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Banggai Cardinal Care

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  • Senior Reefer

no tips.

this fish is really really easy. especially if they are captive bred.

try to provide some sort of cave or overhang. they like gathering around them.

don't attempt to keep anything but one lone one or a pair. if there are more than 1, they will fight till the death unless they are paired.

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no tips.

this fish is really really easy. especially if they are captive bred.

try to provide some sort of cave or overhang. they like gathering around them.

don't attempt to keep anything but one lone one or a pair. if there are more than 1, they will fight till the death unless they are paired.

it didnt want to take any food.try with brine shrimp but refuse.can it be mix with other fishes too? or just its kind?

mine is not captive breed.


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  • Senior Reefer

it didnt want to take any food.try with brine shrimp but refuse.can it be mix with other fishes too? or just its kind?

mine is not captive breed.


can be mixed with any fish. they are usually v peaceful.

strange it didnt eat brine shrimp? dont feed brine shrimp. feed mysis. its better. brine shrimp is useless.

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  • Senior Reefer

thanx bro..! what a quick reply!!

its hard to find a captive breed here..once they dont eat..they becoming weak n ttc

well anyone here keep banggai here untill they breed?

i had a breeding pair of banggais that spawned very regularly. the male brood the eggs until they are small enough to venture out by themselves.

but never raised the baby to adult hood. no discipline. although its very easy

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Hi ..try to keep this fish before but unsuccess..any guide or tips on how to care this fish?


Some interesting write up... Manual for the Production of the Banggai Cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni, in Hawai‘i


Cheers and Happy Reefing..


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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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In a community aquarium it is not uncommon for the male to abort the spawn before it hatches. If you do wish to save the fry, wait till you can see eye spots in the embroys being mouthbrooded by the male. Then catch out the male. Usually the male would have spit out the eggs by then. If not you can gently pry open its mouth with a soft plastic card and he will spit out all the eggs. You can tumble the eggs with water until they become free swimming fry. Then just feed with enriched baby brine shrimp.

Always something more important than fish.


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anyone managed to keep the fries alive

Saw lots of baby banggai cardinals in GO show tank quite often.. may be can ask Shan how he manage too..... :)


LFS Map in singapore
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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • SRC Member

can be mixed with any fish. they are usually v peaceful.

strange it didnt eat brine shrimp? dont feed brine shrimp. feed mysis. its better. brine shrimp is useless.

ya lo. They usually eat anything leh. Quite greedy wan leh. Lol

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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thanx for all the info.will update the trial.maybe i need more research and maybe theres no luck yet..

mine is greedy as well, takes everthing except pellet. Want to dispose it but can not catch.

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