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anyone seen red grape algae (Botryocladia sp.) - want to try if will survive in my setup.

coral farm has like... unlimited supply of this algae all year round.

iwarna may have too

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ETA of the hawaii shipment? late or early afternoon?

please bring down a paper and pen.. and help to list as many fishes as possible.. heee

and can help me check on availabilty and price of Powder Black Tang and colorful reef safe starfishes.. heee

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  • Senior Reefer

At ahbeng, we are the catching the fish we want to buy, how sbout in cf, can we catch the fish or we need to ask d auntie?

ask aunty.

certain tanks she doesn't like the water to be mixed.

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  • Senior Reefer

carribean this friday @ reborn.

Swissguard Basslet - pair, non-pair

Seminole Goby - Microgobius carri

Blue Goby - Loglossus calliurus

Thorny Oyster

Gold Banded Shrimp

Clingfish - Arcos rubiginosus

Snow Bass - Serranus chionaraia

Lantern Bass - Serranus baldwini

Yellowline Goby - Gobiosoma horsti

Barsnout Goby - Gobiasoma sp.

Rockcut Goby - Gobisoma grosvenori

Eyelash Blenny - Parablennius marmoreus

Grey Angel - M,L

Blue Angel - S,M,L

French Angel - S,M,L

Argi Angel

Queen Angel - S,M,L

Rock Beauty Angel

Blackcap Basslet

Harlequin Bass - Serranus trigrinus

Royal Gramma

Sailfin Blenny

Triplefin Blenny - Enneanectes altivelis

Arrow Crab

Decorator Crab

Emerald Crab

Blue-leg Hermit Crab

Scarlet Reef Hermit

Blue Reef Chromis

Jewel Damsel

Masked Goby - Coryphopferus personatus

Neon Goby

Rusty Goby

Sharknose Goby - Gobiosoma evelynae

Tiger Goby - Gobiosoma macrodon

Yellowhead Jawfish

Discosoma sanctithomae

Green Ricordea

Blue Green Ricordea

Orange Ricordea

Red Head Goby

Peppermint Shrimp

Blue Tang - S,M,L

Flame Cardinal - Apogon maculatus

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carribean this friday @ reborn.

Swissguard Basslet - pair, non-pair

Seminole Goby - Microgobius carri

Blue Goby - Loglossus calliurus

Thorny Oyster

Gold Banded Shrimp

Clingfish - Arcos rubiginosus

Snow Bass - Serranus chionaraia

Lantern Bass - Serranus baldwini

Yellowline Goby - Gobiosoma horsti

Barsnout Goby - Gobiasoma sp.

Rockcut Goby - Gobisoma grosvenori

Eyelash Blenny - Parablennius marmoreus

Grey Angel - M,L

Blue Angel - S,M,L

French Angel - S,M,L

Argi Angel

Queen Angel - S,M,L

Rock Beauty Angel

Blackcap Basslet

Harlequin Bass - Serranus trigrinus

Royal Gramma

Sailfin Blenny

Triplefin Blenny - Enneanectes altivelis

Arrow Crab

Decorator Crab

Emerald Crab

Blue-leg Hermit Crab

Scarlet Reef Hermit

Blue Reef Chromis

Jewel Damsel

Masked Goby - Coryphopferus personatus

Neon Goby

Rusty Goby

Sharknose Goby - Gobiosoma evelynae

Tiger Goby - Gobiosoma macrodon

Yellowhead Jawfish

Discosoma sanctithomae

Green Ricordea

Blue Green Ricordea

Orange Ricordea

Red Head Goby

Peppermint Shrimp

Blue Tang - S,M,L

Flame Cardinal - Apogon maculatus

Seems like a very big shipment!!

Masked Goby - Coryphopferus personatus!!!

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  • Senior Reefer

Seems like a very big shipment!!

Masked Goby - Coryphopferus personatus!!!

yes a very big shipment from the carribean featuring many unique goby species.

a unique twist of events, as carribean shipmens usually feature large angels and butterflies, like queen, blue, rock beauty, spotfin butterfly and four eye.

this shipment provides not only those staples, but boast of a wide variety of gobies.

thumbs up.

goby nuts prepare to blow your brains out.

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yes a very big shipment from the carribean featuring many unique goby species.

a unique twist of events, as carribean shipmens usually feature large angels and butterflies, like queen, blue, rock beauty, spotfin butterfly and four eye.

this shipment provides not only those staples, but boast of a wide variety of gobies.

thumbs up.

goby nuts prepare to blow your brains out.

any small, sand-sifting goby here?

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  • SRC Member

Bandit angel at LCK.... :rip:

Tail spot belnny,

Fuzzy lion fish (could have Id worngly) unique seldom seen before

ABT (adult size)

Passer angel (adult size)

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