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Tench1's Reefing log


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Thx! Its nice, but diff fish to keep. But trust me, practising QT increases the survivability rate of "hard to keep fishes"!!

This beauty PBT is one good example.

Im trying a clown tang, so far after 3 days, still happily playing with the wavemaker and eating pellets.

This time, im gg to QT for 2 weeks.

Keeping my fingers crossed.


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Seems to have contacted RED-SLIME-ALGAE.

Checked the parameters, and PO4/NO3 were very close to 0. Hence, i m reducing the light-on timing. Reducing from 12 hrs to 8 hrs.

So far, the only moving fish, Clown Tang, still enjoying the waves and the algaes :)


As for the 3Ft, everything was okay, accept for lower KH (6+/MG 1100+/CA 290+). Now, im working to increase these parameters.

Flower-pot LPS

Been trying different postions, like karma sutra, but cant seems to able it to stretch itself like most LFS.

Probably is due to the lower parameters (KH/MG/CA)


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The JBJ ATO doesnt seems to work!

I m using Mode A, with Sensor 1 in the Fresh water reservoir and Sensor 2 in the Return pump area.

Sensor 1 will be 1" above the ATO pump, and is much lower than Sensor 2.

If water level in the return pump area drop below Sensor 2, it should start the pump and top up till the level is above sensor 2.

But it didnt work!

Both Sensor1/2 indicating lights were on, but the pump just wasnt kick in.

Sensing this might be a faulty pump issue, i switch to modeB, and the pump works...

Problem problem problem....


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What a start to a new year....

After doing another round of rescape last night, PBT is currently in a very bad shape, with multiple markings and numerous ich spot found on its blueish body...

Its not even swimming actively, and is resting side by side to the rock.... :(

The stronger Sohal wasnt spared, and its the 1st time i find so much ich marks on it...

All this becos of my rescape...

My bad ...


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Do more water changes!! Since u rescape, alot benefical bacteria is lost so your ammonia and nitrates will higher. This will cause the fishes to feel uncomfortable and therefore, it's immune system drops. When their immune system drops, all these parasites will come attacking. Water change can reduce the amount of the parasite and also ammonia + nitrates. Hope this helps.

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Another Sad sad sad Morning greeted me.

3 of my beloved pet passed on due to the recent unknown event.

:rip: YT / BT / NT - You 3 will be remembered.

They were the strongest that had survived even worst condition before. Their passing brought along mulitple ?? ..HOW? WHY?

- AMMONIA Spike?

- Epoxy poisoning?

- Bacterial Infections?

i had checked parameters immediately.

NH4 - Zero

NO2 - Zero

PH - 8.25

SG - 1.025

This however fortunately didnt affect my 2 lovely True Perc / Yellow Wrasse. They are the smallest, and yet they are fine.

Sohal, my remaining Tang, is in an ich-attacked state, with numerous patches found on its body.

What could be the reason?

Yes, i had not done any WC recently, As NO3/PO4 is okay.

I had did 2 minor rescapes, with also epoxying some frags of zoas to the rocks. 3 x Epoxy each Rescape. - Could this be another cause?


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How can you explain, when u dont find ich on the YT/BT/NT? - ICh had killed them?

When ick is visible as whitespots on the body it's harmless. When it is microscopic in free swimming form it is highly infectious and is searching for a new host..... Lastly when it is hidden embedded in the gills of the fish it's the most deadly which is the cause of death as it impairs the gills of the fish.

When there's an ick outbreak, the fishes which have high activity level like butterfly, angels and tangs are the first few to go becos they swim a lot and breathe a lot, constantly flushing the ick infected water thru their gills so they are the first to be infected.

However the fishes should exhibit heavy breathing for a few hours before dying.

It's my own postulation and u may disagree on that and feel that it is something else tat hav killed your fishes. But watever it is, pls do something to save your last tang becos watever tat killed the three tangs is not gg to spare your sohal.

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NO3 - 2

PO4 - 0.03

No need to test further. Your parameters are ok. You do water change and you dun overstock. So how bad can your parameters go?

You should try to identify other problems.

For example is there any toxic metal in your tank tat comes from rusting metallic equipments or other failing equipments?

Is there any new addition of fishes recently tat has brought about an outbreak of disease?

Is there any recent massive changes made to the tank tat might hav stressed your fishes?

P.S. I highlight one of the statement in bold becos that is usually the cause of the problem. A lot of reefers when they buy and add new fishes too fast, a few days later the new fish or even older fishes in the tank will start dying.

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No need to test further. Your parameters are ok. You do water change and you dun overstock. So how bad can your parameters go?

You should try to identify other problems.

For example is there any toxic metal in your tank tat comes from rusting metallic equipments or other failing equipments?

Is there any new addition of fishes recently tat has brought about an outbreak of disease?

Is there any recent massive changes made to the tank tat might hav stressed your fishes?

P.S. I highlight one of the statement in bold becos that is usually the cause of the problem. A lot of reefers when they buy and add new fishes too fast, a few days later the new fish or even older fishes in the tank will start dying.

Thanks bro for the elabration. I'm doing my best to save the last tang...gonna add Praziquantel into the main tank. But will have to remove my caron and worms first...

Recently, I had only added a pbt.(qt for a week). The Naso and sohal had been with me for more than a year from another holding area.

And the only other outside material added will be the tunze epoxy..

Thanks again...best of luck to the fish...


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