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peacemaker's pico tank~


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Hi guys! I fell in love with the Dymax IQ3 when I first laid eyes on it, and bought one during Aquarama '09. It was a really small and neat acrylic tank with an IOS (my fav filtration system), plus a simple hang-on LED light. Everything was just slick.

I initially wanted it to be filled with zoas, but I struggled with the thought of it being too small, and the lights seem to be insufficient for zoas, so I ended up selling it away. I felt at that time that perhaps this was an impulsive buy.

Then, an offer came along that I was able to get a brand new IQ3 at the price I sold it off, so I grabbed the chance, bought it and set it up. The thoughts of "keep it simple" kept ringing in my head, and I just wanted a pico filled with mushrooms. I've swapped the filter sponge with Bio-homme and picked a rock (both from my office tank), so I skipped the cycling period. I've also changed the stock light (all white LEDs) to the marine version (thanks Jacky). I started with some red mushrooms (courtesy of bro iceman) and a common orange yuma.

It was opening up nicely and doing very well, so I thought, maybe I should make this a yuma pico instead. The lightings were ideal, since yumas prefer less light. Coincidentally, there were several yuma shipments that came in, and I bought a few and added them to the tank.

This isn't a casualty-free tank though... I lost a Yashia as it decided to carpet surf (it was my pair that I transferred from my office tank), so I brought the remaining one back. Spotted some eviota gobies, but they ended up being a tasty meal for my yumas (they died, and ended up in my yuma's mouth). Keeping a pair of yellow clown gobies at present, but will be giving them away soon. I'm up for suggestions on new fishes, but here's what I have in my stocklist:

2x sexy shirmp

Red mushrooms

8x yumas

1x baby bi-colour ric

1x frag of GSP (courtesy of bro HW33)

Enough of talk, here comes the pics! This isn't much of a scape, and I plan to do something more to it. Open to suggestions.

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Husbandry is weekly water changes with NSW. Until I exhaust my current supply, I'll be switching to salt mix. Daily manual top offs with bottled distilled water (the pet bottle top off system didn't work out very well, but I'm not giving up just yet. Still have some tinkering to do). Temp is managed between 27.5 to 28oC with a tiny fan. I dose 5-in-1 coral food quarter capful weekly, and feed the livestock with pellets and frozen mysis.

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pretty yuma. :thumbsup:

get a pair of homebreed tiny orchid basslet from fuel... very nice and cute

? All my fishes died. Have to wait another 2-3 months. I have neon gobies now but they are so small they will probably go into the overflow of the IQ3.

Always something more important than fish.


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? All my fishes died. Have to wait another 2-3 months. I have neon gobies now but they are so small they will probably go into the overflow of the IQ3.

Oh... :poster_oops: well, to get baby fish you are first one I think of.

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? All my fishes died. Have to wait another 2-3 months. I have neon gobies now but they are so small they will probably go into the overflow of the IQ3.

No worries, bro! With your expertise, your farm will be back to booming!

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I am so gonna setup a IQ3 also... Bro, that blue yumas is totally impossible to keep? How long you had it.. I kept 3 times blue yumas, they melted after a week even with T5s...

My blue yuma is about 2 weeks old in my tank now. It looks far from melting, and in fact, is expanding quite well. I think I'm just fortunate to pick up a healthy specimen. Haven't had such luck with pink yumas though... still looking out for one. :blush:

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Wow the IQ3 club is growing from strength to strength :groupwavereversed:

Personally, my experience with the pico tank has been a pain in the posterior, I was convinced that it is impossible to do anything nice with it (temperature, high evaporation, lighting...). Maybe you could show us more pics of the set up? I'm sure there will be heightened interest in the IQ3 among reefers now that so many of you have come out of hiding to show your tank :P

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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