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Boxing Shrimp Aggressive?


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1 of my clown's tail has been bitten off

boxing shrimp master piece or pairing aggression?

tankmate: 1 golden angel, 2 black clown, 1 boxing shrimp, 1 turbo snail, 3 nassarius Snail

who is the culprit?

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  • SRC Member

if the shrimp was recently added and no other variable can attribute to the damage, it's likely to be the shrimp. I gave away my CBS long time ago because of it's aggressiveness.

Doesn't look like fin rot as the other fins are fine.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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  • SRC Member

did you notice any agression between your clowns or any other fishes previously ? coz one of my clowns had a similar fate, this time one of the pectoral fins, almost chopped off, but caught in the act, was bitten by the other clown.

25 Gal Micro Ocean

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when purchased, both of them are pretty aggressive in the bag

after introducing to the tank, the aggression is greatly reduced

i dont think is the golden angel

the only possible culprit other than the other clown is the CBS

thankfully both are eating and swimming well

hopefully it will recover asap


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Most like its the clown, not the shrimp... the shrimp may b well known for its aggressiveness, but that is usually only if fish wanders into it's territory... boxer will just snap to just to chase them away, but definitely not damage the tail to such extent....Moreover, the damage is at the upper region of the tail, the boxer usually like to face upwards, which means any attack should be at the bottom part of the clown.

Just based on my experience with my boxer, flase clown n clarkii clown. :)

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thank goodness, i couldn't bear removing the CBS

its really cute to look at

the CBS is cute when small, but when reaches the size like mine, ard 3 inch (head to tail) and feelers as long as 4 inch, it's no longer cute. It's a bully... and close up look like Alien vs Predator!!!! Haha....

Do not put feather duster worm or tube worm, my past exp was CBS love to decapitate them!!!! Mine was being decapitated, the whole head part of my tube worm was severed from the remaining body....tat's how strong their "tongs" are!!! :wacko::eyeblur: But I am still keeping my CBS....still in my tank, strong survival....

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I've had bad experiences with these and i'm quite sure they are the culprit. Though they do not eat on LS...shrimps are known to be territorial. I reckon your clown must have swim within its territories and got nipped.

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