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D&D H2Ocean salt mix


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from reefdepot,


Using a clean container.

- Add 1 Kg of H2Ocean+ to 24.2 litres of water ( 1 Lb to 2.9 U.S. Gallons)

- Mix well until all of the salt is dissolved and the solution is clear.

for me,

1 box of distilled water = 18L, so i use 750gm of salt but i find the salinity is higher than desired, therefore, i use around 700-720gm

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  • SRC Member

Lol... thanks guys! I'm looking more towards Oni's reply... things that I could quantify without actually measuring it. However, I do not have the Grotech nor NLS containers. Anyone else using more common containers to measure?

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  • SRC Member

Lol... thanks guys! I'm looking more towards Oni's reply... things that I could quantify without actually measuring it. However, I do not have the Grotech nor NLS containers. Anyone else using more common containers to measure?


can use those normal pails (red or blue) in toilet using approximately around the same.

my SG is around 1.024 ~ 1.025 on the mix.

the capacity is around the same.

can use one NLS container for one pail, mix 1 night,then measure,from there onwards can judge how much to use le :yahoo: (thats how i did it for the first time)

any bro with more common containers can chip in

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  • SRC Member

Lol... thanks guys! I'm looking more towards Oni's reply... things that I could quantify without actually measuring it. However, I do not have the Grotech nor NLS containers. Anyone else using more common containers to measure?

i use those Measuring Cup for cooking,can get from DAISO $2 only :lol:

350gram of H2O salt to 10L water about 1.025 salinity.


Too many hobby......too little money!

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i use those Measuring Cup for cooking,can get from DAISO $2 only :lol:

350gram of H2O salt to 10L water about 1.025 salinity.

Pro lah, bro! :bow: I'll pick one up when I visit a Daiso outlet the next time!

It is only in the reefing hobby that you would see guys going for kitchen stuff in stores! (other than chefs & bakers!) :D

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where can i buy h2ocean beside iwarna & reefdepot?



fresh n marine..online store....as far as i know...iwarna is selling at $35 for 6.6kg tub..usual is $45 for 6.6kg

since u stay west side...alternative saltmix of similar quality comparable to D&D is brightwell aquatics at ML..but price wise is higher

end of the day, u cannot have best of both worlds...cheap n good, probably not...reasonable n good..perhaps..

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trying to find the most value for $ salt as i am not dosing any additives/supplements

thanks for the info

get them from the farms...cheapest over there liao...only thing is the distance...

Red sea is the cheapest $15 for 4kg follow by reef crystals at $18 for 4kg...but i tried red sea before...one word to describe it...suk...

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after reading, not gonna use reef crystals as they require addition cal &

maybe will take ur pick D&D or stick to oceanic

oceanic, D&D, Brightwell, TM and ME are better choices...

coralife, RC, redsea, instant ocean...these r avg saltmix

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