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From your signature, all components look fine especially the pump. Which compartment of the sump did you place the sensor? Should be in the 1st compartment.

I also tot so my fren..

Ya, the sensor is in the 1st appartment of the sump together with the chiller pump.

The output of the chiller flow is in the 2nd compartment.

This should be correct right?


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Output from chiller flow should go directly to the main tank, not to the sump. Ideal is to have the chiller pump in the last compartment pumping water to the chiller and then to the display tank. Cold water returning to the sump after the chiller is an inefficient way to chill your tank water. Your main objective is to chill the water in the display tank, not in the sump where the equipment is.

Hope this helps!

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I finally managed to monitor my chiller kick-in /off timing yesterday.

Kick in - approx 1hr 15mins

Kick off - approx 4 hrs

In total, for 24 hrs, the 1/3 chiller will kick in approx 5hrs and rest for 19hrs!


Is this acceptable? i heard that on average, for a full day, chiller will work for 6hrs.

Please correct me if im wrong ...


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I finally managed to monitor my chiller kick-in /off timing yesterday.

Kick in - approx 1hr 15mins

Kick off - approx 4 hrs

In total, for 24 hrs, the 1/3 chiller will kick in approx 5hrs and rest for 19hrs!


Is this acceptable? i heard that on average, for a full day, chiller will work for 6hrs.

Please correct me if im wrong ...

wow seems good!! all those previous one are caused by the position of the pump/temp sensor.. learnt something from this post hehe.

lets see what other bros here exp will be

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Yea, i would like to know whether this can be futher improved. (As in reducing kick in timing)

Also, i had successfully migrated the fishes from holding tank to their new bigger home! :yahoo:

Base on my experience, it is always very long that the chiller will reach your required temp for the first startup. I think the chiller needs some time to normalise with the tank. Just my 2 cents.

Better to shift the sensor to the main tank and the output too. But make sure your return to the sump can cope with the output. Did you change the pump to a higher flowrate? That will make your fishes and corals more happy. I think the 4 hours rest is due to our weather for these days. However, on a normal day it should be 2 - 3 hours.

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Even if I want to place the sensor in the main tank, I vcant...too short! Haha anyway...I m not gg to change...yesterday night changed to rio 20 hf. 5400"/hr. Let's see whether this will bring dwn the kick in timming.


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After adding Rio20HF, i got the following funny result...

Kick in from 28 to 27 ~ Approx 1hr30 mins

The temperature from the main display seems to be 0.2deg lower than the sump all the time.

I will monitor 1 more time to make sure the results are constant.


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The pbt is doing wll...too big for the qt, lol,I'm gg to intro into the main tank this sunday!!! Together with t rest of the bigger fishes...goby is mssing, last seen eating sands...and now its not locatable.... Must be digging some where...hope not its grave...


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Yeah! Added PBT/Sohal/Naso together today!


Lights are out now, to ease their tension...Hope that tomorrow they will be a great family!

Also, bought a hungry Clown tang from AM for my CO, currently swimming in its temp holding tank. Lets hope this can be a permenant home for it...


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