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Pseudocoris bleekeri.

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Anyone kept this fish before? I found it at ahbeng today. First time seeing this. did not know what it was. At first thought it belonged to the family of lunar wrasse. But after identifying, it is a pseudocoris bleekeri.

Max size 15 cm. anyone kept before? fierce?

it's olive greenish-blue, with leopard spots and a yellow saddle. the fins are outlined in faint pink and yellow. buries in the sand.




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Ok wat 15cm not too big, u can keep it for yourself, a v uncommon wrasse and reefsafe also.

Anyway the B.Chnabaudi swims at bullet speed, itself is shaped like a bullet also. Jux now it yawned and the mouth is so big tat seems like it can easily swallow any small fishes like dartfish and gobies. Think the mitratum will be food to the fish also if i dump it into he main tank!

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  • Senior Reefer

Ok wat 15cm not too big, u can keep it for yourself, a v uncommon wrasse and reefsafe also.

Anyway the B.Chnabaudi swims at bullet speed, itself is shaped like a bullet also. Jux now it yawned and the mouth is so big tat seems like it can easily swallow any small fishes like dartfish and gobies. Think the mitratum will be food to the fish also if i dump it into he main tank!

maybe i will keep it... it looks quite nice.

LOL sell the mitratum!

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maybe i will keep it... it looks quite nice.

LOL sell the mitratum!

I know, i've jux posted a sale thread, hopefully someone will buy from me, else i'll keep it la cos the fishes are actually quite beautiful. Jux afraid the chanabaudi will eat the fish.

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  • Senior Reefer

hm... still can't find any info regarding it's behaviour. i hope it won't be fierce like those coris gaimard etc.

it's sleeping in the sand... with it's head peeking out. should not be too difficult to feed. and i hope the colours retain in my tank...

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  • Senior Reefer

iirc,DD on liveaquaria brought them in sometime back.

from the looks,it seems like a skittish species to me :upsidedown:

hmm....any photos from DD? or any old links or photos?

i don't think its skittish. pseudocoris wrasses are not skittish. they do however, hide in the sand for the first few days like coris, halichoeres and macropharyngodon wrasses.

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  • Senior Reefer

it came out today. swimming around.

omg it's abasolutely beautiful!!! the fin is pink and the body became a bright turqoise blue. it looks way better than those photos. by at least 20x.

i've never seen such a uniquely coloured fish and was so glad i kept it in the end.

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