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Tench1's Reefing log


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Bought 1 x Walt Smith SPS coral. :) My very 1st WS SPS.

Also bought 3 x little cutie Peppermint Shrimp...Aptisia, you got trouble!

Funny...Boxfish was found motionless...SADzzz

What is the cause? Its feeding well yesterday...

Just heard from a bro that DR Gs medicated food shouldnt be fed to healthy fishes. "Same concept as of, one only eat medicine when he/she is sick"

Could this be the cause?


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well tench.. I don't think DR G was the issue.. my main tank was fed with DR G for 7 days straight because of a suspected parasitic infection which killed my Flame Wrasse AND alpha male linetus :cry:

... the rest of the fish have been unaffected.

sigh sometimes, certain things can't control la... :P

Cheers, ;)


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Desi, so had your fishes recovered? I'm just speculating the cause. It was chasing the med food before.

Taggie, haha must be bitter. Usually i mix all 3 type of food together. S0me have preference over the diff type...


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Bought 1 x Walt Smith SPS coral. :) My very 1st WS SPS.

Also bought 3 x little cutie Peppermint Shrimp...Aptisia, you got trouble!

Funny...Boxfish was found motionless...SADzzz

What is the cause? Its feeding well yesterday...

Just heard from a bro that DR Gs medicated food shouldnt be fed to healthy fishes. "Same concept as of, one only eat medicine when he/she is sick"

Could this be the cause?

any pics of the coral ?

Humble tank :

Size: 4x2.5x2 ft - Display 

Equipment :

Return 1 : Ecotech marine L1

Return 2 : Ecotech marine M1

CR : Skimz CM122 - Caribsea extra course media with Grotech magnesium

Light : ATI 8x54W



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Common species: Acropora humilis

Common Names: None

Lighting: High. Metal Halide, VHO/PC. Metal Halide is best.

Aggressiveness: Semi-Aggressive

Current: Strong

Hardiness: Moderate

Water parameters: 72-78F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12

Color: Many colours, but most usually cream, brown, purple or blue with blue or cream tips.

Feeding: Acropora mostly rely on light for feeding. They will also benefit from meaty foods such as shrimp, plankton, squid and shrimp shopped really small.

Origin: western Pacific, eastern Africa

Propagation: By cutting

Additional information

Colonies are digitate. Branches are thick, tapering to large dome-shaped axial corallites. Small branchlets or incipient axial corallites usually occur at the base of main branches. Radial corallites are of two sizes, the larger are usually in rows and have thick walls and only slightly increase in size down the sides of branches.

Acroporas require very specific conditions to survive and flourish. They need strong light and good water flow. The water quality should be carefully monitored for Calcium and alkalinity, in addition to the normal parameters of a reef aquarium.



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They do spawn also just very rarely as spreading is easier..

Hmmm that is interesting. One thing for sure, the fishes arent fancy the spawns.

After 2 days nothing was left. As they were dispersed by the waves...

So am i going to expect MASS growth of GSP all over my tank?!


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Hmmm that is interesting. One thing for sure, the fishes arent fancy the spawns.

After 2 days nothing was left. As they were dispersed by the waves...

So am i going to expect MASS growth of GSP all over my tank?!

Might and might not, becos I am not sure if GSP is bisexual... LOL... Suppose they are bisexual meaning they will release eggs and sperms together, if the fertiziled eggs settle on the rock, they will anchor and grow... If they are one sex on different colony den it might not grow.

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From the look at the current status, idoubt its Bisexual... :cheers:

Just added 2 x splendid randel anthias from Irwana yesterday!

No appeitite yesterday.

Will try the gourmet on them later. :)

Update: PBT still doing well. Now its chasing Brine shrimp and pellets. :yahoo: If things goes well, in another 2 weeks time, will intro into main display tank


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Day 15, PBT. Day 3, Randel Anthias

It never come across me that PBT is so aggressive! :evil:

The aggessiveness was awaken about after my introduction of 2 randel Anthias into the same compartment as the PowerBlue.

After the introduction of the RA, my obersvation of the PBT are as follows

- aggressiveness greatly leveled up, could be due to teritoral issue. (Standard characteristic of a Tang genus)

- small internal bumps appeared. Very likely to be internal ICH, caused by the introduction of New fishes.

- Few white spots appeared on the face area (External)

- Feeding wise, improved significantly. Shyness decrease as well. Not startled by feeding motion.

- Still continue to feed on Dr G's gourmet.

However for RA,

- Not feeding. Probably stressed from the constant aggressive motion by PBT.

- Confidence level built up. Movement area widen.

- Appeared to be healthy

- Response sightly to Rotifer cute. Not to BS and Pellets.


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Day 6. (Randel ANthias)

Finally, i found the right match to the diet of these 2 irritating fellow.

They finally response to MYSIS!

And greedily, they will rush for the food and stuff all they can in their mouth! (Like a little hamster!)

And after filling so much mysis, will split out the excess...


However, PBT is not responding well with Mysis...Wonder why...


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