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Effect of Top-Up Tap Water on Snails/Reef Lobsters

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Thanks fr yr fast reply.

But have anyone able to keep their snails/ reef lobsters alive by using tap water to top-up without using any chemicals to treat the water.

Have learn from some threads here that leaving the water overnight will help to remove the chlorine.

I am worry cos' 2 of my astrae snails have died after more than 2 months in my tank. Only 3 more are surviving right now.


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  • SRC Member

I top up with tap water and some genesis anti-chlorine. It is cheap and effective: one drop per gallon. I have been using it for a while for my discus and they need water change regularly. So far I do not have any problems with my shrimps. I have 2 camel, 2 fire, 2 cleaner and 2 harlequin shrimps and they are all doing fine whenever I top up the water.

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  • SRC Member

Hey man... the chlorine likely won't affect your inverts but it would kill the beneficial bacteria inside your tank.. If that happens the water cycle might be affected and there might be ammonia and nitrite present in your tank which could kill your inverts and even fishes if amounts are too high...

So I would suggest that you use anti-chlorine to clear away the chlorine, chloramine and any other harmful chemicals from your tap water before you top up your tank... Yup yup....

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  • SRC Member

what is genesis ???

Well, it is a brand of anti chlorine/chromaine selling about $6-$7. It is pretty good and it works well for me. Quite econnomical too as one drop threats one gallon of water.

Of course you can also get nutrafin as well, the bottle is bigger and it is more expensive.

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  • SRC Member

Well, it is a brand of anti chlorine/chromaine selling about $6-$7. It is pretty good and it works well for me. Quite econnomical too as one drop threats one gallon of water.

Of course you can also get nutrafin as well, the bottle is bigger and it is more expensive.

where can i find it ? :thanks:


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  • SRC Member

I add water from tap directly sometime.. but most of the time left it over nite be4 pouring in...

well snail dieing is normal..

due to the load.. as your tank start to stable...

or go worst either case...

for me..m I have a few snail dieing off when my tank just started.. but now.. it grow snail... and quite a number...

an on and off some do die off.. but new born one will come in..

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but is it a must to use an anti chloramine? some of the reefers here dont use it ? :thanks:


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chloramine doesn't dissapate overnight. boiling the water de-oxygenates it. and may leech heavy metals from the metal container you are boiling. maybe only! (=

thats why you have anti-chlorine/chloramine. buy one get one free. its bundled together. Nutrafin is cheap and good *I say cheap and good coz it only costs $17 for the biggest bottle at Petmart* but it foams my skimmer up badly so I went to get SeaChem prime. happy user of it now. no such problems.

how to know whether the product is anti-chlorine/chloramine? ask the LFS people lor. (=

go to the bottom link to take a look at what I mean by chloramine.


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