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  • SRC Member

I have encounter this green hairy thingy the started to grow on some of my LPS as well as SPS.

Are this a form of Algae? if it's what is the faster way to get rid. Other than reducing PO4, NO3, water change. Any other nature cleaners or leave it alone.

post-8965-017657900 1279787884_thumb.jpg post-8965-059413400 1279787898_thumb.jpg

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  • SRC Member

doesn't look like nuisance algae but most fishes especially tang will consume them

It grow on rocks and dead SPS. The pictures show that the algae grow next to my zoas. I have try pulling it but seem that it spread to other areas.

I also have AT and Blue T. inside but think both dont eat it.

Any advise!


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  • SRC Member

err. looks like bryopsis.

one of the MOST nuisance of all algae and nothing will eat it. except lettuce nudibranch and maybe seahare.

Search in internet and it really look like bryopsis.

Will get seahare to try out.


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Oh you might want to try emerald crab. I have 1 in my tank and its a fantastic algae eater! practically scraps the algae off the rock surface. Hair and bubble algae gone.

Tmrw RB will have shipment.

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Addition problem other than sending kid, now tank aglae started grow.

Good lesson is to know the problems and learn some chemistry on this hobbies.

recently I had major green algae boom too.... i got myself a tuxedo urchin... within 1.5 weeks, almost all the green algae at the backdrop is cleared... but your kind of algae, doubt tuxedo urchin will vacuum them.... too large. try emerald crab.... if not, mowe it physically!!!!

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