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food for tangs

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  • Senior Reefer

stop feeding them brine shrimp.

brine shrimp may be delicious to fishes but it has no nutrition, unless you enrich it with selcon and/or food additives, vitamins.

brine shrimp to fishes is like potato chips to humans.

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Yup agreed adult brine shimp is mainly water. It is newly hatched ones that are nutritious.

In my opinion to keep them healthy we gotta include a diet that includes a lot of algae. Eg Dried Nori

With regards to garlic, I find that there is a increase in the fish's appetite after soaking their food in garlic. However the results are not immediate. What I believe is that garlic has some anti parastic(internal) properties and prolong usage will improve the fish's appetite.

Hope it helps =)

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  • Senior Reefer

tangs need algae. majority of people do not know that tangs are herbivorous in the wild. they eat mainly algae and occasionally some invertebrates.

just because they eat mysis, brine etc does not mean they are happy. they still need their algae.

nori, macroalgae etc are excellent sources of algae.

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to make it more interesting, i sometimes, jsut put some seaweed inbetween the rocks, instead of seaweed clip...

so that they have to hunt for it, like how it is like in th wild... hahhaha

fun to watch!

The flip side is that my cleaner shrimp also snatch the seaweed

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