocellaris (Ocellaris Clowns), Nemateleotris magnifica (Firefish), Pterapogon kauderni (Kaudern's Cardinal)

Inverts: Calcinus laevimanus (Hermit Crab), Lysmata amboinensis (Cleaner Shrimp), Sand Dollar

Corals: Capnella (Purple Hairy Finger Leather), Plerogyra sinuosa (Green Bubble Coral), Euphyllia glabrescens (Torch Coral), Dendrophyllia (Supersun Coral), Rhodactis spp. (Hairy Mushroom)

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  • SRC Member

think about it..

one flame angel = can get you 01 pax a buffet at Marriot Hotel

one AT = can buy you a ticket to go on a trip to Bangkok

any other stuff you need us to convert for you? :P

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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  • SRC Member

think about it..

one flame angel = can get you 01 pax a buffet at Marriot Hotel

one AT = can buy you a ticket to go on a trip to Bangkok

any other stuff you need us to convert for you? :P

This is a additive forum to marine......

Not rehabitation ........

Tank : 3 x 2 x 1.8 ( setup end Feb 2014 ) --> 4 x 2 x 1.8 ( setup early Nov 2016 )
Skimmer : Bubble Magus NAC6 --> Bubble Magus Curve 7
Return pump : Jebao 10000l/h ( down in 17th December 2014 ) --> Jebao DC-12000 ( 19th December 2014 )
Compressor drop-in coil
Wavemaker : Tunze 6105 x 1
Lights : Modular based DIY LED light x 4

Chaeto in the sump

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1) think electrical and water bill

2) think water change, di unit, resins, carbon, salt...

3) think buying corals (how many, how much)

4) think "what ifs" power failure, overseas assignment, holidays...

5) think supplements, additivies, medication (if any), frag plug, gel glue, etc...

6) think stay up late just to hustle and bustle for chiong shipment

7) think buying fish (how many, how much)

8) think fish got ich how? Tank outbreak with cyano how?

9) think cost of equipment, sand, live rocks

10) think if you do not reef, and channel all your potential monthly expenditure into buying a monthly unit trust. You can easily afford another new house in 20years time! (for some, it could be in half the time).

Oh well, actually just 2 questions...

1) got spare time?

2) got spare cash?

Maybe a 3rd one, got a supportive other half??

If you do, it's half the battle won.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • SRC Member

you guys are horrible... TS asking for help but none of you are helping!

Well, iori_del dun you wish you can see your fishes swimming in the aquarium and the corals sway with the flow of the water?

Cost of setting up at reef tank = $5,000

Cost of monthly utility bills = $150

Having part of the ocean in your room = Priceless

Welcome back! :yahoo:

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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  • SRC Member

you guys are horrible... TS asking for help but none of you are helping!

Well, iori_del dun you wish you can see your fishes swimming in the aquarium and the corals sway with the flow of the water?

Cost of setting up at reef tank = $5,000

Cost of monthly utility bills = $150

Having part of the ocean in your room = Priceless

Welcome back! :yahoo:

so horrible!

Brown SPS > Kinder Surprise

White SPS = Kinder Surprise after expiry date

Assumption killed the dinosaurs, they didnt have test kits.

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  • SRC Member

hmm if all else fails, these might help

1) tell your wife or gf to SUPER-BAN you from reefing and make sure she'll threaten leaving you behind etc if u ever touch reefing

2) go on a SUPER-spending spree with your credit cards, ie. just swap and sign all your cards and not looking back. Best if can exceed your credit limit, and then u'll be starved from starting to reef at all.


haha.. but CHOY these had better not happen bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come back to the bright side, not reefing is the dark side :upsidedown:

" The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people! "

Randy Pausch, (The Last Lecture)

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  • SRC Member

Ok, don't say you have not been warned, don't start or you'll regret it. Bro Wilsontan has summarised it well the cons and they're real. To add, think why so many reefers decomm, think about getting bored once you can't add anymore livestock. I notice once the shipment chionging or livestock buying stop, some reefers will start to get bored with the tank and think of decomm.

Hope this help you not to start a tank.

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  • SRC Member

Ok, don't say you have not been warned, don't start or you'll regret it. Bro Wilsontan has summarised it well the cons and they're real. To add, think why so many reefers decomm, think about getting bored once you can't add anymore livestock. I notice once the shipment chionging or livestock buying stop, some reefers will start to get bored with the tank and think of decomm.

Hope this help you not to start a tank.

This is absolutely true. Personally, I'm more interested in planning and starting tanks instead of maintaining them. :paiseh:

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I love u guys,almost want a tank this weekend but think mus put to stop or delay Liao.

Like I always tot Marine is for the rich. Will miss here.

bro.. your new home will look empty without a tank.. the most for your house warming i get some zoas for you.. :P

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  • SRC Member

I love u guys,almost want a tank this weekend but think mus put to stop or delay Liao.

Like I always tot Marine is for the rich. Will miss here.

Marine is not for the rich...

people like me(student),

can still manage a simple reef tank by getting 2nd hand equipments..

i believe the expensive and rare fishes/corals does not always look the nicest,

sometimes the cheap and common fishes/corals can be very beautiful as well :)

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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  • SRC Member

Marine is not for the rich...

people like me(student),

can still manage a simple reef tank by getting 2nd hand equipments..

i believe the expensive and rare fishes/corals does not always look the nicest,

sometimes the cheap and common fishes/corals can be very beautiful as well :)

I certainly agree with that. When i see people saying certain rare clowns very swee(beautiful), i was thinking, was it really swee or it's cos it's rare so it's swee. Rare is unique and can be swee, but not necessary all rare fishes/corals are swee. In fact, i think common clowns are very appealing, much more than some rare ones. Others like common blue tang can beat other more expensive tangs in terms of beauty, in fact, i think blue tang is nicer than gem tang IMO.

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