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hi pro's,

im setting up a new tank its a 4x2x2 tank . currently running a 3x2x2 . i was wondering is it ok to transfer the water from the 3 ft tank to the 4 ft tank? its obvious it'll not be enough therefore i'll be getting saltmix to add into to fill the tank.

will it affect anything?? cos of my budget constrain which brand of saltmix u guys will recomend.

thanks for sharing

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  • SRC Member

hi pro's,

im setting up a new tank its a 4x2x2 tank . currently running a 3x2x2 . i was wondering is it ok to transfer the water from the 3 ft tank to the 4 ft tank? its obvious it'll not be enough therefore i'll be getting saltmix to add into to fill the tank.

will it affect anything?? cos of my budget constrain which brand of saltmix u guys will recomend.

thanks for sharing

yup bro surely it's ok to transfer the water from 3feet tank to 4feet.

but will your 4feet tank be placing at your current 3 feet location and would you be cycling your tank for 1 month?

would suggest you get a holding tub, transfer all corals/fishes into the holding tub with your current 3 feet water

filled the remaining water from 3 feet into your 4 feet tank.

add mix salt water or NSW and cycle again for 1 month...

can get red sea coral pro salt @ $80+ for 25kg bucket

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is it necessary to cycle? cos all the rocks are actually live and been years . correct me if im wrong the purpose of cycling is to cultivate bacteria but if since all my LR are live....

any recomendation below like 50?? cos recently really spend too much on this already...

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  • SRC Member

suggest this:

fill up half ur 4x2x2 tank with freshly mixed salt water, let everything settle down for a day with a circulating pump or wavemaker. if u already got live sand, transfer gently as much as you can in day 2.. once sand settle down water is clear, can transfer all live rocks and live stock on day 3...

i did such a direct transfer before for 2 ft to 3 ft tank...tranfer sand 1st not last as sand may settle on corals and irritate them...no sand can transfer everything on day 2...

lastly top up with water from old tank once scaping stable and secure...this in effect is like transfering and doing WC same time..50% freshly mixed water helps deal with excess mucus that corals might expel when moved or accidentally stressed..

IMPT NOTE : water salinity and temperature MUST be identical in both tanks that corals are to be transferred to and from...no major issue abt cycling as you have seasoned live rocks beng transferred only..if ur adding new rocks, recommend cycling them for 2 weeks first and do big WC before proceeding with above transfer...

just sharing

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bro.. when u are transfering ur sand over from the old to the new, you will stir up alot of detritus which will pollute the water.. i think it maybe safer to do let the water run a couple of days and test the parameters to ensure it's all good to transfer the LS over.. just my 2 cents worth..

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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is it necessary to cycle? cos all the rocks are actually live and been years . correct me if im wrong the purpose of cycling is to cultivate bacteria but if since all my LR are live....

any recomendation below like 50?? cos recently really spend too much on this already...

You can also consider buying NSW ? Just top up with some salt to increase the salinty or you can get them delivered to your place.

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i think i will fill half of the 4 ft tank with salt mix water . for sand i will be using the sand which will be giving to me together with the tank .

than let it run a few days and test the parameter before adding LS into the tank.

anyway anyone knows how much will it cost for the lfs to deliver nsw to your placE?? for a 4 footer.

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